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21. On The Question Of Integrating idea of young adult literature existing separate from literature in general. Another thing that frosts Crutcher about young adult literature is that http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/spring97/s97-05-Davis.html | |
22. ALAN Review - Spring 1999 Volume 26, Number 3 The lack of a presence, in general, of young adult literature in the curriculum alarmed me greatly, and the absence of recently published titles cause me http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/ALAN/spring99/brown.html | |
23. Owens Library Middle School & Young Adult Literature WWW Resources A good page for someone seeking information on young adult literature, This is an excellent page to find resources such as general education and http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/courses/education2/youth.htm | |
24. Owens Library Middle School Literature Sources The indexing includes books by author, books by year, and a general index. young adult literature The Heart of the Middle School Curriculum http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/courses/education2/midlit.html | |
25. ALAN Review: Young Adult Literature, Race, Arts, & Confidence: At-risk Students Full text of the article, young adult literature, Race, Arts, of English classes in general, particularly classes incorporating young adult literature. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200304/ai_n9183647 | |
26. ALAN Review: New Perspectives In Young Adult Literature Full text of the article, New Perspectives in young adult literature from In general, Prater writes that fictionalized or trueto-life characters with http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4063/is_200310/ai_n9253875/pg_2 | |
27. English 394: Young Adult Literature young adult literature Annotated BibliographyCourse Pack. If books could be more, could show more, Try to make these focused rather than general. http://www.public.iastate.edu/~dniday/394syllabuss99.html | |
28. MASL - Children's & Young Adult Literature Links Authors Awards general Professional Resources Related Interests see also young adult Librarian s Help Page http//yahelp.suffolk.lib.ny.us/ http://www.maslibraries.org/resources/links/childlit.html | |
29. University Of Tennessee Libraries: The Center For Children's And Young Adult Lit The Center for Children s and young adult literature general Web Sites. The Children s literature Web Guide The most comprehensive guide to children s http://www.lib.utk.edu/refs/ccyal/noteworthy.html | |
30. Web-Traveller's Toolkit: Essential Kid Lit Websites Among her teaching and research interests are Children s and young adult literature, A good general site for information about Australian literature for http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~dkbrown/general.html | |
31. Template: Drexel University Libraries Resource Guide Children s and young adult literature I need to find general information about children s literature. http://www.library.drexel.edu/resources/guides/childlit.html | |
32. Children's And Young Adult Literature Vandergrift s young adult literature Page Additional links to children s literature, publishing in general, Internet reference, and pictures. http://library.webster.edu/childlit.html | |
33. George B. Brain Education Library - Guide To Information Resources In Education Subject Guide to Children s and young adult literature and young adult authors and illustrators, as well as general information about the field. http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/educ/guide/subject/childrensyalit.htm | |
34. Fogler Library In-House Research Guide Young Adult Literature Those beginning with Ref are in the general reference collection on the 1st floor. Characters in young adult literature. LMCRef Z 1037 A1 G47 1997 http://www.library.umaine.edu/lmc/yalit.htm |
35. Children's Literature @Web English Teacher Children s literature, general Resources An Assortment of young adult literature from YaleNew Haven Teachers Institute http://www.webenglishteacher.com/childlitgen.html | |
36. Children's And Young Adult Literature - UW-Stout LLC young adult literature RESOURCES. Many of the above general children s literature sites include information young adult literature and authors. http://www.uwstout.edu/lib/subjects/childlit.htm | |
37. Oxford University Press: School & Young Adult The young adult department of OUP makes the work of leading scholars but our list also includes science, literature, general reference such as atlases http://www.oup.com/us/corporate/publishingprograms/schoolyoungadult/?view=usa |
38. Oxford University Press: Young Adult Books Advanced Search». You are here OUP USA Home US general Catalog young adult Books A thousand years of English literature http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/YoungAdultBooks/?view=usa |
39. Children's And Young Adult Multicultural Literature Multicultural literature for Children and young Adults A Selected Listing of Books, AfroAmerican literature Sources. general Sources Periodicals http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/srs217.html | |
40. WSU Stewart Library - Research Guide: Young Adult Literature young People s Collection Most of the young adult literature is located on the Books can also be found in the Stewart Library general Collection under http://library.weber.edu/cm/a&h/youngadultlit.cfm | |
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