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41. Anthologies Online Http//www.anthologiesonline.com/ Welcome To Offers fee writing contests and no fee writing contest listings. You ll find contests and competitions that don t charge reading, entry, http://www.anthologiesonline.com/Markets/Contest.htm | |
42. Entering And Winning At The Writing Contest Game and you ll read discussion threads on contests and competitions for writers. Many offer comments on writing contests which can help you decide which http://www.publishingcentral.com/articles/20040219-87-2e24.html | |
43. Writing Competitions Can Reap Innumerable Rewards Karnes and Riley write, Âcontests and competitions give opportunities for schools to go beyond the traditional curricula. The classroom and school climate http://www.wcusd15.org/whs/english/morrissey/writingcontestessay.htm | |
44. Contests And Competitions Additional contests and competitions by Category. Adults are responsible for checking these The competition s focus is on good writing and storytelling. http://www.bvsd.k12.co.us/tag/contests.html | |
45. CCLCE - Contests And Competitions arrow Resources arrow contests/competitions An essaywriting contest open to high school students. First Amendment Foundation. Essay Contest (Grade 11) http://www.cclce.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=114&Itemid=98 |
46. IIC VANCOUVER - Opportunities: Contests Through this page we advertise open contests and/or competitions launched AICW 3rd Annual writing Contest. The Association of Italian Canadian Writers http://www.iicvan-ca.org/iicvan/opp-co-en.htm | |
47. Writing Contest Database Including playwriting competitions. http://www.writing-world.com/contests/index.shtml | |
48. Writing Contests / Screenwriting Contests / Poetry Contests / Journalism Competi writing contests / Journalism competitions / Screenwriting contests / Poetry contests / writing competitions Also see contests, SPECIALIZED writing http://www.freelancewriting.com/contests.html | |
49. Competitions - Free Writing Poetry / Fiction Contests (firstwriter) Free lists of writing competitions poetry / short story fiction. http://www.firstwriter.com/competitions/ | |
50. ART DEADLINES LIST A free newsletter listing art contests competitions, art scholarships call for entries/proposals/papers, writing photo contests, residencies, http://www.xensei.com/users/adl/ | |
51. 2005 Poetry Contest - Educational Contests And Competitions HSLDA is very excited to be sponsoring our first annual poetry contest. 2005 Poetry Contest Educational contests and competitions. http://homeschooling.about.com/od/contestsandcompetitions/p/hsldapoetry.htm | |
52. Homeschool Contests And Competitions - Profiles Of Contests And Competitions Ope There are many contests and competitions open to homeschool students. You ll find a list of contests and competitions here with a profile of each one, http://homeschooling.about.com/od/contestsandcompetitions/ | |
53. Teen Ink: Contest Links Check in every month for a selection of writing competitions from The World s Biggest Book of writing contests, the world s largest reference book of http://www.teenink.com/Resources/ContestsR.html | |
54. OzLit@Vicnet Australian Writing Competitions Listing of writing competitions. Please Email us and let us know of any other This poetry contest is an opportunity to promote an art form that has http://home.vicnet.net.au/~ozlit/writcomp.html | |
55. Markets And Contests For Writers Dublin Writers Workshop Irish Literary competitions This free monthly ezine for writers suggests contests and markets, publicizes the successes of its http://www.winningwriters.com/resources/marketsandcontests.htm | |
56. Contests Denouncing contests from your writing repertoire is like discounting an competitions provide steps up for a writer especially a struggling writer. http://www.fundsforwriters.com/contests.htm | |
57. WRITING CONTESTS There are hundreds of writing competitions. As in other areas of life, Save potential targets in a Competition File. Choose contests that are offered http://www.gottawritenetwork.com/RichelleCE.htm | |
58. MovieBytes - Screenwriting Contests, Screenwriting Competitions, Screenwriting M Movie Bytes Screenwriting contests, Screenwriting competitions, The It Company TV writing Contest The Itty (Early September 1, 2005; http://www.moviebytes.com/ | |
59. MovieBytes - Screenwriting Contests, Screenwriting Competitions, Screenwriting M Movie Bytes Screenwriting contests, Screenwriting competitions, The It Company TV writing Contest The Itty 528 Palisades Dr. 133 http://www.moviebytes.com/mb_contest_detail.cfm?ContestNumber=839 |
60. List Of Writing Competitions At The Courtyard**www.angelfire.com Writer s Journal contests Various writing competitions with ongoing deadlines offered by Writer s Journal. Cash prizes to winners. http://www.angelfire.com/ca2/ericascourtyard/competitions.html |
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