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61. Search Results For Islam - Encyclopædia Britannica Malinke Cluster of peoples occupying parts of Mali, Guinea, Côte d Ivoire, Among Muslims, the Sunnite sect is preferred by the indigenous people. http://www.britannica.com/search?query=Islam&ct=gen1&fuzzy=N&iq=5&show=20&start= |
62. Anthropology Review Database Subject Though sometimes in conflict with each other, the wodaabe and Tuareg have To better understand these venerable indigenous people, they immerse http://wings.buffalo.edu/ARD/cgi/available.cgi?recent=yes |
63. REFERENCES Histoire de famille et histoire de troupeau chez un groupe de wodaabe du Niger . indigenous Agricultural Revolution Ecology and Food Production in West http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/006/Y5115E/y5115e0f.htm | |
64. Local Events For Men - August 2004 9 UN International Day of the World s indigenous People. Although wodaabe men andwomen often experience jealousy Men of the African Ark calendar, Pomegranate. http://menstuff.org/calendar/local/august04.html | |
65. Emory University> African Studies > Resources > Search Film, Media And Video Res Abstract In South africa millions of people are in desperate situations because of He then journeys to africa to gain insights into indigenous culture http://www.ias.emory.edu/catalog.cfm?keyword=Africa |
66. Werner Herzog: Biography And Much More From Answers.com He is noted for his filmic interest in indigenous peoples and considered one ofthe best postwar directors. He is often associated with the German New Wave http://www.answers.com/topic/werner-herzog | |
67. SIM Canada The Herero people are related to the Bantu people and speak a Bantu language . among southern africa s indigenous people in that they inherit different http://www.sim.ca/index.php?section=PeopleGroups&view=73 |
68. Africa Studies Videos In The Harvard Libraries the triple heritage of africa its indigenous, Western, and Islamic legacies . The Bella people, having survived seven years of drought and famine, http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~cafrica/videos.shtml | |
69. Mrs. Bee's Busy Classroom- Africa industrialization and weather changes on an indigenous animal kingdom. ALL PLAYERS The native people, who lived in africa, in their mud or grass huts, http://www.dcrafts.com/africa.htm | |
70. Center For African Studies | University Of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign Presents a sampling of the people of africa today teachers and students,politicians and The wodaabe are among the last nomadic ethnic groups on Earth. http://www.afrst.uiuc.edu/Library/libvideos1.htm | |
71. Journal Of Cultural Studies - Vol. 3, No. 2 (2001) Commercializing Culture Artisanry Production and the wodaabe in Niger growing trend of commercialization of culture and tradition of indigenous people. http://www.ajol.info/viewarticle.php?id=1480&jid=39&layout=abstract |
72. BCE Community Forums peoples are not basing their claims on being the first peoples of the Groups claimingindigenous status include the Tuareg, Bororo, wodaabe, Tubu (Teda and http://www.bcecartoons.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=480&sid=edd170153e1fe799f8e885 |
73. Africa A-F africa, african traditional religion, authenticity, Bakongo people, africa,Church Growth, church planting, indigenous churches, Iraqw tribe, socialism, http://www.fuller.edu/swm/abstracts/africa.html | |
74. Seasonal Livestock And Nomad Migration And Grazing Potentials In South-east Nige This work aims at providing results from research on wodaabe The Relationshipbetween indigenous Pastoralist Resource Tenure and state Tenure in Somalia http://www.uni-hohenheim.de/~atlas308/b_niger/projects/b2_4_2/html/english/ntext | |
75. Rutgers University Libraries: Subject Research Guides: Media Collections: Anthro Lost tribes of Israel South africa s Lemba people claim to be descendants of Mirrors of the heart By looking at indigenous people in Bolivia and race http://www.libraries.rutgers.edu/rul/rr_gateway/research_guides/media_collection | |
76. Cultural Anthropology -- University Of Minnesota Duluth Presents tribal peoples in the dignity of their own homes and captures their We go to the wodaabe of Niger, a pastoral, patrilineal, polygynous people. http://www.d.umn.edu/cla/faculty/troufs/anth1604/video/Strange_Relations.html | |
77. ICE 2004 - Session 29 The Afars sustained their production system through the indigenous how outsidepeople and organisations such as ICRAFNairobi and the African Foundation http://www.kent.ac.uk/anthropology/ice2004/sessions/session29.html | |
78. African: Videotape And Audiocassette: Media Resources Center, UC Berkeley Herdsmen of the Sun (wodaabe les bergers du soleil) A documentary film of Documentary on the life and customs of the Mende, West African people of the http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/MRC/AfricanVid2.html | |
79. Emory University> African Studies > Resources > Search Film, Media And Video Res Abstract Follows the wodaabe people of Niger, one of the last nomadic tribes on Abstract Depicts rites and ceremonies of the Yoruba African people. http://www.ias.emory.edu/catalog.cfm?keyword=Niger |
80. Untitled Peuls nomades; étude descriptive des wodaabe du Sahel Nigérien. The Mende ofSierra Leone A West African people in transition. http://csac.anthropology.ac.uk/CSACMonog/Waldie/bibilog.html | |
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