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         Water Systems & Oceans Geography:     more detail
  1. Living Geography: Explore the World's Oceans, Rivers, Weather and Maps Through Exciting Activities and Experiments (Geography)

81. NMSP West Coast Observatories Viewer Information
the locations of various ocean observing systems along the West Coast. Coastal Counties The County Digital geography is a digital spatial framework

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This map displays data layers representing the locations of various ocean observing systems along the West Coast.
NOS-PORTS - The Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTSÆ) is a program of the National Ocean Service that supports safe and cost-efficient navigation by providing ship masters and pilots with accurate real-time information required to avoid groundings and collisions. More information
NDBC-Buoys - This layer provides basic information and on-line access to buoys available from the National Data Buoy Center.
NOS-NWLON - The National Water Level Observation Network (NWLON) consists of 175 stations - every station measures water level and several stations also measure other parameters. More information
NOS-NCOP - The National Current Observation Program (NCOP) is presently an observation program relying upon the deployment of ADCP current profiler systems at selected location in the U.S. coastal zone. Station locations are driven by user requirements and the national need for new and updated tidal current information.
Surface Marine Measurements - This layer contains the last 48 hours worth of meteorological and oceanographic measurements collected by coastal ocean observing systems. These basic measurements include air and water temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, significant wave height, wave direction, barometric pressure and tendency, and visibility. The data set includes reports from many observing networks run by different providers.

82. Ocean Planet:Pacific Ocean Geography
Pacific Ocean geography. excerpted from THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1994, geography.Location body of water between the Western Hemisphere, Asia, and Australia
Pacific Ocean Geography
excerpted from: THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1994, ELECTRONIC VERSION produced by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Location: body of water between the Western Hemisphere, Asia, and Australia
Map references: Asia, North America, Oceania, South America, Standard Time Zones of the World
total area 165.384 million sq km
comparative area about 18 times the size of the US; the largest ocean (followed by the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean); covers about one-third of the global surface; larger than the total land area of the world
note includes Bali Sea, Bellingshausen Sea, Bering Sea, Bering Strait, Coral Sea, East China Sea, Gulf of Alaska, Gulf of Tonkin, Java Sea, Philippine Sea, Ross Sea, Savu Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, South China Sea, Tasman Sea, Timor Sea, and other tributary water bodies
Coastline: 135,663 km
International disputes: some maritime disputes (see littoral states)
Climate: the western Pacific is monsoonal - a rainy season occurs during the summer months, when moisture-laden winds blow from the ocean over the land, and a dry season during the winter months, when dry winds blow from the Asian land mass back to the ocean
Terrain: surface currents in the northern Pacific are dominated by a clockwise, warm-water gyre (broad circular system of currents) and in the southern Pacific by a counterclockwise, cool-water gyre; in the northern Pacific sea ice forms in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk in winter; in the southern Pacific sea ice from Antarctica reaches its northernmost extent in October; the ocean floor in the eastern Pacific is dominated by the East Pacific Rise, while the western Pacific is dissected by deep trenches, including the world's deepest, the 10,924 meter Marianas Trench

83. Ocean Planet:Atlantic Ocean Geography
Atlantic Ocean geography. excerpted from THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1994, geography.Location body of water between the Western Hemisphere and Europe/Africa
Atlantic Ocean Geography
excerpted from: THE WORLD FACTBOOK 1994, ELECTRONIC VERSION produced by the Central Intelligence Agency.
Location: body of water between the Western Hemisphere and Europe/Africa
Map references: Africa, Antarctic Region, Arctic Region, Central America and the Caribbean, Europe, North America, South America, Standard Time Zones of the World
total area 82.217 million sq km
comparative area slightly less than nine times the size of the US; second-largest of the world's four oceans (after the Pacific Ocean, but larger than Indian Ocean or Arctic Ocean)
note includes Baltic Sea, Black Sea, Caribbean Sea, Davis Strait, Denmark Strait, Drake Passage, Gulf of Mexico, Mediterranean Sea, North Sea, Norwegian Sea, Scotia Sea, Weddell Sea, and other tributary water bodies
Coastline: 111,866 km
International disputes: some maritime disputes (see littoral states)
Climate: tropical cyclones (hurricanes) develop off the coast of Africa near Cape Verde and move westward into the Caribbean Sea; hurricanes can occur from May to December, but are most frequent from August to November
Terrain: surface usually covered with sea ice in Labrador Sea, Denmark Strait, and Baltic Sea from October to June; clockwise warm water gyre (broad, circular system of currents) in the north Atlantic, counterclockwise warm water gyre in the south Atlantic; the ocean floor is dominated by the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a rugged north-south centerline for the entire Atlantic basin; maximum depth is 8,605 meters in the Puerto Rico Trench

