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Yukon Culture: more detail | ||||||
81. Yukon Science Institute yukon Business, Tourism culture Cultural Services Branch The yukon Science its major funding this year from the yukon s Cultural Services Branch. http://www.taiga.net/ysi/partners.html | |
82. Correlation: Yukon Curriculum Documents/NFCS Correlation Between the yukon Curriculum Documents Approach to L2 Teaching mistakes being tolerated, language being bound to culture, the students who http://www.caslt.org/research/yukon.htm | |
83. YUKON. BUSINESS, TOURISM AND CULTURE , Provide tourism information for yukon Territory.......yukon. BUSINESS, TOURISM AND culture. Suggest an Update Suggest VolunteerOpportunity http://haldimand.cioc.ca/details.asp?RSN=17335&Number=16 |
84. Yukon Community Profiles Marsh Lake but is also an amalgamation of many yukon First Nation culture groups . The First Nation is busy with cultural events related to children. http://www.yukoncommunities.yk.ca/communities/whitehorse/fn/ | |
85. The Social Life Of Stories: Narrative And Knowledge In The Yukon Territory By St Roots Grow in Jackpine Roots culture, History and Narrative Practice inthe yukon, of culture and expressions of belonging in yukon communities. http://www.utpjournals.com/product/utq/691/stories130.html | |
86. Canadopedia : Yukon Territory Culture And Arts Canadopedia yukon Territory culture and Arts. Cultural Centers. Cyberculture.Dance. Education and Training. Employment. Events. Ezines http://www.canadopedia.com/yukon-territory/culture-and-arts/ | |
87. Government Of Yukon - Department Of Education - Heritage Workers Heritage Workers Preserve Our culture, Community Training Funds. Steam LocomotiveConservation Photo © Government of yukon The Heritage Training Fund http://www.education.gov.yk.ca/advanceded/ctf/ctf_heritage.html | |
88. Ubcpress.ca :: University Of British Columbia Press The History of Bird Study in the yukon Birds in Aboriginal culture and Historyyukon Birds through the Seasons Bird Conservation in the yukon http://www.ubcpress.ca/search/title_book.asp?BookID=2857 |
89. Civilization.ca - A History Of The Native People Of Canada - Northwestern Palaeo Technological similarities between Northwestern PalaeoArctic culture and The earliest site in the northern yukon to produce microblades and burins has http://www.civilization.ca/archeo/hnpc/npvol03e.html | |
90. Histoire & Culture culture autochtone . Il arrive au yukon en 1867 pour évaluer la possibilité d y établir un http://www.tourismeyukon.com/WH/wh_histoire.htm | |
91. Cultural Resources Of Yukon-Charley National Preserve yukonCharley Rivers National Preserve (YUCH) is situated in east-central on the yukon river and the geological and paleontological history and cultural http://www.nps.gov/akso/akarc/cr_yuch.htm | |
92. Your Gateway To The Circumpolar North - ExploreNorth Resources for Alaska, the yukon Territory, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. http://www.explorenorth.com/ | |
93. CultureCanada.gc.ca: History - Yukon Government programs and services related to history in yukon. http://www.culturecanada.gc.ca/chdt/interface/interface2.nsf/engdocBasic/21.14.9 | |
94. Kluane First Nation - History & Culture Lists the amenities available in Historic Burwash Landing, YT Canada and otherservices along the Kluane corridor of the Alaska Highway. http://kfnyukon.com/hist.html | |
95. Yukon Arts Centre in planning and assisting the growth of yukon s cultural economy. and keepinformed of cultural development in downtown Whitehorse and on the http://www.yukonartscentre.org/yac.htm | |
96. Secrétariat National à L'alphabétisation - Financement De Projets 2001-2002 CulturalIndustries Curriculum Developement Project. yukon College entend établir un http://www.rhdcc.gc.ca/asp/passerelle.asp?hr=/fr/pip/daa/sna/Financement/2001-02 |
97. Yukon Adventure Company - Cultural & Historical Adventures Look no further than the yukonÂs wealth of museums, cultural centres and otherattractions. With help from the yukon Adventure Company, youÂll find it easy http://www.yukonadventures.com/adventures/culturalhistorical-s.html | |
98. Movable Cultural Property Program Location Home Movable Cultural Property Program - What are Designated Institutions yukon Archives, Whitehorse; yukon Arts Centre Gallery, Whitehorse http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/mcp-bcm/design/yukon_e.cfm | |
99. Arctic Explorer Tour - Cultural Wildlife Wilderness Travel Tour Of Arctic Alaska Arctic Explorer Tour small group arctic sightseeing cultural wildlife wildernessvacation travel tour of Alaska yukon Northwest Territories Barrow http://www.adventurealaskatours.com/arcticintro.htm | |
100. Cultural Life (from Yukon Territory) -- Encyclopædia Britannica Cultural life (from yukon Territory) Cultural life is dominated by modern media.Satellite communication has made North American television available http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-43259 | |
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