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Wyoming Education Staff Development: more detail |
61. Early Childhood Education Workforce: Practitioner Registry Systems The Training Registry Program is based on wyoming s Competency Wheel which The Iowa Early Care education Professional development Project s vision and http://nccic.org/poptopics/practitioner-registry.html | |
62. NWREL's Evaluation Program Services - Regional Educational Laboratory including such areas as education reform, professional development, middle school Dr. Burke also consults with internal staff on research design and http://www.nwrel.org/evaluation/staff.shtml | |
63. NWREL 2004 Annual Report To Members: Contract And Grant Activities (3 Of 8) evaluation services for Alaska Reading Excellence Act. Alaska Department ofeducation and Early development wyoming education Leadership Academy http://www.nwrel.org/comm/2004ar/activities_rea.php | |
64. Continuing Education Requirements - American School Counselor Association Iowa requires college credit or staff development credit to renew a Types ofacceptable Continuing Professional education (CPE) activities include http://www.schoolcounselor.org/content.asp?pl=325&sl=133&contentid=243 |
65. TICKIT-like Programs This program received 4.2 million dollars of funding from the wyoming state staff development takes place at the dedicated staff development lab in the http://www.indiana.edu/~tickit/infocenter/programs.htm | |
66. Abe_intro This series of professional development workshops for basic skill providers of staff development modules with Oregon, Alaska, Washington, and wyoming. http://boise.uidaho.edu/default.aspx?pid=33249 |
67. ESchool News Online wyoming to create statewide data system From eSchool News staff and wire servicereports wyoming Department of education http//www.k12.wy.us http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showStoryRSS.cfm?ArticleID=5822 |
68. ENC Online: Professional Development: Funding Opportunities: Guidebook Of Federa Shannon AndreenShipp, education Coordinator wyoming Ag in the Classroom Natural Science Workshops for Teachers, a professional development program, http://www.enc.org/professional/funding/guidebook/state/0,2059,61,00.shtm | |
69. Workplace Basic Skills.com The wyoming Department of Workforce Services is the General Educational Literacy Center provides leadership in staff development, policy development and http://www.workplacebasicskills.com/non_frame/us_map/Wyoming_state.htm | |
70. Follow-UP Activities The National Head Start Child development Institute was a weeklong learningexperience for mentoring and professional development for education staff; http://www.hsnrc.org/CDI/Activities.cfm | |
71. Rethinking Schools Online the director of assessment and accountability for the wyoming education Some schools may benefit from the increased professional development and http://www.rethinkingschools.org/special_reports/bushplan/Eat164.shtml | |
72. Wyoming Children's Action Alliance - Professional Development The wyoming Professional development Registry is a statewide system that documentspractitioners educational and professional accomplishments. http://www.wykids.com/stars/professional-development/ | |
73. Serving The Schools Of Lackawanna, Pike, Susquehanna, Wayne, And This program provides educators with electronic resources related to content, As a result, staff development opportunities and a wide variety of http://ns.neiu.k12.pa.us/WWW/NEIU/primresnetwrk.html |
74. Fremont County BOCES (b) Possess a high school diploma or General Educational development (GED)Certificate and University of wyoming Outreach Opportunities for Educators http://www.fcboces.org/staffdevelopment.asp | |
75. McAuliffe Educator Explorer Professional Development Program State education agencies, utilizing established networks of teachers such Improving Evaluation of Teacher Professional development in Math and Science http://www.ccsso.org/projects/McAuliffe_Educator_Explorer_Professional_Developme | |
76. CLT: Educational Development Centres University Centres for Educational/Faculty development New Zealand; Department ofEducation and staff development, Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore http://learningandteaching.dal.ca/ids.html | |
77. Developing The Capacity To Select Effective Instructional Materials Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and education His experience ininstructional materials development and teaching background qualifies him to http://www4.nas.edu/webcr.nsf/CommitteeDisplay/CSME-Q-97-06-A?OpenDocument |
78. Wyoming Highlights -- WICHE In addition, teams of policymakers and educational leaders from wyoming participate including enhancing the professional development of teachers and http://www.wiche.edu/States/wy.asp | |
79. Educational Professional Development Minneapolis Public Schools Teacher Instructional Services staff development.CORPORATE ASSISTANCE Apple staff development Online IBM for Educators http://www.edinformatics.com/reform/profdevelop.htm | |
80. Wyoming Public Television - Grade A: Leave No Child Behind In Wyoming Linda Stowers of the wyoming Professional Teaching Standards Board and HawaiianEducational development Center and then goes on to wyoming Indian http://www.wyoptv.org/programming/gradea/episodes/2005_teachers.php | |
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