84. UCF Libraries Maps And GIS Resources
Provides links resources about maps and Geographic Information systems (GIS) . water Resources Atlas of Florida FL DOCS FSU.C8W17 provides maps,

85. NRDC Clean Water And Oceans Links
NRDC s list of links related to clean water and oceans. water Recycling Explore an ecological wastewater recycling system in Chatham County,

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Blue Frontier Campaign
- Use the marine grassroots directory to find local ocean protection organizations, and get involved in the "Blue Movement." Coral Reef Alliance - Information on coral reefs and how to keep them healthy. Includes a coral reef photo gallery. Conservation International's Marine Portal - Access news, publications and web resources related to the marine environment. The Cousteau Society - Join the Cousteau team on their worldwide expeditions as they explore the fragile web of life beneath the sea. EPA's Oceans Page - Whether your ocean knowledge is fundamental or extensive, this site has plenty of useful information for you. FishBase - A database containing photos and descriptions of almost every fish species known to science. Heal the Bay - A non-profit group using research, education, community action and policy programs to make Santa Monica Bay and Southern California coastal waters safe and healthy for people and marine life. Marine Biology: The Living Oceans - At this kids' website from the American Museum of Natural History, ocean scientists use fun activities and games to explain basic concepts of life beneath the waves.

86. Welcome To The USGS - U.S. Geological Survey
Geographic Information systems Since the ocean floor is being continuallyregenerated as the continental plates move across the Earth’s surface,
Contact USGS

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U.S. Geological Survey About USGS Science Topics Partnerships Education ... Jobs
As an unbiased, multi-disciplinary science organization that focuses on biology geography geology geospatial information , and water , we are dedicated to the timely, relevant, and impartial study of the landscape, our natural resources, and the natural hazards that threaten us.
Attention USGS employees stationed in areas affected by Hurricane Rita. If you haven't done so already, please call your supervisor and the toll-free number 1-888-364-8747 to report your status.
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Mount St. Helens: One-Year Anniversary of the Ongoing Eruption
FY 2006 President's Budget Request for USGS New 1-meter ground, High-Res Imagery USGS Peer Review Agenda ... River and Streamflow News Newsroom

87. Alaska Geography - NETSTATE
Information about Alaska state geography, topography, and climate. lies northof the Rocky Mountain System and slopes gradually toward the Arctic Ocean.






Ketchikan Hotels
The Geography of Alaska
Click here for a few definitions. Longitude / Latitude
Length x Width Alaska is approximately 1,480 miles long and 810 miles wide. Geographic Center The geographic center of Alaska is located approximately 60 miles NW of Mt. McKinley Borders Most of Alaska is surrounded by water. To the north is the Arctic Ocean , (the Beaufort Sea and the Chukchi Sea). To the south is the Gulf of Alaska and Pacific Ocean . To the west is the Bering Sea . Alaska's land borders Canada to the east and south. Total Area Alaska covers 656,425 square miles, making it the largest of the 50 states and more than twice the size of Texas , the second largest state. Land Area 570,374 square miles of Alaska are land areas. Water Area 86,051 square miles of Alaska are covered by water. Highest Point The highest point in Alaska is Mt. McKinley (Denali) at 20,320 feet above sea level. In fact, Mt. McKinley is the highest point in North America. Lowest Point The lowest point in Alaska is sea level where at the state meets the Pacific Ocean , the Bering Sea , and the Arctic Ocean Mean Elevation The Mean Elevation of the state of Alaska is 1,900 feet above sea level.

