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61. European Cetacean Society A 500 member (1998 count) organization. It is aimed at the exchange of information between dolphin and whale researchers inside and outside Europe. The ECS is therefore a scientific organization, but many members are just interested in whales and dolphins without being professional biologists. http://web.inter.nl.net/users/J.W.Broekema/ecs/ | |
62. Whales Online whales online is a reference and news site dedicated to education for the conservation of whales of the St. Lawrence and their natural habitat. http://www.whales-online.net/indexe.html | |
63. Caring For Whales, Dolphins & Oceans. Hervey Bay. Australia. Whale. Dolphin. Unique Whale and Dolphin photos taken during the Hervey Bay Research Expeditions and news, information and educational resources about whales and Dolphins. http://www.oceania.org.au/index.html | |
64. Hyannis Whale Watcher Cruises, Cape Cod | Whale Watch Experience Highlight your Cape Cod vacation with an unforgettable cruise aboard the MidCape s only Whale Watch. Call 1-888-WHALE-WATCH for reservations and more http://www.whales.net/ | |
65. Whales Tale Cape May Jewelry And Gifts Specializes in jewelry, beauty products and gift items like leather journals, children's toys and books. http://www.whalestalecapemay.com | |
66. Victoria San Juan Cruises San Juan Island and Victoria BC cruises leaving from Bellingham, Washington. 100ft. boat tours the islands and locates wildlife including orca whales. http://www.whales.com/ | |
67. Arctic Social Sciences - Arctic Studies Center A system of understanding one's environment. It is built over generations, as people depend on the land and sea for their food, materials, and culture. http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/tek.html | |
68. Tour Of WW2 Russian Battlefields In Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad And Kursk Russian travel agency offering fully escorted tours of WW2 battlefields in Russia including Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad and Kursk. http://www.threeWhales.ru/t7.htm | |
69. Whale Thematic Unit Where the whales are Your guide to whale watching trips in North America. Patricia An awardwinning site about whales and other marine mammals. http://www.libsci.sc.edu/miller/whales.htm |
70. Stock Footage Of Whales And Dolphins. Videos Of Humpback Whales Breaching, Minke Production company offering stock video footage of whales, dolphin, basking sharks and other marine life. Online streaming sample footage. http://www.inthewildproductions.com/stockwhalefootage.html | |
71. Whales Of The Bay Of Fundy Discusses the natural history of the bay, its history and capacities and the whales that frequent it. Describes species of whales, sizes, http://new-brunswick.net/new-brunswick/whales/ | |
72. Save Da Whales Official Home Page Details on how you can save the whales, information on every kind of whale there is, along with photos, wallpaper and screensavers. http://www.telery.com/savedawhales/ | |
73. HUMPBACK WHALES Although their general shape resembles that of a fish, humpback whales are Like all whales and dolphins, humpback whales belong to the order cetacea. http://www.earthtrust.org/wlcurric/whales.html | |
74. Louisiana Seabirds And Whales Photos, descriptions, and trip lists from Louisiana pelagic trips. http://webusers.xula.edu/jsevenai/offshore.html |
75. Gander Academy's Whale Related Resources On The World Wide Web whales Theme Page, Gander Academy s Crest. -. Great Sites for Researching whales. General Resources on whales. Baleen whales Humpback http://www.cdli.ca/CITE/whales.htm | |
76. Golden Triangle Online Inc. An online scientific and educational resource for both researchers and the general public, providing relevant news, reviews, and information about great whales around the world. http://www.eubalaena.org/ | |
77. Whales On The Net - Discovering Whales Detailed accounts for many species of whales and a full species list of the Order Cetacea. http://www.omplace.com/omsites/discover/ | |
78. Cetaceans Overview of whale species, with common names in 10 languages. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/jaap/Cetacea.htm | |
79. Discovering Whales - Baleen Whales Information about nine species. http://www.omplace.com/omsites/discover/baleen/ | |
80. Whales World Teacher Page. http://projects.edtech.sandi.net/brooklyn/whales/ | |
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