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61. Working XML: Fundamentals Of Web Publishing With XML eb Development Tutorials contributing to a solid web development tutorial resource for new to advanced developers to solve developer issues via reading an http://www.developertutorials.com/tutorials/xml/working-xml-fundamentals/page1.h | |
62. Welcome To Red Bridge Providers of Engenda, a web content management and dynamic publishing solution with strong xml support, workflow, and content contribution for nontechnical users. http://www.rbii.com | |
63. Web Publishing SGML/xml at OASIS Homepage of the SGML/xml web Page database. A very comprehensive resource. Pros and Cons of Selfpublishing Don t Weave a Lousy web http://www.finetuning.com/h/web publishing.html | |
64. ThomasTech: Content Management, XML Integration, Data Conversion Services, Prepr Provides systems integration services and custom content management solutions dealing with xml integration, digital asset management, web content management, and cross media publishing. http://www.thomastechsolutions.com | |
65. Openly Informatics, Inc.: XML Publishing eFirst xml is an application of the WorldWide web Consortium s (W3C) eXtensible We believe that full adoption of xml by the scholarly publishing http://www.openly.com/efirst/ | |
66. Sun Microsystems PORTUGAL - Suporte Formao Consultadoria Servi?os de Formao web Learning Center (WLC) . SUN web LEARNING CENTER (WLC). xml web publishing xml and web publishing webbased Courses http://pt.sun.com/training/catalogue/tecnoweb_prewlc.html |
67. XML-based Web Publishing Frameworks & Tools He notes that, by using xmlbased web publishing frameworks, one can use XSLT, DSSSL, or another transformation language to render the xml-formatted data http://seaotter.berkeley.edu/xml/web-publishing.html | |
68. Lifehacker Web Publishing http://www.lifehacker.com/software/web-publishing/index.xml | |
69. Que Publishing - Applied SOAP: Implementing .NET XML Web Services In this book youÂll learn how to apply practical solutions to building xml web Services using the .NET Framework and Visual Studio. http://safari.quepublishing.com/?XmlId=0672321114 |
70. Wiley::Cocoon 2 Programming: Web Publishing With XML And Java Cocoon 2 Programming web publishing with xml and Java Bill Brogden, Conrad D Cruz, Mark Gaither ISBN 07821-4131-5 Paperback 362 pages October 2002 http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0782141315.html | |
71. RSS Tutorial For Content Publishers And Webmasters The reader is assumed to have some familiarity with xml and other web An important step after publishing a feed is letting your viewers know that it http://www.mnot.net/rss/tutorial/ | |
72. Web Publishing With XML | Kairosnews web publishing with xml. mecran01 May 7, 2001 - 2153 webDesign Usability. Online media conferences are rife with talk of xml. http://kairosnews.org/node/28 | |
73. Free Courses For ACM Members ONE Middleware (4 tracks, 40 courses); Suntm ONE Studio and Solaristm OE (2 tracks, 6 courses); xml, Perl, and web publishing (6 tracks, 20 courses) http://pd.acm.org/full_listing2.cfm?pre# |
74. Free Courses For ACM Members xml, Perl, and web publishing (6 tracks, 20 courses) + A Developer s Introduction to Advanced PERL Programming (3 courses) + A Developer s Introduction to http://pd.acm.org/full_listing2A.cfm?pre=XMLPWS |
75. UW Extension - Classes Introduction to web publishing Keep current with SGML/HTML/xml web standards as they develop. Recognize the limitations of markup, and identify http://www.outreach.washington.edu/ext/courses/info/web.asp | |
76. Web Services, Web Publishing, And XML Publishing Courses From Sun Microsystems Course Catalog. web Services, xml, and web publishing web Services and xml. Courses by Delivery Method. Instructorled web-based IT Team Training http://www.sesfocus.com/education/catalog/web.html | |
77. Ongoing · A Web Interface For Web Publishing If we define a web API along these lines, and others built on xmlRPC to bash out a publishing system through the web API quicker than the xml-RPCniks http://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/200x/2003/07/03/HTTP-RSS | |
78. CyberAds Studio: Content Management Integration Framework On Interwoven TeamSite Our CM integration framework, supports rulesbased publishing, xml Templating, Workflow, Metadata, personalization, multi-lingual, syndication, and allows website owners to deploy code and content to web, Database, Application server, Wireless and PDA. Support many CMS vendors. http://www.cyberadsstudio.com/itsolutions/contentmanagement.shtml | |
79. PowerPoint Presentation - Publishing XML On The Web http://www.cdlib.org/inside/news/presentations/rtennant/2002ucsf-xml/ | |
80. Dakota Publishing Systems - Enterprise Publishing Solutions Content management consultancy specializing in xml consulting and training, content management and system integration solutions. Also provides web content management services, multichannel publishing assistance, and data conversion. http://www.dakota-systems.com/ | |
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