88. 8(q) Surface And Subsurface Ocean Currents
Near surface sea water begins its travel deep into the ocean in the North Note how this system is continuously moving water from the surface to deep
GLOSSARY ... ABOUT CHAPTER 8: Introduction to the Hydrosphere (q). Surface and Subsurface Ocean Currents Surface Ocean Currents An ocean current can be defined as a horizontal movement of seawater at the ocean's surface. Ocean currents are driven by the circulation of wind above surface waters. Frictional stress at the interface between the ocean and the wind causes the water to move in the direction of the wind. Large ocean currents are a response of the atmosphere and ocean to the flow of energy from the tropics to polar regions. In some cases, currents are transient features and affect only a small area. Other ocean currents are essentially permanent and extend over large horizontal distances. On a global scale, large ocean currents are constrained by the continental masses found bordering the three oceanic basins. Continental borders cause these currents to develop an almost closed circular pattern called a

89. CIA - The World Factbook -- Iraq
geography People Government Economy Communications Transportation governmentwater control projects have drained most of the inhabited marsh areas east
Select a Country or Location World Afghanistan Akrotiri Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arctic Ocean Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Atlantic Ocean Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas, The Bahrain Baker Island Bangladesh Barbados Bassas da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burma Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Christmas Island Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dhekelia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic East Timor Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia, The

90. AQUASTAT - FAO's Information System On Water And Agriculture
FAO s Information System on water and Agriculture The area extending betweenthe Atlantic Ocean and the Persian Gulf is covered with vast deserts.
AQUASTAT Agriculture 21 FAO Home FAO's Information System on Water and Agriculture AQUASTAT Home Regional Overviews General Summary
Near East
... Thematic maps
General summary Near East Region
Geography, climate and population
Because of the aridity prevailing in the region, the Near East is the poorest region in the world in terms of water resources, globally and per inhabitant, even when considering the contribution of rivers flowing from the bordering and more humid regions of tropical Africa (the Nile) or Himalayan Asia (the Indus). However, the water resources distribution within this vast area, extending over three continents, is far from being uniform: land relief, location with respect to the sea, latitude and resulting hydro-climatic conditions, diversity in hydrographic and geological structures, and matching or mismatching of the river basins with the national territories, all give rise to extremely different water situations. Many countries in the region are characterized by long coastal boundaries. The coasts are located on the North Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. In addition, several important interior seas can be found in the region: the Black Sea to the north of Turkey, the Caspian Sea to the north of Iran and to the west of Turkmenistan and the Dead Sea to the west of Jordan. The Aral Sea is not bordering the Near East region, but the northern part of Central Asia is located within the Aral Sea basin. Only three countries, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, are landlocked.

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer hardware and software The zone where land and ocean meet is critical for both humans and wildlife.
GEOGRAPHY AND CAREERS A question students often ask themselves and their teachers is “What can I do with geography?” This question is not unexpected, because while it is easy to understand getting excited about maps, different cultures and environments, and even being better citizens through geography, it is harder to see how geographic knowledge can lead to good jobs or meaningful careers. However, in recent years people have discovered that large numbers of societal problems have geographic dimensions and that education and training in geography provide essential skills for real-world problem solving. As a result, geography has become a necessary ingredient in hundreds of different jobs. There will be stories about world hunger, environmental quality, hazardous-waste disposal, crime, urban housing, agricultural productivity, water management, transportation, and the value of land and real estate. All of these key issues have geographic aspects, and who is better equipped to give them attention than geographers, who are broadly trained in relevant subject matter and skills? For example, very little in the modern world can progress without good maps, and knowing how to use maps is one of the geographer’s specialties. THE VARIETY OF
GEOGRAPHIC FIELDS When you go to college, expect to find a broad range of programs in geography. In fact, geography is now often a part of the core curriculum and can help you fulfill requirements in social science, natural science, international studies, and cultural heritage. At some colleges, geography is a required course.

92. DLESE Find A Resource: Collections That Contain: The Ocean Project
Collections that contain The Ocean Project. Digital water Ed Library (DWEL Full description of this resource provided by Digital water Ed Library (DWEL

