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81. About Alternative Approaches To Education The son of a violin maker, and a violinist himself, his teaching methods were This was a school for the children of employees of the waldorf Astoria http://www.memory-key.com/Parents/alternative_education.htm | |
82. Davis Dyslexia Discussion Board Unfortunately, the school didn t like her nonwaldorf methods and let her go after and even though it mentioned using the waldorf teaching methods, http://www.dyslexiatalk.com/messages/5/2621.shtml?1081457965 |
83. SUNET's Web Index: Teaching Methods Education/Teaching methods. Freinet method 1; Montessori method 6. Waldorfmethod 4. Sortings and selections. Andersson, JanOlof - http://katalogen.sunet.se/cat/education/teaching_methods | |
84. The Atlantic Online In the past decade a dozen public schools have adopted waldorf methods, Although the Mathews School has embraced waldorf teaching techniques with http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99sep/9909waldorf.htm | |
85. - Books - English And Language Arts Curriculum For Waldorf Education Finding the Path Themes and Methods for the Teaching of Mathematics in a waldorf waldorf high school English teacher John Wulsin examines some common http://www.waldorfbooks.com/edu/curriculum/english_language_arts.htm | |
86. Susan Ohanian's Testing Outrages (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) The Sacramento City Unified School District put waldorf teaching methods in placeat John Morse school in south Sacramento in 1998, and the district now has http://susanohanian.org/outrage_fetch.php?id=326 |
87. Austin Waldorf School Class meetings are held Saturdays on the campus of the Austin waldorf School.On the average FS meets twice It does not provide direct teaching methods. http://www.austinwaldorf.org/adult_ed/FS2005-06.htm | |
88. Grace Millennium III-IV / Kate Gould: A Journey Through The Grades Waldorf Style I began teaching using waldorf methods in 1984. Starting with first grade, Icontinued teaching the same group of children until they graduated from eighth http://www.gracemillennium.com/winter01/waldorf.htm | |
89. Teaching About Computers.... Discusses approaches to teaching about computers under the waldorf methodology. http://www.gottfried.no/articles/curr_eng.htm | |
90. Learning At Home, Waldorf Style But with an emphasis on art in the home, and a theme of unification to the Waldorfmethod of teaching, the Van Dommelens manage to achieve a sense of http://litsite.alaska.edu/uaa/familygatherings/vandommelen/notallowed3.html | |
91. Joannejacobs.com: Journey To Chaos I guess you need to change your teaching assemblage point to understand theWaldorf method. I talked to Rick Hawley about all this a few weeks ago, http://www.joannejacobs.com/mtarchives/015033.html | |
92. Waldorf Schools :: Despite Religious Concerns, Napa Welcomes New School Napa Valley Charter School has alleged connection to waldorf teaching of A charter school that espouses waldorf teaching methods will become part of http://www.religionnewsblog.com/9833 | |
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