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         War General:     more books (100)
  1. Soldiers of the Revolutionary War (General Military) by Stuart Reid, 2002-09-18
  2. War as I Knew It by George S. Patton, 1990-04
  3. There He Stands: The Story Of Stonewall Jackson (Civil War Generals) by Bruce L. Brager, 2005-01-30
  4. The Science of Star Wars: An Astrophysicist's Independent Examination of Space Travel, Aliens, Planets, and Robots as Portrayed in the Star Wars Films and Books by Jeanne Cavelos, 2000-05-05
  5. Jefferson Davis and His Generals: The Failure of Confederate Command in the West (Modern War Studies) by Steven E. Woodworth, 1992-10
  6. Rome and Her Enemies: An Empire Created and Destroyed by War (General Military)
  7. Jefferson Davis's Generals (Gettysburg Civil War Institute Books)
  8. War Book Of The German General Staff by Great General Staff of the Imperial German Army, J. H. Morgan, 2005-10-10
  9. Hitler's War on Russia (General Military) by Charles Winchester, 2007-08-21
  10. The Second World War by John Keegan, 2005-05-03
  11. Battles of the Revolutionary War: 1775-1781 (Major Battles and Campaigns Series) by W. J. Wood, 2003-12
  12. WARS AGAINST NAPOLEON, THE: Debunking the Myth of the Napoleonic Wars by General Michel Franceschi, Ben Weider, 2007-12-15
  13. American Generals of the Revolutionary War: A Biographical Dictionary by Robert P. Broadwater, 2007-02-05
  14. The Blood Of Soldiers Makes The GeneralGreat!: Preparing for the Business Wars to Come by Douglas T. Story, 2007-12-01

61. The American Civil War Homepage
Categorized links, general resources, documentary records, and state and local studies. Maintained by Dr. George H. Hoemann, University of Tennessee.
"Fellow citizens, we cannot escape history."
Abraham Lincoln, Annual Message to Congress, December 1862

George H. Hoemann
The American Civil War Homepage
Last Revised 22 September 2005
Outline of Resources
General Resources
22 September 2005 The Secession Crisis and Before
Images of Wartime

Biographical Information
31 August 2005 Histories and Bibliographies
Documentary Records

State/Local Studies by State
2 September 2005 29 August 2005
Other Military Information Civil War Reenactors 29 August 2005 Civil War Round Tables 13 September 2005
Fictional Accounts of Wartime General Resources
Music of the Civil War Era
To Gettysburg: Songs Inspired by the Famous Battle [NB: Songs are present day compositions]
2nd South Carolina String Band
Band Music from the Civil War Era (from the Library of Congress)
Music of the American Civil War
The Civil War Music Site
Poetry and Music of the War Between the States
Historic American Sheet Music: 1860-1869 (from Duke University)
Civil War Poetry and Music
The Civil War Music Store
Civil War Songs Radio (NB: This site has a commercial character)
Selections by 33rd NJVI Reenactors (NB: This site has a commercial character)
Music of the Civil War Radio (NB: This site has a commercial character)
Other General Resources
The National Park Service: The American Civil War 22 September 2005
Today in U.S. Civil War History

62. George Monbiot » War - Afghanistan
war general war - afghanistan. What’s the difference between Al Qaeda and Fort Benning? (more…) 23/10/2001. America’s Pipe Dream. Filed under
@import url( );
Tell people something they know already,
and they will thank you for it. Tell them
something new, and they will hate you for it.
Race War Filed under: Racial profiling threatens to widen the conflict for which Bush and Blair are preparing.
Filed under: The liberals who supported the bombing of Afghanistan have aligned themselves with a ruthless military machine
The End of the Enlightenment
Filed under:
Blasting Our Way to Peace Filed under:
Filed under:
Filed under: The war against terrorism is also a struggle for oil and regional control
The New McCarthyism
Filed under: Charges of anti-Americanism are themselves anti-American
Into the Morass
Filed under: There is no clear way to end this war
The Need for Dissent
Filed under:

