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101. Index.html From Athens King Peter and his government went to Jerusalem and then Cairo. Finally King Peter II established the Yugoslav government in exile in London. http://www.royalfamily.org/family/hrhcpa_bio.htm | |
102. Online NewsHour: War On The Web -- March 29, 1999 And the Yugoslav government has its own Web site in which it describes what There was a passage of a draconian media law by the Yugoslav government back http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/europe/jan-june99/media_3-29.html | |
103. Online NewsHour: Three U.S. Soliders Released -- May 2, 1999 The Yugoslav government s news agency, Tanjug, said the release was a good will gesture in support of Rev. Jackson s efforts. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/europe/jan-june99/pows_5-1.html | |
104. The Tribunal [ Printer Version ] The Yugoslav government s cooperation with the Tribunal improved slightly before the The Yugoslav government began debate on a new law to allow for full http://www.hrcberkeley.org/specialprojects/avillagedestroyed/printer_tribunal.ht | |
105. Tito And His People By Howard Fast (4) Confidentially, the Yugoslav government officials will concede that Mikhailovich In March, 1943, the Yugoslav government in London, officially, http://www.trussel.com/hf/tito4.htm | |
106. RW ONLINE:Yugoslavia: Rat Out...Rat In Meanwhile, the US worked to destabilize the Yugoslav government from within. In addition to the hidden CIA operations, money was openly sent to Yugoslav http://rwor.org/a/v22/1070-79/1074/yugo.htm | |
107. RW ONLINE:Yugoslavia: Stop The Cops Of The World The Yugoslav government has reported that a thousand people died in the first After 1989, the Yugoslav government increased the oppression of Albanian http://rwor.org/a/v21/1005-009/1008/balkan.htm | |
108. NO "LIBERATION ARMY"Â CROATION GENERAL COMMANDS KLA According to reports in the Yugoslav media, the Yugoslav government believed that KLA operations were being carried out by mercenaries trained in Bosnia. http://www.jdo.org/klf.htm | |
109. Page Redirect To poll (zondazh) the Yugoslav government regarding joint action with the USSR To clarify the position of the Yugoslav government on establishing http://wwics.si.edu/index.cfm?topic_id=1409&fuseaction=library.document&id=199 |
110. Cooperative Analysis Of Aspects Of The Kosova/Kosovo Conflict Albanians and the Yugoslav government began to deteriorate noticeably. to their increasing political marginalization by the Yugoslav government, http://shr.aaas.org/kosovo/pk/p1_1.html | |
111. AAAS - Report On Science And Human Rights This implies that Yugoslav government forces were the likely perpetrators, and other evidence exists to support this conclusion. http://shr.aaas.org/report/xxii/2_icty.htm | |
112. Chronology Of The Balkan Peace Process Nasa Borba reports that the rump Yugoslav government has proposed The rump Yugoslav government votes to lift sanctions against the Republika Srpska. http://archive.tol.cz/BalkanPeace/Chronology/Chron.V02N06.html | |
113. NATO & Kosovo: Kosovo One Year On - Background To The Crisis It is clear the Yugoslav government never seriously sought a negotiated peace at Rambouillet. Even while the discussions continued, the Yugoslav military http://www.nato.int/kosovo/repo2000/backgrou.htm | |
114. Human Rights Internet - The Human Rights Databank The Yugoslav government on 23 June adopted the decree, which formalizes full The government contends that international covenants trump Yugoslav law in http://www.hri.ca/doccentre/docs/Milosevic.shtml | |
115. Call For Action However, the organization remains concerned the Yugoslav government has not announced that it will provide for a genuine civilian alternative to military http://bocs.hu/beke/felhivas-a.htm | |
116. Islam Online- News Section Yugoslav Telecommunication Minister Boris Tadic said the government was There is no doubt that the DOS has majority in the Yugoslav government, http://www.islamonline.net/English/News/2001-06/22/article16.shtml | |
117. Balkan Peace Team Report, October 1999 They also stated that the war between the Yugoslav government and the Kosovar Albanians was considered internal and therefore, international conventions http://www.peacebrigades.org/bpt/bpt99-09.html | |
118. WashingtonPost.com: Balkans Report -- Overview The Yugoslav government forces are mostly ethnic Serbs. But the Yugoslav government  led by President Slobodan Milosevic, a hardline Serb nationalist http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/overview/overview.ht | |
119. Infoshop.org News Kiosk - The Empire's New Clothes - NATO's War In Yugoslavia (1 She did not work for the Yugoslav government. If the soiled blue notebook we found outside the destroyed sanatorium where she was a patient is an indication http://www.infoshop.org/news5/nato1.html | |
120. SECURITY COUNCIL, IN PRESIDENTIAL STATEMENT, CONDEMNS VIOLENCE BY ETHNIC ALBANIA encouraged by the ongoing dialogue between NATO and the Yugoslav government. Swift implementation of the plan by the Yugoslav government to achieve a http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2001/sc7026.doc.htm | |
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