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Wyoming Education Staff Development: more detail |
81. Wyoming Public Television - TeacherLine - Home OnDemand Professional development Available. wyoming Public Television to offer on-demand professional development for groups of educators that are http://www.wyoptv.org/teacherline/ | |
82. McREL: Regional Educational Laboratory - REL North Dakota button link to wyoming state information about McREL s work in State Policy Support for Professional development in the Central Region http://www.mcrel.org/rel/ | |
83. Distance Learning In Foreign Languages - National Council Of State Supervisors F Professional development enables educators to deal with the constantly changing staff development must address the ambivalence and anxiety that some http://www.ncssfl.org/papers/index.php?profdev |
84. Smart Communities Network: Overview Educational Materials/Programs The University of wyoming School of Environment and Natural Resources Sources of Educational Materials on Sustainable development for Grades K12 http://www.sustainable.doe.gov/efficiency/educ/educatn3.shtml | |
85. Research And Development Center For The Advancement Of Student Learning The Educational Equity Center staff is a culturally diverse group of She hasdeveloped training materials for workshops and staff development in the http://www.colostate.edu/programs/EAC/staff.html | |
86. Calvin College - Education Department Faculty and staff Writings in Christian education PostBA Program Graduate Program Welcome to the Calvin College education Department web page. http://www.calvin.edu/academic/education/ | |
87. Engineering Schools Of The West News Release $10 Million to Improve Undergrad Engineering education in the Western US Through the development and delivery of engineering and technology http://www.hewlett.org/Programs/Education/Opportunity/News/eswiNewsRelease.htm | |
88. Meet The OPSP Staff Ernesto is responsible for the development, planning, organization, administration,articulation and implementation of district comprehensive educational http://www.dist.maricopa.edu/opsp/OPSPstaff.html |
89. NOVAtions | The Role Of The Principal In Teacher Professional Development The wyoming TRIAD (WyTRIAD) Professional development Process Austin, TXSouthwest Educational development Laboratory. NAESP, NASSP (1998). http://novationsjournal.org/content/article.pl?sid=04/04/01/2343216&mode=thread& |
90. Professional Development Academies INTASC Professional development Academies. They are designed to meet theneeds of K12 teachers, teacher educators, and policy makers who are interested http://www.ccsso.org/projects/Interstate_New_Teacher_Assessment_and_Support_Cons | |
91. NAESP - Wyoming Registration for all wyoming children through effective educational leadership. Professionaldevelopment workshops at the local, state, and national levels, http://web.naesp.org/forms/wymemb.htm | |
92. VSA Arts Affiliates: VSA Arts Of Wyoming We offer a wide range of educational programming and events both nationally andthrough our vast Casper, wyoming 82601. Judith Bower Executive Director http://www.vsarts.org/x336.xml | |
93. AACC | State Organizations California Association for Postsecondary education and Disability The WyomingCommunity College Commission provides coordination, advocacy, http://www.aacc.nche.edu/Content/NavigationMenu/ResourceCenter/Reference_Links/S | |
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