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61. Who's Who Guide Cymru prints and sculpture based on ancient welsh mythology. Alchemy and herbalist symbols scroll. designed and crafted in Britain.Dragonesque clothing vamp http://www.whoswhoguide.com/links/crafts.html | |
62. Orbit Forum - Is Maith Liom Tolkien the Welsh back in the brief AngloWelsh wars, with some welsh mythology and between the Border Lords and the Welsh rebels, with welsh mythology and http://www.orbitbooks.co.uk/orbit/forum2/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=55&whichpage=16 |
63. View Topic - Ocean Names? From the Welsh elements dy great and llanw sea. In welsh mythology, Dylan was a god of the sea, the son of Aranrhod.) ~Glyndwr (Welsh. http://www.babynamesworld.com/forum/topic37391.html | |
64. Re: New Lisp ? The language was named for a character from welsh mythology (ie, Dylan), Gwydion is also a character from Celtic/welsh mythology, hence the name of the http://people.csail.mit.edu/gregs/info-dylan-archive-html-2001/msg00968.html | |
65. Celtic World > Celtic Deities > H To M In welsh mythology, Llyr is the father of Bran, Branwen, and Manawydan. In welsh mythology, Lleu Llaw Gyffes, of the Skillful Hand, is the son of http://www.applewarrior.com/celticworld/celticdeities/htom.html | |
66. What Do I Need To Learn Medieval Welsh? If you are at all serious about welsh mythology, you will want Rachel Bromwich s Triodd Ynys Prydein. Bromwich has a super introduction, all the triads, http://www.digitalmedievalist.com/faqs/medwelsh.html | |
67. Page29 The title is taken from welsh mythology and means White Queen . Annwyn, Beneath the Waves, which is about welsh mythology and even describes herself as http://www.rozznet.com/collins/faithandthemuse/page29.html | |
68. Master Of Wiccan Studies Course By ULC - UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH SEMINARY Celts are what we are looking at in Tara, and welsh mythology seems to have more One example of this from welsh mythology is the story of Pwyll. http://www.ulcseminary.org/wiccan.php | |
69. THE DEATH OF LLEW A Seasonal Interpretation In welsh mythology in particular, there is a startling vindication of the 180 The Welsh myth concludes with Gwydion pursuing the faithless Blod euwedd http://crypt.eldritchs.com/tome/0179.txt | |
70. Montpelier Summer 1997 literature are rooted in welsh mythology, some of which go back to pagan times. What happened was the Normans were fascinated with the Welsh folklore, http://www.jmu.edu/montpelier/issues/summer97/arthur.html | |
71. The Prydain Guide - Wisdom For Your Poor, Tender Head Drawing in part from welsh mythology and, to a lesser extent, geography, Prydain is not a retelling of Welsh myth, but a tale in its own right; http://www.enkwiri.com/prydain/welcome.asp | |
72. Welsh Literature. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001-05 Songs in praise of heroes (many preChristian and mythological) and elegiac poems of interest in welsh mythology, and a turning away from earlier Welsh http://www.bartleby.com/65/we/Welshlit.html | |
73. Fortean Times - Iain Sinclair Interview You mentioned The Light and welsh mythology, is this where Arthur Machen s influence comes in? Well the thing with Machen is that he spent so many years http://www.forteantimes.com/articles/147_iainsinclair.shtml | |
74. The Identity: Rhys Taliesin Taliesin is the name of a bard, mage, and generally clever person in welsh mythology. welsh mythology, from my brief acquaintance, seems to have an affinity http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jmadden/middle.html | |
75. Untitled1 Throughout this piece he refers to welsh mythology, Irish and French Madron a Welsh mother goddess. In welsh mythology, Madron is the mother of http://www.nd.edu/~ndr/issues/ndr5/madrone/madrone.html | |
76. The Original Florentine Boar The Boar in Celtic and welsh mythology. Animals in Celtic and welsh mythology are tied in with fertility and vitality, because they are living, moving, http://www.derbyarboretum.co.uk/old_boar.htm | |
77. Book Review #10 By Eric Weeks Several key characters (but not Taran) are taken directly from welsh mythology, although I don t know anything about welsh mythology so I can t comment. http://www.physics.emory.edu/~weeks/if/review10.html | |
78. Welcome To Beddgelert In Snowdonia, North West Wales The story of Beddgelert, myth or fact? Beddgelert (Meaning the grave of Gelert was set and also for being the site of two wonders of welsh mythology, http://www.snowdonia.org/ | |
79. Kerlan Newsletter Archive - Fall 1998 Years ago Donna R. White read welsh mythology in the Kerlan and then traveled to Wales to complete her study. She honed her doctoral dissertation into a http://special.lib.umn.edu/clrc/fall98.htm |
80. Project MUSE English and American authors have previously drawn on welsh mythology to Contemporary AngloWelsh fantasies often employ Welsh myths and history as http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/lion_and_the_unicorn/v023/23.1pandolfo_briggs.html | |
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