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101. Association Of Yukon Communities Fosters responsible territorial community governments through a united approach to municipal and to community ambitions. Site provides organizational information, resources, links to government and municipalities. http://www.ayc.yk.ca/ |
102. Yukongoldmining.com Explore the world of placer mining by taking a behind the scenes look at the operation of one of the territories' most famous gold miners. http://www.YukonGoldMining.com/ |
103. Government Of Yukon The territorial government's directory of services and departments. Includes news releases, publications, as well as information on tourism and travel, facts, and employment opportunities. http://www.gov.yk.ca/ | |
104. Yukon Education Student Network - Yukon Public Schools Listing of all territorial school web pages. Includes email addresses. http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/ | |
105. Yukon Territory (Canada) Local Government Municipal Web Sites Links to municipal web sites in the territory with clickable maps and lists. http://www.oultwood.com/localgov/canada/yukon.htm | |
106. Yukon Regional Office - Index - Indian And Northern Affairs Canada Supports political and economic development through the management of federal interests and promotes sustainable development of northern communities. Contact information and resource links. http://www.inac.gc.ca/yt/ | |
107. Yukon Prospectors' Association Organization to promote and support local prospecting and cordial business relations among its members. Includes meeting times, metal prices, hall of fame, and contact information. http://north-land.com/ypa/ | |
108. Yukon First Nations Tourism Association An industry driven association that is run by a board of directors made up of First Nation tourism business owners. Contains past and present information and contact summaries for the 14 First Nation bands. http://www.yfnta.org/ | |
109. Squash Yukon Home Resource site for local players. Tournament information, newsletters, player rankings, and photos of the yukon Squash League. http://www.whitehorse.microage.ca/squashyukon/ | |
110. Yukon Science Institute Site to promote public awareness in science activities in the territory, and to aid and facilitate scientific research and development. Contains information on lectures, activities, and membership. http://www.taiga.net/ysi/ | |
111. Yukon - Alaska - Northern B.C. - NWT Photo Gallery Offers hundreds of photos and panoramics of the regions and towns in the territory. Includes a weekly featured photo. http://www.yukoninfo.com/photogallery/ | |
112. Canadian Cancer Society/Société Canadienne Du Cancer Peer support, cancer information, summer camps, information on obtaining financial aid, and other programs are offered. Information on current research, patient trials, and volunteering. http://www.bc.cancer.ca/ | |
113. Yukon Wide Adventures Oder Die Lust Auf Abenteuer Anbieter von Wildnistouren zu allen Jahreszeiten. Beschreibung der Touren, des angebotenen Transfers und Verleihm¶glichkeiten. Tipps f¼rs Verhalten in der Wildnis und Informationen zur Region. http://www.yukonabenteuer.de/ | |
114. Yukon Legislative Assembly Website - Members Of The Legislative Assembly Provides information and party affiliation of MLAs elected. Includes complete contact information for all elected officials. http://www.gov.yk.ca/leg-assembly/mlas/ | |
115. Willkommen Auf Der Homapage Von Kay Gottschalk Einige Bilder aus Alaska und yukon, Island und Finnland. http://www.kaygottschalk.de/ | |
116. Kayak Yukon - Paddling Information For Canada's Yukon Territory With River Level Information on paddling in Canada's yukon Territory, with river levels, descriptions, pictures and video, coming events and coverage, weather, yukon Canoe and Kayak Club newsletters, and some trip info from kayaking in Chile, Ecuador, and Nepal! http://www.kayak.yk.ca/ | |
117. Go Yukon Downloadable vacation planning guide. Offers links to accommodations, travel, and tours. http://www.goyukon.com/ | |
118. Lower Yukon Schools (Mountain Village) Curriculum guide, job vacancies, technology information, staff directory, and school sites. http://www.lysd.gcisa.net/lysd/default.htm |
119. British Columbia And Yukon Skipping Association News and information about the official policies of the BCYSA and about rope jumping in general. http://www.bcysa.net/ | |
120. Jazz Yukon: Whitehorse 2005 - 2006 Season Society to develop, promote and present jazz by developing an integrated program of live presentations, and educational opportunities through collaboration and coproduction with community arts groups, music educators, local governments and local businesses. Site includes schedule for Whitehorse and community performances. http://www.jazzyukon.ca/ | |
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