63. General Philip H.Sheridan
general Sheridan John and Mary Minah Sheridan, Philip s parents, After the start of the Civil war, (April 4, 1861) Phil was promoted to Captain and in
A Brief Biography
John and Mary Minah Sheridan, Philip's parents, came to America in 1830 at the urging of John's uncle, Thomas Gainor, living in Albany, New York. John and Mary were second degree cousins from County Cavan, Ireland. Before leaving Ireland the couple had two children, Patrick H. and Rosa. Rosa died aboard ship and was buried at sea. Philip Henry was born March 6, 1831. His birthplace is still a mystery. There are no records available at Albany, New York, Boston, Mass. (where their ship landed), nor at Somerset, Ohio. Phil at various times claimed all three places. He arrived with his parents in Somerset as a babe-in-arms and spent his childhood here. The Sheridan family increased here by the births of Mary, Michael, and John L. Sheridan attended school in Somerset until the age of fourteen, at which time he went to work for various businessmen, notably Fink and Dittoe. In 1848 Congressman Thomas Ritchie, who knew both Phil and his father, obtained an appointment to West Point for Phil. In 1851, his third year at the Point, he was suspended for a year for fighting with a fellow cadet, William Terrill, Va. Brig. Gen., Union. Phil graduated 34th in a class of 52 in July, 1853, and was assigned to the 1st Infantry at Fort Duncan, Texas, as a 2nd Lt. In 1855 he was transferred to the 4th Infantry in the Pacific Northwest. In April, 1856, he was assigned to duty at the Grand Ronde Indian Reservation in Yamhill County, Oregon, and was promoted to 1st Lt.

64. World War 2
A general Second World war resource. Articles include a biography of Adolf Hitler, important dates, casualty figures, high commands, trivia, recommended books, and a glossary of operations, equipment, and organizations.
The Second World War: 1939 - 1945 Background Information A Biography of Adolf Hitler
Covers up to 1937. The German High Command The British High Command The Soviet High Command The Italian High Command ... The United States High Command T hese pages are intended to be a general World War Two resource, providing background information and useful and interesting facts. Hopefully this will be a useful aid to those studying the history of World War II War Fatalities - by Country
A look at the astonishing death toll. Some Important Dates
A list of noteworthy WWII dates.

65. VOA News - President Grant: Civil War Hero Faces Battles Of Politics
His leadership as a general made him a war hero. But, was his presidency as successful? However, he ran on his record as a winning general.
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Special English Learn American English and Much More • Read + Listen + Learn Text Only Search V OICE OF A MERICA VOA Home Special English Home Transcript Archive Subscribe to E-mail ... Radio Programs Find Us on TV Stories by E-mail Contact Us Find a Story By Subject By Program Listen Stream Download Help Watch Weekly TV English Learning Games With Words Wordmaster Other Resources President Grant: Civil War Hero Faces Battles of Politics
27 July 2005
Making of a Nation - Download MP3

Making of a Nation - Download RealAudio

Listen to Making of a Nation

(MUSIC) VOICE ONE: THE MAKING OF A NATION a program in Special English. (MUSIC) Ulysses Grant Ulysses Grant was elected president of the United States in eighteen sixty-eight. Grant was the military hero of America's Civil War. He led Union troops of the North to victory over Confederate troops of the South. Grant was extremely popular. But he was a much better general than politician. As president, it was not long before he got into trouble in the battles of politics and government.

66. Emory International Law Review Homepage
From the Emory International Law Review 9.2, Fall 1995. Attempts to apply modern standards to Sherman's Atlanta Campaign in the U.S Civil war.
2005-2006 Editorial Board

