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81. SPERM WHALE provides information such as general description, size, skin type, fins, diet, hunting, teeth, and social groups. http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/whales/species/Spermwhale.shtml | |
82. Gray Whales You are going to become an expert on California gray whales. Prepare a 5 minute presentation on gray whales for a student/partner in another class based http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/encanto/graywhale/ | |
83. Seasmoke Whale Watching Experience the thrill of a unique sailing tour in the orca (killer whale) waters of Johnstone Strait near Telegraph Cove and Alert Bay, Northern Vancouver Island for some of the best whale watching in the world. http://www.seaorca.com | |
84. SA Whale Centre - Whale Watching Information For Victor Harbor, South Australia The SA Whale Centre a whale based interpretive centre providing extensive information on whales and whale watching in the surrounding area is located in http://www.sawhalecentre.com/ |
85. Whales (IMAX) - Big Movie Zone Film information, video clips, articles, reviews and worldwide theater listings. http://www.bigmoviezone.com/filmsearch/movies/index.html?uniq=39 |
86. Whales CNN whales stranded off MA Gander Academy Whale Resources whales A Thematic Web Unit whales National Wildlife Federation Wild whales http://www.kidskonnect.com/Whales/WhalesHome.html | |
87. Facts About Beluga Whales Basic facts and statistics about Beluga whales. http://www.idiotica.com/encyclopedia/content/Beluga.htm | |
88. Caring For Whales, Dolphins & Oceans. Hervey Bay. Australia. Whale. Dolphin. Unique Whale and Dolphin photos taken during the Hervey Bay Research Expeditions and news, information and educational resources about whales and Dolphins. http://www.oceania.org.au/ | |
89. Wired News: Listening System May Help Whales An estimated one in four whales are spotted by aerial surveys, The passive acoustic system would find whales and immediately transmit their location http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,68456,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_9 |
90. The Friendly Whales Of San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur Information and links for observing the giants up close, and for ecological preservation. http://www.netconnection.com/bajawhales.html | |
91. Animal & Nature Gifts From Whales & Friends Catalog Fish/Shells Frogs Horses Hummingbirds Lady Bugs Lizards/Reptiles Manatees Parrots Penguins Safari Animals Sea Otters Turtles whales http://www.whalesdirect.com/ | |
92. CNN.com - John Zarrella: Community Mobilized To Save Whales - Aug. 11, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/US/08/11/otsc.zarrella/index.html | |
93. Dana Point Festival Of Whales 2004 Web Site Dana Point California Festival of whales 2004 Painting by George Sumner Created exclusively for the 2005 Dana Point Festival of whales by landscape and http://www.dpfestivalofwhales.com/ | |
94. CNN.com - Rescuers Save 46 Stranded Whales - July 29, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/science/07/29/beached.whales/index.html | |
95.      W H A L E S      A Fanlisting        Welcome to Melody of the Sea, the only TFL approved fanlisting for whales. If you are a fan of whales, please take a quick peak at the rules, snatch a code http://www.aishou.net/whales/ | |
96. Atlantic Whale Foundation Information on projects that support the preservation of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Includes details of volunteer opportunities, educational courses, research and scholarships, a photograph gallery, and links to related sites. http://www.whalefoundation.org.uk/ | |
97. Whales Of Australia Jump page for whales of Australia, a guide to the whales and dolphins found in Australian waters. http://www.upstarts.net.au/site/ideas/whales/whales.html | |
98. Ferry Service There are 4 species of phocids or earless seals in the Bay of Fundy, and 7 species of whales, toothed and baleen. Gives species description, habitat, references and email contact. http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/gmtouris/seals.htm | |
99. Whales Of Australia A comprehensive guide to whale watching in Australia. Gives a history of whales and a list of the best places to watch. http://www.upstarts.net.au/site/non_commercial/whales.html | |
100. Herb Segars Photographs Marine Life And Nature Subjects Nature photographer specializing marine fish and invertebrates of the eastern United States, including humpback whales, manatees, turtles and seals. http://www.gotosnapshot.com/ | |
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