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21. Top Requested Volunteer Opportunities Interest in mentoring elementary, middle and high school youth (ages 8 18). Research has shown that mentoring provides youth with positive assets that http://www.servicelearning.msu.edu/Youth Mentoring.htm | |
22. NCSET Topic On Youth Mentoring: Introduction This topic explores how mentoring provided to youth by caring adults can help youth youth mentoring involves the pairing of youth with caring adults, http://www.ncset.org/topics/mentoring/?topic=32 |
23. Youth Mentoring Program The Madison House youth mentoring Program works with youth at several local schools, agencies and programs. Contact the Program Directors http://scs.student.virginia.edu/~madison/youthmentoring.html | |
24. Mentoring: Information On Mentoring And Youth Mentoring Programs Find information on mentoring for parents and professionals. Various articles and reports covers youth mentoring programs, the benefits of mentoring, http://www.cfw.tufts.edu/topic/3/72.htm | |
25. Mentoring: Information On Mentoring And Youth Mentoring Programs findings of a Child Trends study done on ten youth mentoring review programs. Conclusions include that mentoring can enhance positive youth development. http://www.cfw.tufts.edu/viewsite.asp?categoryid=3&topicid=72&site=127 |
26. AmeriCorps The AmeriCorps Foster youth mentoring Project at Santa Ana College encourages students to mentor foster youth from Orange County Social Services. http://www.sac.edu/students/support_services/student_handbook/americorps.htm | |
27. AmeriCorps The Foster Youth Mentoring Project graphic helping hand The AmeriCorps Foster youth mentoring Project at Santa Ana College encourages students to mentor foster youth from Orange County http://www.sac.edu/students/support_services/americorps/americorps.htm | |
28. Home Provides employment services and youth mentoring programs. Career and educational planning, job search and placement, academic tutoring. http://www.theydc.org | |
29. AAHD American Association On Health And Disability | Program Resources PROFESSIONALS VISUAL IMPAIRMENT youth mentoring. Best Practices for youth mentoring (click on project summary link for a detailed PDF file) http://www.aahd.us/research/BestPractices/youthMentoring.htm | |
30. SAGE Publications - Handbook Of Youth Mentoring Handbook of youth mentoring Edited by Trim Size 7 x 10 . Subject Areas. Adolescence. -Youth Work. -Community Family Issues in Education http://www.sagepub.com/book.aspx?pid=10596 |
31. SAGE Publications - Handbook Of Youth Mentoring Countless more youth are impacted by mentoring relationships that develop through The Handbook of youth mentoring provides the first scholarly and http://www.sagepub.com/printerfriendly.aspx?pid=10596&ptype=B |
32. Supporting Our Youth Mentoring Criteria for Involvement in Supporting Our youth mentoring and Housing for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Youth Application Process I. Community Mentoring http://www.contactpoint.ca/resources/mentor/soytable.html | |
33. Supporting Our Youth Mentoring Supporting Our youth mentoring Policy and Procedure Manual Community mentoring does not involve having the youth live with the community mentor, http://www.contactpoint.ca/resources/mentor/soyman4.html | |
34. Youth Mentoring youth mentoring programs for churches with indepth instructions. http://www.parentingministry.org/Youth_Mentoring.htm | |
35. W.I.S.E. Youth Mentoring Program Est. 2005 Click on our logo for our WISE Youth website on the go! welcome_train.gif. to the official website for WISE Youth. CLICK HERE FOR COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY http://lt.tripod.com/tr/directory/_h_/members.tripod.com/wiseyouthbx/ | |
36. Calaveras County Office Of Education - Youth Mentoring Program Calaveras County Office of Education youth mentoring Program. http://www.ccoe.k12.ca.us/mentor.htm | |
37. Work Force - Youth Mentoring A youth mentoring Career Curriculum is a curriculum designed to assist mentors and mentees in recognizing the behaviors that support a successful mentoring http://www.extension.psu.edu/workforce/Materials/Mentoring.html |
38. Enymo Seeks to encourage responsible volunteers for youth mentoring projects in Europe. http://www.encymo.org/ | |
39. About MCHRD: Youth Mentoring Program youth mentoring Program University of Michigan Health System Human Resources 2901 Hubbard, Suite 1400 Ann Arbor, MI 481092435 Phone 734-936-8710 http://www.med.umich.edu/mchrd/depinfo/youth_goals.htm | |
40. About MCHRD: Youth Mentoring Program youth mentoring Program 734936-8710. Expectations of the Student. To cooperate and maintain a relationship with a mentor; To maintain a good standing grade http://www.med.umich.edu/mchrd/depinfo/youth_exp.htm | |
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