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61. Index Old Yorkshire, Volume II, Second Series. A.Adamson,; Bedfordshire,; Bellasis, Richard,; Bell, Currer,; Bell Inscription,;Bernard, St., (2); Berwick,; Beverley, (2) http://blunham.com/CDroms/Indexes/OldYorks2Vol3.html | |
62. History Today: The Educational Archive Of Articles, News And Study Aids For Teac Currer Bell is Dead! Yearlong exhibition commemorating the 150th anniversaryof the death of Charlotte Bronte. 1st February - 31st December 2005 http://www.historytoday.com/dm_linkinternal.asp?amid=18158 |
63. BiblioForum: Forum Emily Bronte: Sturmhöhe - Vorwort Von Currer Bell Zu Wutheri BiblioForum Emily Bronte Sturmhöhe Vorwort von Currer Bell zu Wuthering Heights. http://www.biblioforum.de/forum/read.php?f=16&i=85&t=85 |
64. BiblioForum: Forum Emily Bronte: Sturmhöhe - Wer Ist Dieser Currer Bell? Vorwort von Currer Bell zu Wuthering Heights Neu http://www.biblioforum.de/forum/read.php?f=16&i=86&t=85 |
65. Charlotte Bronte S Notes On The Search for books by Charlotte Bronte alias Currer Bell. Books, Popular Music,Classical Music, Video. THE JOLLY ROGER FLAGSHIP OF THE WWW RENAISSANCE http://jollyroger.com/xlibrary/CharlotteBrontesNotesBC/CharlotteBrontesNotesBC1. | |
66. Biblion - Inspiration In Volumes - Rare And Antiquarian Books Online BRONTE, CHARLOTTE writing as Currer Bell.. The Professor. To which are addedThe Poems of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell now first collected. http://biblion.com/searchresults.php?searchby=title&qsearch=POEMS+CURRER+ELLIS+A |
67. Lost Books (Meisterco Limited) At Antiqbook.co.uk 15787 Bell, DANA US Airforce Colours 1926-1942 15550 Bell, Currer (CHARLOTTEBRONTE) - Shirley, A Tale 14540 Bell, N - Heroes of Discovery in South http://www.antiqbook.co.uk/boox/los/books3000.shtml | |
68. Jane Eyre Av Bell, Currer, Bronte, Charlotte, Oates, Joyce Carol Bokrecensioner för boken Jane Eyre av Bell, Currer, Bronte, Charlotte, Oates,Joyce Carol. http://www.bokrecensioner.se/0553211404 | |
69. Jane Eyre Av Bell, Currer, Bronte, Charlotte, Oates, Joyce Carol Bokrecensioner för boken Jane Eyre av Bell, Currer, Bronte, Charlotte, Oates,Joyce Carol. http://www.bokrecensioner.se/088103214X | |
70. Data22 Bell, Currer, Ellis, and Acton Pseudonyms, Poems, 1508, 1846. Bell, Robert,The Annotated edition of the English poets Poetical works of John Dryden http://www.library.org.au/data22.htm | |
71. The Crossword Solvers - Authors And Writers Page Bronte, Charlotte, pseudonym Bell, Currer, 21/Apr/1816, Yorkshire, England,31/Mar/1855. Bronte, Emily Jane, pseudonym Bell, Ellis, 30/Jul/1818 http://www.microwiz.digitalbridgeway.com/famous_people/writers.htm | |
72. 10 E Lode In Inglese Bell, Ellis see Brontë, Emily. Bell, Currer see Brontë, Charlotte. Blair, EricArthur see Orwell, George. Blake, William (1757 1827) http://www.ecstore.it/negozio/linguesch/10loding_autori.htm | |
73. Project BookRead - FREE Online Book: Poems By Currer, Ellis, And Acton Bell. FREE Online Book Poems by Currer, Ellis, And Acton Bell. Currer, ELLIS, ANDACTON Bell. (Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte) PILATE S WIFE S DREAM. http://tanaya.net/Books/brntp10/ | |
74. Rare Books - PBA Galleries, Auctions & Appraisers Bell, Currer (Bronte, Charlotte). Sketches of Boz and Little Dorrit, Dickens,Charles. Smoke Bellew, London, Jack. Smoke Bellew, London, Jack http://www.pbagalleries.com/archives/online/archive_lit5.php | |
75. The Bookshop, Inc.: SHIRLEY, A NOVEL. By Brontë, Charlotte ("Currer Bell"). New York Carleton, 1866,Later edition, brown cloth, 572 pages. Lightly cocked, rear joint starting......Author Brontë, Charlotte ( Currer Bell ). http://www.bookshopinc.com/cgi-bin/bsp455/181709.html | |
76. Wuthering Heights (Ellis Bell is Emily Bronte.) (Acton Bell is Anne Bronte.) (Currer Bell isCharlotte Bronte.) IT HAS BEEN thought that all the works published under the http://etext.library.adelaide.edu.au/b/bronte/emily/b869w/chap0.html | |
77. Works their poems into a collection of poetry called Poems by Currer, Ellis, andActon Bell. Currer, Ellis, and Acton were the aliases used by the sisters to http://homepages.bw.edu/~mbirming/works.html | |
78. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - P AKA Bell, Currer _ Bell, Ellis _ Bell, Acton, pseudonymns ADD. AUTHOR Bronte,Emily Jane, 18181848 _ Bronte, Anne, 1820-1849 LANGUAGE English http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_p5.html | |
79. PROJECT GUTENBERG - Catalog By Title - B AKA Bell, Currer _ Bell, Ellis _ Bell, Acton, pseudonymns LANGUAGE EnglishSUBJECT Biography Bronte family NOTES 1 PG ENTRY 771 POSTING DATE Jan http://www.informika.ru/text/books/gutenb/gutind/TEMP/i-_b4.html | |
80. Newby And Bronte He bought newspaper ads that implied that Currer , Ellis, and Acton Bell werethe same person, an idea that persisted for some time at first independently http://chnm.gmu.edu/ematters/issue8/lathbury/lathbury_body.htm | |
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