Return to SSGM Home Return to Workshop Papers Page State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project Australian National University TODAY IS NOT THE SAME AS YESTERDAY, AND TOMORROW IT WILL BE DIFFERENT AGAIN: KASTOM ON AMBAE, VANUATU by Jean Tarisesei Co-ordinator, Women's Culture Project Vanuatu Cultural Centre I come from the island of Ambae in north Vanuatu. In this paper I am going to talk about kastom on my island, Ambae. Since 1992 I have lived in Port Vila and worked at the Vanuatu Cultural Centre, where I am the Women's Culture Project Coordinator. My work is to revive, preserve and promote women's kastom . I travel to many islands, including Ambae, in my work. Ambae is in the north of Vanuatu. It is about forty kilometres long. It is a volcanic island. People who live there grow their own food in gardens, and keep pigs, chickens and cattle. They have coconut plantations where they make copra to earn a little money. They live in villages in a number of districts. There are two main languages, one in west Ambae and the other in the rest of the island. Today people travel on and around Ambae on trucks, small boats and planes. In the north the island is very difficult to travel around because the volcano makes the land very steep. Many people from Ambae live in other parts of Vanuatu, especially Port Vila and Santo. There are many primary schools on Ambae and there are three secondary schools. Kastom today on Ambae Kastom is a term we use in Vanuatu, in our language Bislama, to mean the way of life in which we grew up and still practice. This is the way of life which comes from our own place. So the kastom of Ambae is the things that we do that come from Ambae. This is a hard thing to explain in any language, but especially in English. People today are trying to find ways to fit kastom together with the new things that have come into our lives. So the kastom that we now practice on Ambae is not the same as it was before. Now people are changing it and adding new things. One of the most important influences on kastom has been the churches. | |