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41. World Literature British and Irish, American, Theatre and Drama, Theory, Women s literature Feminism, Find links to sites about specific authors and their works. http://library.com.edu/internet/intsub/eng_wl.htm | |
42. Troy University FR Library about specific authors. Research Library Complete. african american literature The artistry of anger Black and White women s literature in America, http://fwrlibrary.troy.edu/7/literature/africanamerican.htm | |
43. Literature Resources specific authors Resources Banned Books/English Departments Home Pages African American Women s literature Anthology Of Middle English literature http://www.tamu-commerce.edu/library/lit.htm | |
44. Elton S. Karrmann Library - Resources By Academic Discipline web sites devoted to specific authors and their respective bodies of work. The English and literature Office is located in 349 Gardner and the http://www.uwplatt.edu/library/resources/english.html | |
45. Literature Resources also find information and books of specific genres and by specific authors. This is a site that focuses on the lives and works of women writers of http://www.cnu.edu/library/guides/lit.htm | |
46. E.J Pratt Library - Resources In Canadian Literature Contemporary Canadian and United States Women of Letters an Annotated Bibliography. In Pt 2 he discusses specific authors and their works. PR 9192.5 . http://library.vicu.utoronto.ca/guides/canlit.htm | |
47. AUC Libraries | Subject Guides | Gender & Women's Studies | Literature To find books about specific authors, search with LC Subjects using last name, women in literature and criticism; women in literature and (criticism http://library.aucegypt.edu/guides/gender_literature.htm | |
48. World Literature - Africa World literatures in English specific Countries Regions Bibliography of women authors in African literature, including those who have written http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjguides/lit/worldliteng/specafric.htm | |
49. Large Collections American Women Writers Index About 50 authors representedsome online texts literature resourcesgeneral, period and genre, texts, specific authors or http://faculty.frostburg.edu/engl/gartner/largecol.htm | |
50. Anglo-American Literature And Comparative Literature as well as traditional courses about specific authors and chronological periods. Historically, AngloAmerican literature was collected at a research http://www.library.cornell.edu/colldev/cdangloamerican.html | |
51. Celebrating Literature In Virginia Search the Library of Virginia catalog for specific titles and authors. The url for this document is women and literaturesouthern states http://www.library.vcu.edu/guides/va_authors.html | |
52. Annie Merner Pfeiffer Library -- WV Authors -- Appalachian Literature General Bi See the author index to find bibliographies for specific writers. Please contact a librarian or call The History of Southern WomenÂs literature. http://www.wvwc.edu/lib/wv_authors/app_lit_bib.htm | |
53. Linking Library: Literature: Links To Literature Sites. From Austalian aboriginees to Victorian England; authors, history, politics and for publishers and at ebooks for specific electronic literature. http://www.theorderoftime.com/cyber/to/l-file/lit.general.html | |
54. Russian Literature Resource Guide A selection of Individual Women authors in the Duke Catalog Useful for research on specific authors. Includes an alphabetical list of writers and works, http://www.lib.duke.edu/ias/slavic/lit.htm | |
55. Dacus Library Research Guides:Â Women In Literature Searching by author or title will result in the location of a specific book. Women authors, Women authors, American, Women and literature, authors, http://www.winthrop.edu/dacus/About/Infoguides/womenlit.htm | |
56. UWA Quick List Accreditation Administrative Services Applications specific authors and works Online Full Text Periodicals Women s Resources on the Internet Biography and literature links are good sources of http://library.uwa.edu/Resources/Lit.asp | |
57. English & American Literature Research Guide - Books To look for a specific book or journal in the Libraries collections, American literatureWomen authors Short stories, FrenchHistory and criticism http://libraries.claremont.edu/research/rguides/doc.asp?doc=2&guide=1 |
58. French Language & Literature Research Guide - Books To look for a specific book or journal in the Libraries collections, To find books about types of literature French literatureWomen authors http://libraries.claremont.edu/research/rguides/doc.asp?doc=9&guide=2 |
59. Information Resources For English 257 Subject Headings for literature English literature women authors Author searches Use the Author field when searching for books by a specific author. http://kauai.hawaii.edu/library/English257.html | |
60. Research Guide Medieval Literature TO FIND WORKS WRITTEN BY A specific AUTHOR. Select Author at the CONSULS literature, Medieval Women authors, Pilgrims and pilgrimages in literature http://www.wcsu.edu/library/gd_medieval_lit.html | |
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