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41. Yogathérapie s des ©tats induits par cette pratique...... http://auriol.free.fr/Yoga.htm | |
42. Yoga Classes - Hatha Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Prenatal Yoga Offers classes in several styles of yoga, including Hatha, Kundalini, Ashtanga, yoga for women, Bangra dancing, and meditation. Site includes a recipe for yogi tea. http://www.yogayoga.com/ | |
43. Desktop Yoga - Prevention And Healing Of RSI And Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Help Y Simple exercises that can be done in home or office to help prevent RSI and CarpalTunnel Syndrome. http://www.mydailyyoga.com/ | |
44. Associazione Centro Yoga Milano Presenta i corsi organizzati di ogni livello e per ogni fascia di et . Inoltre seminari di Nadayoga, Kirtan, meditazione, lingua Sanscrita tenuti da Gurupujananda Saraswati e da Luisa Lazzarotto. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/3228/centroyoga.html | |
45. Everyday Yoga These, and more Desktop yoga exercises are available to license for use Ellen Serber is available for desktop yoga consultation in your workplace. http://www.mydailyyoga.com/yoga/everyday_yoga.html | |
46. Yoga, Stressbewältigung, Yoga-Unterricht, Yoga-Seminare Kommunikationstraining, yogaurlaub, yogaseminare, yogatraining im Mittelmeer. http://www.yoga-travel.com/ | |
47. Bikram's Yoga College Of India Worldwide school locations, books and tapes, teacher training and information onBikram Choudhury and his teaching methods. http://www.bikramyoga.com/ |
48. Leaving Siddha Yoga Information and testimonials from former members of Siddha yoga (SYDA), describing sexual abuse and other kinds of corruption connected to Muktananda and Gurumayi. http://leavingsiddhayoga.net/ | |
49. Kripalu Center For Yoga And Health - Wellness, Holistic And Spiritual Retreat In Information about residential workshops, professional trainings, and retreats inyoga, holistic health, and selfdiscovery. http://www.kripalu.org/ | |
50. Surat Shabd Yoga - Sant Mat (Sant Thakar Singh) Meditaci³n en ëLa luz y el sonido internoû para conocer el verdadero ser, como lo ense±a el Maestro Sant Thakar Singh. http://www.geocities.com/santhakar/2/castellano/santmat/santmat.html | |
51. The Yoga Vasistha Some original comments on this ancient text, which provides an understanding of the nature of reality. http://www.yogavasistha.com | |
52. Ashtanga Yoga - Ashtanga.com Articles and information on this system of Hatha yoga, taught by Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.Includes teacher directory, links to resources. http://www.ashtanga.com/ | |
53. Yogalessen Jan Van Rijn Wat het inhoudt en over de lessen zoals die gegeven worden door Jan van Rijn in Wijk bij Duurstede. http://www.yoga.tmfweb.nl/ | |
54. Sahaja Yoga Meditation And Self Realization Extensive information on Sahaja yoga Meditation and the founder Her Holiness ShriMataji Nirmala Devi Srivastava, online experience of Kundalini awakening http://www.sahajayoga.org/ | |
55. Maj-Britt´s HatHa Yoga Hovedside Priser og tilmelding til ¸velseshold. Mulighed for firmayoga. Tune. http://home20.inet.tele.dk/majyoga/ | |
56. Yoga & Health .. Naturally Offers health information for fasting, meditation and yoga along with sale ofyoga products. http://www.healthandyoga.com/ | |
57. AYs UK Viniyoga based on the teachings of TKV Desikachar and his father and teacher T Krishnamacharya. Approach, articles, classes, teachers and convention. http://www.viniyoga.co.uk/ | |
58. Yoga Home Page, Yoga Breathing, Yoga Postures, Pranayama, Breathing Fundamentals yoga reference covers branches and philosophy, health benefits, practices,beginner s guide. http://www.holistic-online.com/Yoga/hol_yoga_home.htm | |
59. Club Yoga Surya : L'arte Di Star Bene Villa di Serio, BG Club che promuove corsi di yoga e discipline affini. Teoria dello yoga e descrizione delle posizioni corredate di foto. http://www.yogasurya.it/ |
60. Yoga International Magazine Yoga Teachers And Yoga Communities Published bimonthly by the Himalayan Institute. Features full text of selectedarticles on yoga and ayurveda. http://www.yimag.org/ |
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