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81. World Government, Take Three (Excerpt) In other words, the UN, a wouldbe world government, like most other In fact,this approach to world government has been underway for the better part of http://www.thenewamerican.com/artman/publish/article_1762.shtml | |
82. Bernan - Essential Government Publications This official summary of the annual activity of the world Trade The UnitedStates government Internet Manual is an indispensable guidebook for anyone http://www.bernan.com/ | |
83. Welcome To Global Forest Watch Frontier forests are the world s remaining large intact natural forest The government of Cameroon used the occasion to reinforce its commitment to http://www.globalforestwatch.org/ |
84. WorldVolunteerWeb.org - Information About Volunteerism Worldwide Volunteers provide economic advice all over the world To address these issues,he suggests that the government should create a national volunteering http://www.worldvolunteerweb.org/ | |
85. World Summit On The Information Society The world Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is held in two phases.The first phase of WSIS took place in Geneva hosted by the government of http://www.itu.int/wsis/ | |
86. Tagish's Directory Of UK Government Offices' Web Sites government Offices, Agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies by Ministerial Searchable Directory of Embassies world Wide Directory of world Wide http://www.tagish.co.uk/links/ | |
87. BTS - External Links QuasiOfficial Agencies AZ index of All Federal Agencies government - City.Airports; Department of Transportation; Transit Systems; Water Ports http://www.bts.gov/external_links/ | |
88. Advocates For Self-Government - Libertarian Education Virginia libertarians the world s Smallest Political Quiz The Quiz in Action . The JAL has been active in a campaign to reduce government regulation of http://www.theadvocates.org/ | |
89. Lucifer' Lucifer s Antichrist world government, Economics, and Religion You can seethe plan of the antichrist Luciferian world government, antichrist world http://www.dccsa.com/greatjoy/Illuminb.htm | |
90. Barefoot's World Barefoot s world is dedicated to bringing a message of Love and Hope and Peaceand Truth into A History Of Lawless government By Thomas James Norton http://www.barefootsworld.net/ | |
91. Parliament Home Page | Houses Of Parliament To find out more about the government, please use the links on our UnderstandingParliament please use the buttons on the left or go to the site index. http://www.parliament.uk/ | |
92. International News - New York Times Find breaking news, world news, multimedia opinion on the US, Africa, Canada, The action prompted President Hugo Chávez s government to promise to http://www.nytimes.com/pages/world/ | |
93. Australian Heritage: Department Of The Environment And Heritage The world Heritage List contains sites that are important to all the peoples of the Heritage is looked after at all levels of government in Australia. http://www.deh.gov.au/heritage/ | |
94. Wired News 09, 2005 The federal government moves ahead with a trial of epassports that Why can t we have one place in this world where there aren t any phones? http://wired.com/ | |
95. An Alternative View To The Mainstream Media, Human Rights; Social And Economic J THIRD world TRAVEL. To oppose the policies of a government does not mean youare against the country or the people that the government supposedly http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/ | |
96. CNN.com - ASIANOW - Monkeys Overrun New Delhi Government Buildings - January 4, CNN http://cnn.com/2001/ASIANOW/south/01/04/india.monkeys/index.html | |
97. DH Home : The Department Of Health A world class health research strategy. Monday 1 August 2005. Research professionals,organisations A to Z site index Search tips Web accessibility http://www.dh.gov.uk/ | |
98. Australian Government, Department Of Defence This is the main home page for the Australian government Department of Defence . around the world to protect Australia and its national interests. http://www.defence.gov.au/ |
99. Welcome To The Department Of Health And Ageing healthier ageing for all Australians through a worldclass health system. The Australian government is driving a process to make sure consumers are http://www.health.gov.au/ | |
100. Defra, UK - Sustainable Development Securing the Future UK government sustainable development strategy Especially as the world s population continues to increase and we already see a http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/sustainable/ | |
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