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61. Great Zimbabwe This complex of ruins from which the modern nation of zimbabwe took its name is A Letter on Indonesian contributions to the culture that built Great http://www.scholars.nus.edu.sg/landow/post/zimbabwe/art/greatzim/gz1.html | |
62. Afrika.no - The Index On Africa - Culture You are here Countries zimbabwe culture Educational site on Shona mbira music of zimbabwe. With workshop and concert calendar and field recordings http://www.afrika.no/index/Countries/Zimbabwe/Culture/ | |
63. Arts And Culture - British Council - Zimbabwe British Council Arts and culture. Or maybe you just want to keep in touch with the latest creativity from the UK and zimbabwe. http://www.britishcouncil.org/zimbabwe-arts-and-culture.htm | |
64. British Council Zimbabwe We have two centres in zimbabwe, where we can offer you advice on UK culture and education. Find out more. WHAT WE DO. We connect people in zimbabwe with http://www.britishcouncil.org/zimbabwe.htm | |
65. Kubatana - Archive - Versions Of Zimbabwe: New Approaches To Literature And Cult Versions of zimbabwe new approaches to literature and culture is a first of its kind in a turbulent historical moment, the book asks questions about how http://www.kubatana.net/html/archive/artcul/050527rmrp.asp?sector=ARTCUL&range_s |
66. Special Collection--South Africa, Zambia & Zimbabwe history, government, economy, and culture of zimbabwe. zimbabwe by Patricia BarnesSvarney Describes the culture, history, geography and government of http://www.cantonpl.org/specialc/safrica.html | |
67. African Studies: Zimbabwe zimbabwe Education, History and culture Great zimbabwe The Literature culture of zimbabwe The Visual Arts. (Prof. George P. Landow et al., http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/indiv/africa/cuvl/Zimhist.html | |
68. Inside.jpg zimbabweÂs culture is mainly seen in the locals who vary from those of Shona  orient, Ndebele and other subÂgroups each having its perculiar values, http://www.airzim.co.zw/country/country.html | |
69. Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenforgalmi International catalogue of culture and tourism. Internationaler kultureller und touristischer Katalog. Nemzetközi kulturális és idegenforgalmi katalógus. http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/zw.html | |
70. Zimbabwe Extended Family Breaking Up In zimbabwe, the cost of living has been escalating since the government of because society no longer shares the same culture, values and religion. http://pangaea.org/street_children/africa/zimba2.htm | |
71. STA Travel And ISIC Travelmax - Destinations: Zimbabwe The first inhabitants of zimbabwe were probably nomadic, adaptable San groups, and slowly transmuting into a culture known as Khoisan. http://travelmax.statravel.co.uk/sisp/?fx=destination&loc_id=131153§ion=cult |
72. Arts & Culture In Zimbabwe & Harare - A Sculptural Tour Of Zimbabwe The wild animals of zimbabwe usually draw visitors to this part of the world, but other creatures here offer equal fascination. http://away.com/tripideas/harare-arts-312681.html | |
73. Mailgate.ORG Web Server: Soc.culture.zimbabwe Mailgate.ORG Web Server newsgroup soc.culture.zimbabwe (culture and other issues pertaining to zimbabwe.) http://mailgate.supereva.com/soc/soc.culture.zimbabwe/ | |
74. Zimbabwe Official web sites of zimbabwe, the capital of zimbabwe, art, culture, history, cities, airlines, embassies, tourist boards and newspapers. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/zimbabwe.htm | |
75. 1Up Travel : Zimbabwe - History And Culture Of Zimbabwe. The History and culture of zimbabwe is really fascinating. Explore it right here. zimbabwe has important cultural traditions that distinguish it from other http://www.1uptravel.com/international/africa/zimbabwe/history-culture.html | |
76. Afromix - The Portal Of African And Caribbean Cultures This server is devoted to the promotion of the AfroCaribbean culture. Envoy named for zimbabwe talks. The African Union appoints Mozambique s http://www.afromix.org/ | |
77. Versions Of Zimbabwe: New Approaches To Literature And Culture Versions of zimbabwe new approaches to literature and culture Edited by Robert Muponde and Ranka Primorac. The Purple Violet of Oshaantu Cover pic Versions http://www.weaverpresszimbabwe.com/lit/versions_of_zim.htm | |
78. Welcome!!! Zimbabwe Tourism Authority Website zimbabwe has rich and diversified cultural beliefs, which blends very well with such wonders as the mighty Victoria Falls. Comparably to the rest of Africa, http://www.zimbabwetourism.co.zw/destzim/brief/culture.htm | |
79. African Culture Online - African Culture Forums, News, Articles, Photos, Radio - Shona Ndebele are a few of the cultures in zimbabwe. Welcome to African culture Online. We are more than just a news forum weÂre a virtual online http://www.africancultureonline.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=16 |
80. Zimbabwe News Zim Observer News Network Airline Tickets to zimbabwe. THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 2005. BUSINESS SEARCH Recreation culture Restaurants Entertainment Travel http://www.zimobserver.com/directory/dirCat.asp?id=17 |
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