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81. Writing Contests Annual short story writing contest. Monetary prize for top 23 stories. An ongoing merit competition for amateur writers of short stories or novelettes http://tectonicdesigns.com/contest/cindex.cgi?view=j |
82. Guidelines For CNW/FFWA Writing Competition 2006 CNW/FFWA 23rd Annual Florida State writing Competition Guidelines Rules The contest is open to all writers. You do not have to be a member of http://www.writers-editors.com/Writers/Contests/Contest_Guidelines/contest_guide | |
83. Writing Contests ThatFirstLine writing Contest. It all starts with that first line If you ve written (or thought about CNW/FFWA 22nd Annual writing Competition. http://www.writers-editors.com/Writers/Contests/contests.htm | |
84. WRITING CONTESTS Literati writing Competition Realistic fiction, non-fiction, fiction, horror/paranormal. Lorian Hemingway Short Story Competition - An annual contest for http://manuscriptediting.com/contests.htm | |
85. Writers Write Classifieds: Writing Contests Writers Write(R) Classifieds writing contests. new annual collegelevel case writing competition for business students. Each university shall appoint a http://www.writerswrite.com/classads/writingcontests/ | |
86. How Do You Judge A Writing Contest? - Writing How Do You Judge A writing Contest? - writing is a personally written site at BellaOnline. competitions in. The USA, The UK, Australia http://bellaonline.com/articles/art198.asp | |
87. Waxing Poetic: Another Look At Poetry Contests About.com offers a list of legitimate Online Poetry contests competitions. The Poetry Portal lists links to information about competitions. http://www.sls.lib.il.us/reference/por/features/98/poetry.html | |
88. Poetry Contest Insider: Contests Profiled During The Year Arts Letters Awards. Arts Letters Prize in Poetry. Asinine Poetry Contest. ASLA writing Competition. Autumn House Press Poetry Contest http://www.winningwriters.com/pcifreesamples/contests/allcontests.htm | |
89. The Writer's Nook Contests Page Paul Gillette Memorial writing ContestPikes Peak Writers Conference An international competition where the readers judge the contest. http://www.twnn.com/Contests.htm | |
90. CM Magazine: CM News Writing For Children Competition Prairie Fire s 19971998 writing contests. 1. BLISS CARMAN POETRY AWARD nor entered simultaneously in any other contest or competition for which it is http://www.umanitoba.ca/outreach/cm/vol3/no16/news16b.html | |
91. Places For Writers: Contests Writers Dock s Short Story competition No1. posted at 1216 EDT, Saturday, for the Unfinished Works Creative writing Competition, a contest about the http://www.placesforwriters.com/archives/contests/ | |
92. P&E: Writing Contests 8 Feb 05 Donard Publishing 5th Anniversary Novel writing Competition Charges fee. International novel writing contest open to writers in English. http://www.anotherealm.com/prededitors/pubctst.htm | |
93. PIPG: IP Writing Contests These are a few writing contests in the field of intellectual property of which the Competition Berkeley Technology Law Journal writing Competition http://www.law.upenn.edu/groups/pipg/writingcontest.html | |
94. "Powerful New Womens Books - Writers And Novels" Congratulations to the Winners of our 5th Annual Chistell writing Contest. Short Story Competition. 1st Place A Tale To Tell by Brenda Owen http://www.chistell.com/ | |
95. The Writer Gazette: Writing Resource Site For Writers On Freelance And Publishin ONGOING contests. The Drew McAdam £1000 Short Story writing Competition Deadline March 31, June 30, September 30, December 31 Entry Fee £10 for the whole http://www.writergazette.com/contests.shtml | |
96. The Canadian Writers' Contest Calendar-Your Source For Writing And Awards Inform The Canadian Writers Contest Calendar 2003. Page includes an index of the contest and Write to Win Competition 56, 57 Write Your Heart Out Contest 36 http://www.wmpub.ca/cwcc2004toc.htm | |
97. Online Guide To Canadian Writing: Contests Enter the VALLUM AWARD FOR POETRY competition An annual contest that recognizes The New Quarterly presents a writing Contest with a sultry theme http://www.track0.com/ogwc/archives/cat_contests.html | |
98. Poetrymachine.com - Awards & Contests poetrymachine.com Links to Literary Awards contests. CNW/FFWA Florida State writing Competition Florida Freelance Writer s Association http://www.poetrymachine.com/link4.htm | |
99. Canadian Student Writing Resources Wordwrights Canada provides books, student writing contest listings, and links to literary April 15, 2005 Elora Writers Festival writing Competition. http://www3.sympatico.ca/susanio/WWCcomp.html | |
100. Writing Contests | Scribendi Language Services Win Money or Prizes in a Scribendi.com writing contest. writing contests. UNYSAUK Essay Competition. The UN is 60, but I am not! http://www.scribendi.com/contest.htm | |
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