93. Graduate Study In Geography: UCSB Geography Department
EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE (ESS) This systematic area emphasizes the measurements, TOMMY DICKEY (PhD, Princeton University), Professor Atmosphereocean
navHomeFlag=false; Academics Courses People About ... Index
Graduate Study in Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Welcome to the graduate program of the Department of Geography. The material within this Handbook will hopefully answer most of your questions about our graduate program. Please read it - it is a valuable resource and it was put together especially for you, the graduate students of the Department of Geography.
The Geography Department at UCSB offers specialized graduate training leading to the Masters and Ph.D. degrees. Areas of concentration include: EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE (ESS): This systematic area emphasizes the measurements, analysis, and modeling of hydrologic, atmospheric, oceanic, and terrestrial systems and the interactions between systems. A large proportion of the problems addressed by researchers in ESS involve three common elements: large regional issues; mathematical and computational modeling; and large, spatially-indexed datasets. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT RELATIONS (HER): This systematic area covers the major components of Human Geography offered by the Department, including: human spatial behavior; spatial decision making and decision support; spatial and geographic cognition; urban and regional modeling, planning, and policy; human movement and transportation systems; resource and environmental management; environmental ethics; human response to the changing environment.

94. Geography / About Uyghurs / UAA - Uyghur American Association (UAA)
UAA About Uyghurs geography. Hanas Lake is the only SiberiaArctic watersystem deep lake with an average depth 120 meter. The Deepest point is 188.5
@import url("/design/base/stylesheets/core.css"); @import url("/design/base/stylesheets/site.css"); @import url("/packages/styles/t03/files/default/file/design/base/stylesheets/t3/site-colors.css"); @import url("/design/base/stylesheets/classes.css"); @import url("/packages/styles/t03/files/default/file/design/base/stylesheets/t3/classes-colors.css"); @import url("/design/standard/stylesheets/debug.css"); UAA About Uyghurs / Geography
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95. Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean Geography, Pacific Ocean People, Pacific Ocean Gove
Pacific Ocean, Pacific Ocean geography, Pacific Ocean people, body of waterbetween the Southern Ocean, Asia, Australia, and the Western Hemisphere
Pacific Ocean
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Bob Starkgraf
Background: The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's five oceans (followed by the Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Southern Ocean, and Arctic Ocean). Strategically important access waterways include the La Perouse, Tsugaru, Tsushima, Taiwan, Singapore, and Torres Straits. TOP OF PAGE
Location: body of water between the Southern Ocean, Asia, Australia, and the Western Hemisphere Geographic coordinates: 00 N, 160 00 W

LGISC, Louisiana Geographic Information systems Council. LGSOWOG, Landsat GroundStation Operations Working OPIS, Ocean Planning Information System
A B C D ... Acknowledgements
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l Liter l. Links La. Louisiana LA Land access; Louisiana L.A. Los Angeles (Calif.) LAAS Local Area Augmentation System LAC Libraries and Archives Canada = Bibliotheque et Archives du Canada; Litografia Artistica Cartografica; Local Area Composite LACIE Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment LADAR Laser Detection and Ranging LAGEO Laser Geodynamic Satellite LAGIC Louisiana Geographic Information Center LAMP Low Altitude Mapping Photogrammetry LAMPS Laser-scan Automated Map Production System LAMS Large Area Mosaicing Software LAN Local area network LAND Landmark feature identification number LANDRU Local Access to Networked Data Retrieval Utility (Univ. of Calgary) LANDSAT Land Satellite LAP Landsat Applications Program (PNW) LARIS Louisiana Areal Resource Information System LARS Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing (Purdue Univ.) LARSYS Laboratory of Applications of Remote Sensing Image Data Processing System (Purdue Univ.) LAS Land Analysis System LASS Land Applications Satellite System (ESA) Lat.

97. Geometry In Action: Cartography And Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A geographic information system (GIS) is simply a database of information of 3d geographic objects such as aquifers, ocean currents, and weather fronts.
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems A geographic information system (GIS) is simply a database of information about natural and man-made geographic features such as roads, buildings, mountains... These systems can be used for making maps, but also for analyzing data e.g. for facility location. There has been some communication between the geometry and GIS communities (e.g. geographer Michael Goodchild gave an invited lecture on "Computational Geography" at the 11th ACM Symp. Comp. Geom. ) but more could be done to bring them together. Geographic problems already visible in the geometry community include interpolation of surfaces from scattered data , overlaying planar subdivisions, hierarchical representations of terrain information, boundary simplification, lossy compression of elevation data (e.g. by using a piecewise linear approximation with few facets), and map labelling. Other interesting geometric issues include handling of approximate and inconsistent data, matching similar features from different databases, compression of large geographic databases, cooperation between raster and vector representations, visibility analysis, and generation of cartograms (maps with area distorted to represent other information such as population). A particularly important geometric data structure in geographic analysis is the Voronoi diagram , which has been used for to identify regions of influence of clans and other population centers, model plant and animal competition, piece together satellite photographs, estimate ore reserves, perform marketing analysis, and estimate rainfall.

