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21. Peacemaker Inc.: Corporate Safety, Workplace Violence Prevention, Law Enforcemen Corporate Safety and Workplace violence prevention Education/Training Seminars Peacemaker covers a wide range of law enforcement and security needs and http://www.peacemakerinc.org/rad_training.htm | |
22. SafeYouth.org - Violence Prevention Topics - Law Enforcement National Youth violence prevention Resource Center safeyouth.org, About Us This guide for schools and law enforcement agencies provides basic http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/topics/law.asp | |
23. SafeYouth.org - Violence Prevention Topics - Community-Based Programs National Youth violence prevention Resource Center safeyouth.org, About Us many of which focus on community violence prevention and enforcement. http://www.safeyouth.org/scripts/topics/community.asp | |
24. Handbook On Workplace Violence/USDA Ensure that the USDA Handbook on Workplace violence prevention and Response as Serve as the liaison with law enforcement as well as the local expert on http://www.usda.gov/news/pubs/violence/wpv.htm | |
25. Erie County Sheriff's Office - Violence Prevention Education & Domestic Violence The violence prevention Education Domestic violence Programs Division in the area of enforcement and prevention through the following activities http://www.erie.gov/sheriff/dom_violence_division.asp | |
26. Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act Of 1993 This title may be cited as the `Brady Handgun violence prevention Act . `(2) A chief law enforcement officer to whom a transferor has provided notice http://usinfo.state.gov/usa/infousa/laws/majorlaw/h1025_en.htm | |
27. School Violence Prevention Law enforcement officials often provide assistance to school administrators indetermining North Carolina Center for the prevention of School violence http://www.myscschools.com/tracks/educators/safeschl/ | |
28. Youth Violence Prevention: Youth Violence Prevention Links National Youth violence prevention Resource Centerhttp//www.safeyouth.org and law enforcement officials to prevent violence in schools. http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/schoolviolence/links.asp | |
29. Mental Health Links School Violence Prevention Federal grantmaking program designed to prevent violence and substance abuseamong our and law enforcement officials to prevent violence in schools. http://www.mentalhealth.samhsa.gov/links/default2.asp?ID=School Violence Prevent |
30. Violence Prevention Educators, parents, and children concerned with violence prevention must also be to seek an attorney s help or contact local law enforcement officials. http://www.yic.gov/drugfree/prevention.html | |
31. HHD Center For Violence And Injury Prevention The Center for violence and Injury prevention at HHD assesses the complex on hate crime prevention, delivered jointly to law enforcement and victim http://www.hhd.org/centersprojects/centers_cvip.asp | |
32. Crime Prevention Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law enforcement Assistance (Fiscal Year 2001) . SAFESTATE is a crime and violence prevention tool to create a safer http://talkjustice.com/links.asp?453053907 |
33. Stopping School Violence (HTML) school violence prevention. 12 Things Law enforcement Can Do. Help stop schoolviolence with this starter list of ideas. http://www.ncpc.org/ncpc/ncpc/?pg=2088-6162 |
34. Workplace Violence Prevention Human Resources, Workplace violence prevention, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA No employee or third party, except for law enforcement personnel is http://www.mcdhr.org/workplace_violence_provention.htm | |
35. The Brady Handgun Control Act (complete Text) - U.S. Government Info/Resources This title may be cited as the `Brady Handgun violence prevention Act . to the chief law enforcement officer of the place of residence of the transferee http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/bills/blbradyact.htm | |
36. S. 1601, The "Indian Child Protection And Family Violence Prevention Reauthoriza S. 1601, The Indian Child Protection and Family violence prevention is Indiancountry law enforcement, particularly violent crime issues such as http://www.usdoj.gov/otj/s1601testimony.htm | |
37. Law Enforcement Intelligence Report, Newsletters, Videos, Seminars And Interacti Workplace violence. Intervention . prevention Dr. Zinna Featured in CBSSpecial on violence In America. FREE FBI Report Threat Assessment, Order Here http://www.lawintelrpt.com/Video-workviol.html | |
38. SCVAN Links Campus violence. International Association of Campus Law enforcement Administrators Curricula for violence prevention. Partners Against violence http://www.scvan.org/links_two_category.html | |
39. Domestic Violence MSP Domestic violence. The Michigan State Police prevention Services Sectionand the Michigan Commission on Law enforcement Standards (MCOLES), http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1593_25680_25801-10257--,00.html | |
40. Legal Community Against Violence We provide gun violence prevention activists with the legal expertise and support the adoption, enforcement and defense of violence prevention measures. http://www.lcav.org/services/index.asp | |
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