2005-2006 Editorial Board


67. Frontline: The Gulf War: War Stories: Oral History: The Commanders
Examining the Gulf war through the eyes and in the words of those who played major roles photo of general Norman Schwarzkopf general Norman Schwarzkopf
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Examining the Gulf War through the eyes and in the words of those who played major roles
General Norman Schwarzkopf (Commander-in-Chief, Central Command (CENTCOM)) Q: The first night of the war. Can you recall your entry into the war room that night?
In the days preceding, we tried to keep it a very very deep secret, exactly when these attacks would be launched...
General Calvin Waller (Deputy Commander, CENTCOM) Q: Buster Glosson says that if he could have carried on hitting the strategic targets, Saddam would have waved the white flag...
Anyone who says if they had been allowed just a few more days of strategic bombing that there wouldn't have been a need for a ground attack, I think is absolutely smoking something...
General Charles Horner (Commander, US Ninth Air Force) Q: How did you come to decide to start to hit the biological warfare targets?
One of the thorniest problems in targeting was biological warfare storage areas - we knew they were storing anthrax and botulism...
General Walt Boomer (Marine Air-Ground Commander) Q: What did the battle at Khafji tell you about the Iraqis?

68. General Society War Of 1812
Membership is gained through the State societies and is open to any male over the age of 21 who is the lineal blood descendant of one who served during the war of 1812, in the army, navy, revenuemarine, or privateer service of the United States. Provides information on the society, listing of state society contacts, history of the war of 1812, timeline, awards, and online search.

69. War Of 1812 Articles, Book Reviews, Replicas, Reenactment Info, Quizzes, Sound C
Part of a larger suite of military sites, this site offers articles, uniform charts and book reviews as well as a wide range of replica goods for reenactors.
American Infantry, 1813 by H.C. McBarron (courtesy of Parks Canada) Articles Reenactments and Units Book Reviews Quizzes ... Video Clips Welcome to 's War of 1812 Website You are amongst over a thousand visitors who explore this site daily. This "1812 experience" is comprised of numerous articles, quality book reviews and offers, extensive links, and the largest collection of War of 1812 images on the internet. Event listings, news and unit websites dealing with the exciting reenactment hobby can also be found here. Make your computer come alive with the sounds of the past by visiting our sound clip gallery. If you are up to the challenge, test your knowledge of the War of 1812 by taking one of our quizzes. Finally for the armchair general we provide unique animated battle maps that give you a quick understanding of a particular clash of arms during the war. You can now reach this site by using: Many new Flintlock Muskets now available! 18th century music SOUND clips! Our NEWEST RE-CREATIONS section shows some newly-made British Army and Royal Navy uniforms HELP KEEP THIS SITE ON-LINE Support the growth of the War of 1812 Website by making your book purchases here: Search by: Keyword Title Author Our sites: Home of the Discriminating General The Seven Years War Website - The Napoleonic Wars Collection ... Military Music Sound Clip Gallery Products and Services: Our Mission and Clients - Product Index - Newest Additions Heritage Film Services - Seven Years War Products ... Muskets, Bayonets

70. The Kootenay Involvement In The Boer War--General History
general History of the Boer war This role expanded with the advent of the Boer war. For the first time, Canada sent military forces overseas,
The Kootenay Involvement in the B oer War General History Local History Public Interest Resource Materials ... Contact Us General History of the Boer War Stereo View
For Empire Queen and Flag - Canadians at Cape Town, S.A. [F.S.282.200] European conflict. Stereo View
The Britan's Bravest charge the Kopjes [F.S.282.279] Sir Wilfred Laurier was Canada's Prime Minister; Queen Victoria still ruled over Britain and her Empire. Joseph Chamberlain was Secretary of State for Colonial Affairs in the Cabinet of Lord Salisbury. Chamberlain encouraged support from the colonies for the British position in Sou th Africa, not so much for the manpower but rather for the appearance of colonial solidarity and to convince the European powers of the legitimacy of Britain's war with the Boers. "By offering soldiers spontaneously and enthusiastically, the colonies would also demonstrate to a skeptical and hostile Europe the British Empire's reserve strength." On October 3, 1899 the Colonial Office requested that Canada provide a contingent of four units of 250 men each. The units were to be ready to sail for South Africa by October 31st. Authorization to commence recruitment was issued to the Military Districts by October 14, and by October 30, the various recruiting stations across the country were successful. In fact, in many cases the recruitment stations had to turn away volunteers. The recruits were assembled at Quebec, 1,110 volunteers, including four nurses, four reporters, and twenty-three surplus officers. They were all crowded aboard the troop transport, SS Sardinian. The official designation of the contingent was 2nd Battalion, Royal Canadian Regiment, under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel William Otter.

