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81. English Poetry, Second Edition Bibliography: G 706 p. Preliminaries and introductory matter omitted. Gordon, Adam Lindsay,18331870, The Poetical Works of Adam Lindsay Gordon http://collections.chadwyck.co.uk/html/ep2/bibliography/g.htm | |
82. Free EBooks - Alphabetical List - GLOBUSZ PUBLISHING Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 18331870. Poems Of Adam Lindsay Gordon. Gordon, IrwinLeslie, 1887-, Editor. Who Was Who 5000 BC - 1914 Biographical Dictionary of http://www.globusz.com/authors_g.asp | |
83. Poets Australia - Adam Lindsay Gordon - Australian Poet - Photos, Art, Music Australian Poet, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Images, Photos and Music showing AustralianLifestyles. Wolf and Hound Adam Lindsay Gordon 1833 1870 http://www.imagesaustralia.com/adamlindsaygordon.htm | |
84. Author Notes - Adam Lindsay Gordon, Book, Etext Notes on Author. Adam Lindsay Gordon. 1833 1870. Adam Lindsay Gordon was bornin 1833 at Fayal in the Azores, the son of an officer in the English army. http://whitewolf.newcastle.edu.au/words/authors/G/GordonAdamLindsay/notes.html | |
85. Adam Lindsay Gordon Adam Lindsay Gordon Poet, Horseman 1833 1870. We are currently preparing ashort profile. Please return again soon, or email us if you would like to be http://www.whitehat.com.au/Australia/People/Gordon.asp | |
86. [minstrels] From The Wreck -- Adam Lindsay Gordon What was she worth? How much for her hide? She had never worn shoes. AdamLindsay Gordon Mallika Biography Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 1870) http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1278.html | |
87. WOLF AND HOUND By Adam Lindsay Gordon WOLF AND HOUND by Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 1870). The hills like giants ata hunting lay Chin upon hand, to see the game at bay. Browning. http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/gordonal/poetry/wolfhound.html | |
88. HOW WE BEAT THE FAVOURITE By Adam Lindsay Gordon HOW WE BEAT THE FAVOURITE by Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 1870). A LAY OF THELOAMSHIRE HUNT CUP. Aye, squire, said Stevens, they back him at evens; http://www.middlemiss.org/lit/authors/gordonal/poetry/webeatfav.html | |
89. Biographical List Of Names (GOO - GQZ) Compiled By GIGA Adam Lindsay Gordon, Australian poet (1833 1870) - READ QUOTES (2) BUY AMAZONBOOK Adoniram J. Gordon, American clergyman (1836 - 1895) - BUY AMAZON http://www.giga-usa.com/quotes/lists/qubiogoo.htm | |
90. Adam Lindsay Gordon Adam Lindsay Gordon 1833 1870. Quote from the introduction of the book ThePoetical Works of Adam Lindsay Gordon published about 1912 http://australianpoems.tripod.com/gordon.html | |
91. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (G) 1923 Present. We regret we have not completed our entry yet. Please come backanother day. Gordon, Adam Lindsay (Gordon, Adam Lindsay ). 1833 - 1870. http://www.litdict.com/php/speople.php?no=150&golist=true&init=G |
92. Biography Books Information. Dial A Book Sydney 8vo hardcover 217pp index. very good / very good d/w. Keywords Gordon AdamLindsay 1833 1870 Adam Lindsay Gordon poetry poets biography Price $18.00 http://dialabook.com.au/local/17/8 | |
93. 1833 In History Benjamin Harrison 1833 1893 John James Ingalls 1833 - 1900 Robert Green Ingersoll1833 - 1899 Adam Lindsay Gordon 1833 - 1870 Alfred Nobel 1833 - 1896 Hannah http://brainyhistory.com/years/1833.html | |
94. The Thylazine Foundation Pty Ltd: Arts, Ethics & Literature: Australian Artists Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 1870). Insert biographical details. Insert PostalAddress. The poet can be contacted at Email Insert Email Go to the Poet s http://www.thylazine.org/directory/directg/ | |
95. Thoroughbred Village by Adam Lindsay Gordon (1833 1870). A LAY OF THE LOAMSHIRE HUNT CUP. Aye,squire, said Stevens, they back him at evens; The race is all over, http://www.thoroughbredvillage.com.au/Poet6.html |
96. List Of Australian Poets - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Peter Goldsworthy (1951); William T. Goodge (1862-1909); Adam LindsayGordon (1833-1870); JW Gordon (1874-1949); Alan Gould (1949-); Paul Grano (1894-) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Australian_poets |
97. ATtheHEARTofIT: Quote Of The Day Kindness in another s trouble, courage in your own. Adam Lindsay (Lionel Gordon)Gordon (18331870). quote_of_the_day_clear_button.jpg. http://www.attheheartofit.com/quote_of_the_day/index.html | |
98. Activities Adam Lindsay Gordon, Ye Wearie Wayfarer 1833 1870 + If my hands are fullyoccupied in holding onto something, I can neither give nor receive. http://www.st-james-piccadilly.org/html/activities.html | |
99. Author Adam Lindsay Gordon, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive The Australian Scenery. Adam Lindsay Gordon 1833 1870 Adam Lindsay Gordon Bornin 1833 at Fayel in the Azores. Son of an Officer in the English Army. http://www.oldpoetry.com/author/Adam Lindsay Gordon | |
100. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Author - Index - Gordon, Adam Lindsay, 1833-1870 Copyright© 19711998 Project Gutenberg PROMO.NET - All rights reserved.Web Site Designed and Administered by Pietro Di Miceli http://database.delphi.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_gordon_adam_lindsay_. | |
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