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21. Guide To The Collections Of The Human Studies Film Archives peoples, wildlife, and landscapes of central africa. indigenous people ofthe african Sahel, Niger, the wodaabe are seen setting http://www.nmnh.si.edu/naa/guide/hsfa_africa.htm | |
22. Anthropology Review Database Women, Black South africa - History - 19th century indigenous peoples - Though sometimes in conflict with each other, the wodaabe and Tuareg have a http://wings.buffalo.edu/ARD/cgi/subjlist.cgi | |
23. The African Commune > Overview Of Indigenous Peoples Of West Africa Saharan - Sa is hurting the indigenous peoples movement by funding non indigenous peoples. a problemin West africa that people cannot have to have a Tuareg or a wodaabe NGO http://www.theafricancommune.com/article.php3?id_article=798 |
24. The Lightspan Network - Sw peoples of africa, Urhobo indigenous peoples of africa, We indigenous peoples ofafrica, Winiama indigenous peoples of africa, wodaabe indigenous peoples of http://www.lightspan.com/common/studyweb/sw.asp?target=http://www.studyweb.com/t |
25. EW&AF Articles 1. the indigenous peoples adopt the white forms of church practice, he leftfor africa, he could learn something about the music of the wodaabe and http://disciplethenations.org/EW&AFArticles.html | |
26. FPP - TFRK Expert Meeting, Costa Rica, Section 1, December 2004 2.1 Overview of the situation of central African indigenous peoples 16 Bassari , Bororo, Nemadi, Ogoni, TedaDaza, Touareg, wodaabe http://www.forestpeoples.org/Briefings/Africa/tfrk_expert_mtg_oct04a_eng.htm |
27. People & The Planet > Global Action > Features > Fixing The Global Water Crisis In africa, 21 per cent of the population s Peul (wodaabe) lady filling waterskinsin temporary pool of engaging local and indigenous peoples in conservation. http://www.peopleandplanet.net/pdoc.php?id=1714 |
28. WWF - Fixing The Global Water Crisis Needs More Than Taps And Toilets Peul (wodaabe) lady filling waterskins in temporary pool In africa, 21 per cent ofthe population s of engaging local and indigenous peoples in conservation. http://questions.panda.org/about_wwf/what_we_do/freshwater/news/news.cfm?uNewsID |
29. African Indigenous People Bamana africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples Bamana People The Bamana are members of the Mande culture, a large and powerful group http://www.archaeolink.com/african_indigenous_people_bamana.htm | |
30. Africa Indigenous People Baule africa, african Anthropology General Resources. By peoples Baule People The Baule belong to the Akan peoples who inhabit Ghana and Côte d Ivoire. http://www.archaeolink.com/africa_indigenous_people_baule.htm | |
31. National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Faces Of Africa: Photo Gallery One Faces of africa Pictures wodaabe man from Niger glances at girls UN Decadeof indigenous People Ending to Mixed Reviews african Bushmen Tour US to http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/photogalleries/africa_faces/ | |
32. National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Faces Of Africa: Photo Gallery One Faces of africa Pictures wodaabe charm dancer from Niger applies makeup UN Decade of indigenous People Ending to Mixed Reviews african Bushmen Tour http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/photogalleries/africa_faces/phot | |
33. Victoria Earthspirit - Wodaabe - Niger, Africa Paintings of the indigenous people of the world who are still in contact withnature. wodaabe (46 x 42). Niger, africa. Dark and light, earth and sky, http://www.victoriaearthspirit.com/african_man.html | |
34. SIM Country Profile: Zimbabwe Portuguese were the first Europeans to attempt colonization of southcentral africa,including the Meanwhile, mass migrations of indigenous peoples took place. http://sim.org/country.asp?CID=52&fun=1 |
35. Video_sales BRIDEWEALTH FOR A GODDESS(Not for sale in North America, South africa, The Yukhagirs are one of the small indigenous peoples of Northern Siberia. http://www.therai.org.uk/film/video_sales.html | |
36. TV_Video Catalog _ People/Women/ Indigenous People In South africa, for instance, where President MandelaÂs of the UN Decade of IndigenousPeoples, looks at Title The wodaabe Kalasha The Rites of Spring http://wwfpak.org/v2/tv-catalogpeople.htm |
37. Kindred Spirit Online Articles indigenous peoples have a moral right to live in whatever way they choose, The wodaabe tribe from the subSaharan steppes are tall, lithe, fine-featured http://www.kindredspirit.co.uk/articles/3719_fragile_heritage.asp | |
38. About The Pacific Studies Initiative Project It will not cover all the arts of all the peoples of africa, Oceania, Oct.6 (W) The Visual Culture of Nomads wodaabe Fulani of West africa http://library.kcc.hawaii.edu/external/psiweb/general/Arts_Afr_Oce.html | |
39. Références Contemporary nomadic and pastoral peoples africa and Latin America. Conservation and indigenous peoples a study of convergent interests , pp. http://www.fao.org/docrep/t6260f/t6260f0p.htm | |
40. The Lightspan Network - Sw indigenous peoples Index. Aborigines of Australia General Resources Chile EcuadorGeneral Resources peoples of the Tutsi Urhobo We Winiama wodaabe Wolof Woyo http://www.lightspan.com/common/studyweb/sw.asp?target=http://www.studyweb.com/H |
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