71. General Issue Blues
Poems about the war in Vietnam, evoking memories of rice paddy ambushes, helicopter assaults, mines and booby traps.
var TlxPgNm='index';
“First war resembles a beautiful mouth We all want to flirt with and believe….
Later it’s more a repulsive old whore Whose callers are bitter and grieve.” Anonymous ENTER The Combat Medics Web Ring
This site owned by
Sonny Gratzer
SiteRing by The Brothers Of Nam SiteRing
This site owned by
Sonny Gratzer
SiteRing by

72. Canadian Military Medals And Decorations - Veterans Affairs Canada
Veteran Affairs Canada presents various war medals, service badges and honours. Provides detailed information of each, photographs where relevant and circumstances under which they would have been awarded.

73. Leadership, Ethics, And Command Central Future Studies, Future Conflict Studies
Online resources for integrating the tools of futures studies with conflict and defense studies for officer training extensive links focussed on the future of war, confllict, and military technology, as well as general futures methods.

An essay on the war with emphasis on general Kearny's command and the events in Arizona.
NOTE: The following treatise is rather long (15K). You may wish to use your browser to save it and review or print it out later. It is mostly about the Mexican War as it affected the Arizona region.
Mineral Creek in PinalsNamed by Gen. Stephen W. Kearny
The writing of nineteenth-century American history is often dominated by the great and furious events of the Civil War of 1861-1865. This is only rightly so, as that war shaped subsequent American life in ways that reverberate down to even our own time. There was, however, another war in that century, nearly forgotten today, that also had an enormous impact on America: the Mexican War of 1846-1848. In many ways, the Mexican War was, indeed, the forerunner of the Civil War, for most of the great warriors of 1861-1865 actually had their first taste of battle, and tested their character, in the Mexican War. But, even more importantly, as a direct result of the Mexican War the United States acquired dominion over lands that nearly doubled its previous size. The future states of Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Arizona, and California were all obtained as a direct result of the war. Much of the future economic wealth of the United Statesindeed, its very status as a truly

75. Non-Governmental Organizations In Sub-Saharan Africa
The Peace Resource Center contains a large collection of international human rights treaties, instruments, general comments, recommendations, decisions, and views of treaty bodies; other U.N. human rights materials, with an emphasis on peace and war related materials
Nongovernmental Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa
published by
The Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
International Human Rights Internship Program

76. Robert Edward Lee Biography
The son of Revolutionary war hero Light Horse Harry Leewho fell into disrepute His Southern assignments included major general, Virginia s land and
Robert Edward Lee
"With all my devotion to the Union and the feeling of loyalty and duty of an American citizen, I have not been able to make up my mind to raise my hand against my relatives, my children, my home. I have therefore resigned my commission in the Army, and save in defense of my native State, with the sincere hope that my poor services may never be needed, I hope I may never be called on to draw my sword....." Lee in a letter to his sister, April 20, 1861 The idol of the South to this day, Virginian Robert E. Lee had some difficulty in adjusting to the new form of warfare that unfolded with the Civil war, but this did not prevent him from keeping the Union armies in Virginia at bay for almost three years. The son of Revolutionary War hero "Light Horse" Harry Lee-who fell into disrepute in his later years attended West Point and graduated second in his class. During his four years at the military academy he did not earn a single demerit and served as the cadet corps' adjutant. Upon his 1829 graduation he was posted to the engineers. Before the Mexican War he served on engineering projects in Georgia, Virginia, and New York. During the war he served on the staffs of John Wool and Winfield Scott. Particularly distinguishing himself scouting for and guiding troops, he won three brevets and was slightly wounded at Chapultepec.
Following a stint in Baltimore Harbor he became superintendent of the military academy in 1852. When the mounted arm was expanded in 1855, Lee accepted the lieutenant colonelcy of the 2nd Cavalry in order to escape from the painfully slow promotion in the engineers. Ordered to western Texas, he served with his regiment until the 1857 death of his father-in-law forced him to ask for a series of leaves to settle the estate.

