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121. TDEC: Solid Waste Management Information on hazardous waste permitting is found in The Environmental Permitting Handbook, and a current list of hazardous waste transporters is provided. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/swm/ | |
122. Washington County, MN - Public Health/Environment Information about many topics from health to hazardous waste disposal. http://www.co.washington.mn.us/info_for_residents/public_health/ | |
123. TN Department Of Environment And Conservation: Waste programs dedicated to reducing the impact of solid and hazardous waste on our environment. Annual Solid/Hazardous waste Conference and Exhibition http://www.state.tn.us/environment/waste.php | |
124. HSH Home Plans - Build Your Dream Home. Information on radon, lead, asbestos, formaldehyde, hazardous waste, and water contamination. http://homeplans.hsh.com/articles/environment/hazards.asp | |
125. Peterborough Environment City Trust Research and develops practical projects to protect and improve our environment. Details include the aims, energy usage, waste recycling, nature and widlife, green features, audits and transport http://www.pect.net/ | |
126. U.S. - Mexican Border Environmental Information Web (Border EcoWeb) Clearinghouse for information about the environment along the border. Includes articles, publications lists, and links on topics including water supply and quality, air pollution, environmental health, hazardous waste, regional NGOs, and current issues. http://www.borderecoweb.sdsu.edu/ |
127. Oregon Department Of Energy Homepage Department that protects Oregon's environment by saving energy, developing clean energy resources, and cleaning up nuclear waste. Tips for energy conservation, energy building codes, energy loan programs, and list of programs online. http://www.energy.state.or.us/ | |
128. ATAKA-Top Page Provides waste and water treatment and recycling, water environment and remediation, environmental services, and related construction. Based in Osaka. http://www.atakakogyo.co.jp/en/ | |
129. CBI Brief: 'Winning The War On Waste' - Environment Audit Committee Inquiry - CB The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) is the UK s leading {independent} employers organisation. Representing over 250000 public and private sector http://www.cbi.org.uk/ndbs/positiondoc.nsf/0/578554193354fb0480256c5d0050f566?Op |
130. EPI PVC Geomembrane Liners For Water And Waste Containment. environmental Protection Inc geomembrane liners for water and waste Enhancing our environment by preserving water resources for future generations. http://www.geomembrane.com/ | |
131. Waste Wise WA. Information about waste and hints on how to reduce, reuse, and recycle to minimise our impact on the environment. http://www.wastewise.wa.gov.au/ | |
132. Enviro Convention And Exhibition - Water, Waste Management And Odour Control Brings together the latest science, technology and knowhow of the world's environment industry in conferences on water, waste management and odour control. http://www.enviroaust.net/ | |
133. Water-Waste-Environment Marketplace Waterwaste-environment Marketplace. 0938 GMT, Thursday, August 04 2005 Sub-categories within this section cover areas from environmental Audits to http://www.water-marketplace.co.uk/ | |
134. City Of Tucson Links to solid waste management and recycling, conservation, ground water management, and the environment. http://www.cityoftucson.org/environment.html | |
135. Ashtead Technology Ltd - Company Listing On Water-Waste-Environment Marketplace. Waterwaste-environment Marketplace. 1652 GMT, Thursday, August 04 2005 environmental Management Systems environmental Monitoring and Analysis http://www.water-marketplace.co.uk/details.asp?cid=11951 |
136. NsertAseal Drain seals for the petrochemical industry comply with regulatory mandates and contribute to a safe, odorfree work environment. These seals allow waste fluid to pass through drains into the sewer system normally, but stop fugitive emissions from leaching back out into the atmosphere. http://www.nsertaseal.com/ |
137. East Gippsland Shire Council Home Page Coming events; council, community and health services; waste and environment; emergency management; commerce; recreation, history and culture. http://www.egipps.vic.gov.au/ | |
138. Water-Waste-Environment Marketplace Waterwaste-environment Marketplace. 1308 GMT, Monday, August 08 2005 Recruitment and training environmental job centre environmental training centre http://www.water-waste-environment-marketplace.co.uk/login.asp | |
139. Glossary Of 365 Environmental Terms By the French Institute for the environment (IFEN), local interface of the European environment Agency (EEA). 2000, 29 pages. Natural resources, sustainable development, pollution control, waste management. http://www.ifen.fr/outils/glossaire/glossary.pdf |
140. Keep North Platte And Lincoln County Beautiful Works to educate and interact with the public encouraging beautification, a litter free environment, and waste reduction through recycling. http://www.keepnorthplattebeautiful.org/ | |
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