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101. WORLD SCRIPTURE Comparative anthology of sacred texts 4000+ passages from major religions, thematically organized. http://www.unification.net/ws/ | |
102. Madoria, World Of The Carnelian Coast A gritty swordsand-sorcery world. Site details include the histories and politics of five major regions, religions and religious orders, languages of the setting, and a free RPG. http://www.cs.pdx.edu/~kenstcyr/coast.html | |
103. Major Religions Of The World More on Major religions of the world from Fact Monster. John Paul II, the Papacy, and the Roman Catholic Church All about Pope John Paul and the Catholic http://www.factmonster.com/ipka/A0772923.html | |
104. Outstanding Priests Of Traditional African Religion Visitordriven list hosted by Orisa Mailing List; living and deceased priests from around the world; section to nominate and leave special memories of priests you have known. http://www.geocities.com/priestmemorial | |
105. Steven Goldner Gegen Scientology - Startseite Top/world/Deutsch/Gesellschaft/Religion_und_Spiritualit¤t/religions_und_Sektenkritik/Scientology http://www.goldner-gegen-scientology.de | |
106. Global Calendar 2003 A multicultural educational resource which honors all religions and countries. Gives full and new moon, eclipse, meteor, and comet information. http://www.zapcom.net/phoenix.arabeth/1world.html | |
107. World Peace 2000 - Australia Organisation working in support of UNESCO Manifesto 2000, providing a forum for all religions, multicultural groups, and the people of the world to encourage world peace for 2000 years. History, events, links to related sites, and membership information. http://home.vicnet.net.au/~wp2000au/ | |
108. Prophecy Central: One-World Religion The Parliament of world s religions Trying To Save The world Leaders of the world s religions Meet - Religion News Today (Story no longer on line. http://www.bible-prophecy.com/religions.htm | |
109. Temple Of Understanding The purpose of the Temple of Understanding is the worldwide promotion of interfaith dialogue and education, to achieve understanding and harmony among the world's religions and beyond. The Temple of Understanding maintains a strong commitment to the integrity of each religion or faith tradition and believes that each can better remain true to itself by honoring the truths inherent in all traditions. http://www.templeofunderstanding.org | |
110. Biospirituality And The World's Religions As we review the world s religions, a common theme emerges nearly all religions endorse respect for nature and compassion for living beings. http://www.vegsource.com/biospirituality/religion.html | |
111. Interdisciplinary Teacher Lesson Plans, Online Activities Spring is a time of celebration in many parts of the world. Two of the world s major religions also have special days each spring. http://www.pbs.org/teachersource/thismonth/mar02/index1.shtm | |
112. World Religion The world s religions Our Great Wisdom Traditions The world s Wisdom Sacred Texts of the world s religions Religion for Dummies http://adaniel.tripod.com/Associated/religionresources.htm | |
113. TEO, Le Magazine Des Religions En France Publication en ligne anim©e par des ©tudiants de l'Ecole de journalisme de Lille. Articles traitant des principales religions. http://www.esj-lille.fr/atelier/magan2/teo/ | |
114. Godulike - An Irreverent Look At The Faith Industry An irreverent analysis of over 100 religions. http://www.godulike.co.uk/ | |
115. Onelittleangel D©couverte de la philosophie et des religions au travers de citations classees par themes. http://www.onelittleangel.com | |
116. Mr. Dowling's Western Religions Page Briefly compares Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. http://www.mrdowling.com/605westr.html | |
117. URI - Home A global community dedicated to promoting daily interfaith cooperation, ending religiously motivated violence and creating cultures of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings. http://www.uri.org | |
118. Religions Of The World -- African Background information and links. http://members.aol.com/porchfour/religion/african.htm | |
119. Earth Religions Assistance Pages Index of resources for practitioners of Earth religions who are experiencing religious discrimination. http://www.conjure.com/ERAL/eral.html | |
120. Menu Official website for this organization including numerous resources for scholars and researchers. http://www.wfu.edu/Organizations/ssjr/ |
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