98. National Geographic's Strange Days On Planet Earth . About The Series | PBS
A new age of exploration is about to begin and National Geographic s Strange The water that animals rely on is part of a single interconnected system
Little changes... with big results.
About the Series

About Edward Norton

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Please note that links marked with are off-site links and will open in a new browser window.
PBS's About the Series A new age of exploration is about to begin and National Geographic's Strange Days on Planet Earth will take you there in four landmark hours.
Species spread across traditional borders Episode One: Invaders In Tokyo Bay, General Douglas MacArthur presided over Japan's formal surrender in World War II. US forces in Japan and China packed up to return home, making crates from local wood. The crates wound up in garbage dumps near military bases in the American South. But the discarded containers were not necessarily empty – they were likely teeming with stowaways, aliens in the form of Formosan subterranean termites. Over time, the dangerous broods built up their numbers throughout New Orleans. Meanwhile, in Uganda, an alien interloper may be jeopardizing the very health of the nation. Cases of the tropical disease, schistosomiasis, have been on the rise and scientists suspect the alien water hyacinth plant is partly to blame. In a short time, this weed has clogged 80 percent of Uganda's shoreline, providing an ideal breeding ground for snails carrying this deadly disease. Plus as the menacing snails thrive, fish life suffers under the suffocating blanket of weeds and when the weeds rot, the drinking water coming straight from the lake is fouled, further weakening the health of all the lakeside inhabitants.

99. The Educational Encyclopedia, Geographic-topics
The educational encyclopedia, educypedia, geographictopics. About waterlevels, tides currents Earth, moon and ocean interaction in the sea
EDUCYPEDIA The educational encyclopedia Home Electronics General Information technology ... Science Science Automotive Biology Biology-anatomy Biology-animals ... Space Social science Atlas - maps Countries Dinosaurs Environment ... Sitemap
Geography Alaska-Antartica-tundra Beauty of the earth Biomes Deserts ... Forest General Grasslands Miscellaneous Montains Oceans and seas General overview about geography see also: Parcs Caves or Geology Solar system: the earth Earthshots images showing recent environmental events Earth systems many topics for schools Encyclozine encyclopedia, portal for arts humanities science and technology Geography physical geography Geography exchange: resource centre causes of earthquakes, plate tectonics and continental drift, composite volcano, how glaciers form and flow, cross section of rivers, acid rain, ozone layer, water pollution full of information for each country and dependencies, statistical data base, with a continent subdivision and an index from A to Z of all nations, collection of photos from many countries around the world, panoramic pictures from some zones of our planet, live-webcams from all over the world, earth views from the space and space imaging gallery Globe gallery a tip Information dictionary encyclopedia reference site. Here you can find facts on thousands of subjects including sports, entertainment, technology, business, education, and health, biographies, population, countries, maps, reference definitions, business, facts, news, history, click here for

100. Prof Andy Pitman, Ausralian Climate System Network - Physical Geography, Macquar
Networks combined the Climate System Network and the Ocean Discovery Network.The Ocean Discovery Network maintains an additional web site.
The Australian Earth System Science Network
Written by Andy Pitman, February 2004
Network Structure Background and Context for the Network National and International Research Capacity and links Under Pinning Documents ... National Benefits The Earth System Science Network represents a large scale bringing together of the community. Two ARC seed-funded Networks combined - the Climate System Network and the Ocean Discovery Network. The Ocean Discovery Network maintains an additional web site.
Our Network aims to coordinate national expertise in Earth System Science as it relates, in the broadest sense to climate and climate related problems. We bring together University researchers with climate experts at CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology and ANSTO. We bring coordination across this community to facilitate an attack on key science problems relating to the Australian environment and relating to key science questions in the international community. Our links into International Science, in order to contribute to this effort and to lever off this effort are built from decades of highly effective collaboration. Who's involved in Australia Who's involved internationally A recent assessment of Climate Activities in Australia has been performed, sponsored by the Australian Greenhouse Office, the Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian Academy of Science. Links from this page

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