77. The American Civil War Home Page
The complete Civil war site. No more running from site to site. the site is dedicated strictly to my opinions about the Civil war and life in general.
Home of the American Civil War From the blood soaked plains of Manassas, to the smoke filled skies of Atlanta, and finally to the tear filled eyes at Appomattox. For four of the bloodiest years in the history of this Republic the war raged. It started as Yanks and Rebs, it ended as "Americans!!" A Tribute To A Friend One amongst us is gone, but will never be forgotten! A Farewell The youngest amongst us is gone. He is sorely missed! Web Site Bibliography Just a little note to tell you what this site is all about and provide site bibliographical information. "I am a Southerner by birth and a Rebel by choice. As I read and study, I pull for Lee, Jackson, and Longstreet. As I live, I thank Grant, Lincoln, and Democracy." Shotgun For convenience this site is divided into the following sections: Section Name/Link Section Content Civil War Battles Provides some of the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion and descriptions of the major battles they pertain to. I have selected some of the reports of commanders of these battles, some reports of lesser known individuals involved in the same battles, and other reports that I like because of the individuals that wrote them.

78. Bibliography About The Civil War - General History
Bibliography about The Civil war general History. Catton, Bruce. The Centennial History of the Civil war. Garden City, NY Doubleday Co., 1961-1965.
Civil War Photographs Home Page
Bibliography about The Civil War - General History
Catton, Bruce. The Centennial History of the Civil War Mr. Lincoln's Army . 1951. Reprint. New York: Anchor Books, 1990. Coddington, Edwin B. The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in Command . 1968. Reprint. Norwalk, CT: Easton Press, 1989. Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877 A Short History of Reconstruction, 1863-1877 Foote, Shelby. The Civil War: A Narrative . 1958-1974. Reprint. New York: Vintage Books, 1986. Freeman, Douglas S. Lee's Lieutenants: A Study in Command . 1942-1944. Reprint. New York: Macmillan, 1987. McPherson, James M. Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction . New York: Alfred A. Knopf, distributed by Random House, 1982. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era . New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Nevins, Allan. Ordeal of the Union . New York: Scribner, 1947. The War for the Union . New York: Scribner, 1959-1971. Paludan, Phillip S. A People's Contest: The Union and Civil War, 1861-1865

79. The New Jersey - The United States Mint
Depicts general George Washington and members of the Colonial Army crossing the Delaware River en route to very important victories during the Revolutionary war. The design is based on the 1851 painting by Emmanuel Leutze, Washington Crossing the Delaware, which currently hangs in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

80. Vietnam War / General
Vietnam war / general From Our war What We Did in Vietnam and What It Did To Us by David Harris, pp. 1516. (New York Times Books, Random House,
Vietnam War / General
From "Our War: What We Did in Vietnam and What It Did To Us" by David Harris, pp. 15-16. (New York: Times Books, Random House, 1996)
Gibson, James William. The Perfect War: Technowar in Vietnam. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986. 523 pages.
James Gibson is a left-of-center scholar who noticed a curious lack of interest in addressing the failure of U.S. policy in Vietnam during the years following the war. Pundits were quick to use Vietnam as a point of departure for discussions of other topics, but they carefully avoided discussing the war itself. Liberals felt that Vietnam was a mistake, conservatives felt that we lost due to self-imposed restraints, and no one examined the evidence.
Gibson's loose thesis is that the U.S. fought the war as an affair of statistics and technology, and made the mistake of assuming that the enemy was fighting the same war. The assumption was that the enemy would have to acknowledge our superior firepower and our higher body counts, and then they would surrender. For Washington, the war was a logistical exercise in production: when certain quotas were met, then certain boundaries were redrawn to reflect newly-secured areas on the map. But when reports from the field were skewed to reflect these priorities, it only served to increase our bureaucratic isolation. Ultimately the managers in Washington were far removed from the realities in Vietnam, and had become the dupes of their own definitions.
Halberstam, David. The Best and the Brightest. Greenwich CT: Fawcett Publications, 1973. 831 pages.

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