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         Uzbekistan History:     more books (89)
  1. Istoriya Uzbekistana v Istochnikah ( Sources for the History of Uzbekistan ) by B. V., Ahmedov, B. A., Eds. Lunin, 1988
  2. The History of Bukhara by Richard N. Frye, 2007-06
  3. Uzbekistan: in the shadow of Tamerlane. (national cultural hero): An article from: World Policy Journal by Kenneth Weisbrode, 1997-03-22
  4. A Strategic Assessment of Uzbekistan, 2000 edition (Strategic Planning Series) by The Uzbekistan Research Group, The Uzbekistan Research Group, 2000-04-25
  5. The "Ancient Supremacy": Bukhara, Afghanistan and the Battle for Balkh, 1731-1901 (Islamic History and Civilization , No 15) (Islamic History and Civilization , No 15) by Jonathan L. Lee, 1996-01-01
  6. Rebirth of Uzbekistan: Politics, Economy and Society in the Post-Soviet Era (Durham Middle East Monographs.) by Resul Yalcin, 2002-06
  7. Modern Uzebks: From the 14th Century to the Present : A Cultural History (Studies of nationalities in the USSR) by Edward A. Allworth, 1990-07
  8. The Personal History of a Bukharan Intellectual: The Diary of Muhammad Sharif-I Sadr-I Ziya (Brill's Inner Asian Library) by Sharif Jan Makhdum Sadr Ziya, M. Shukurov, 2003-12
  9. The Modern Uzbeks: From the 14th Century to the Present : A Cultural History (Studies of Nationalities in the USSR) by Edward A. Allworth, 1990-07
  11. The history of Bukhara; (Mediaeval Academy of America. Publication) by Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Jaʻfar Narshakhī, 1954
  12. A history of Khokand from the commencement of Russian intercourse until the final subjugation of the country by that power by Sodhi Hukm Singh, 1878
  13. A short history of the Khwarazmshahs (Publication - Pakistan Historical Society) by G̲h̲ulām Rabbānī ʻAzīz, 1978
  14. 21st Century Complete Guide to Uzbekistan: Encyclopedic Coverage, Country Profile, History, DOD, State Dept., White House, CIA Factbook (Two CD-ROM Set) by U.S. Government, 2006-07-16

141. UzSciNet
Provides information on scientific organizations of the country including background and research and development activities.
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142. - Uzbekistan's Foreign Minister Acknowledges Contacts With Taliban - Oct
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Uzbekistan's foreign minister acknowledges contacts with Taliban
October 3, 2000

143. Human Rights Watch: Europe And Central Asia : Uzbekistan
News and human rights press releases concerning the country.

News Releases About HRW Get Involved ... RSS
Uzbekistan: Massive Crackdown Documented

Terror Trials Get Underway in Tashkent

The government of Uzbekistan is conducting a massive crackdown to conceal the truth about the killing of hundreds of civilian demonstrators in Andijan in May, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
September 20, 2005 Press Release
Also available in
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Burying the Truth

Uzbekistan Rewrites the Story of the Andijan Massacre
This report provides numerous first-hand testimonies of a brutal police campaign forcing people to “confess” that they belong to extremist religious organizations, that the protests in Andijan were violent, and that the protesters were armed. HRW Index No.: D1706 September 19, 2005 Report Download PDF , 450 KB, 75 pgs Purchase online Uzbekistan: HRW Blocks Refugee Return On June 27, direct intervention by Human Rights Watch contributed to the United Nations airlift of 439 Uzbek refugees to safety. The refugees had fled to Kyrgyzstan from Uzbekistan, where a government massacre killed hundreds of people in the city of Andijan. September 9, 2005 Advocacy Impact

144. - Uzbekistan Offers Cooperation To U.S. - September 17, 2001

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Uzbekistan offers cooperation to U.S.
TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (CNN) A senior Uzbek diplomat is saying his country is amenable to discussing with the United States the use of its airspace and military bases for any attack across its border with Afghanistan. Uzbekistan is one of the three landlocked nations that border Afghanistan on the north. CNN has confirmed a report that quoted Uzbek Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov as saying "we're prepared to discuss all the possible forms of cooperation in this respect." COUNTRY PROFILE At a glance: Uzbekistan Provided by Asia More news from our Asia edition In an interview with The Washington Post, Kamilov was asked if the cooperation included the presence of U.S. troops in Uzbekistan. He was quoted as saying "we're prepared to discuss any issue that would be conducive to eliminating terrorism in our region and strengthening stability." Uzbekistan has been the region's leader in recent years in battling Islamic militants headquartered in Afghanistan and affiliated with Islamic militant Osama bin Laden.

145. Denmark
Embassy of Denmark, located in Moscow and accredited to Russia, Belarus, the Kazakh Republic, the Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and uzbekistan. Presents information about Denmark, the promotion of exports, consular and visa support, and cultural and educational affairs.

146. Center For Economic Research
A joint project of the government of uzbekistan and United Nations Development Program.
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Forthcoming publications Microfinance in Uzbekistan Gender Equality in Uzbekistan: Facts and Figures Family Assets Mobilization Linking Macroeconomic Policy to Poverty Reduction Research areas: Social Policy Within the framework of Land Reform Project CER Social Policy Unit has developed the first draft... more
Ongoing projects Projects ... Policy papers Monetary Policy CER Monetary Policy Unit has initiated preparation of the Microfinance Manual. The initiative is... more
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HDR Component Ongoing HDRs ... All HDRs Real Sector On June 28, 2005 CER gathered the Meeting of the Problem Council in order to discuss the firts... more
Policy papers Macroeconomic Modeling Within the framework of the Regional Development Strategy Project during the period of July 9-19... more MPU Policy papers Governance Integration process and establishing security system in Central Asia are rather sluggish and more...

147. Search Uzbekistan - Uzbekistan Internet Directory
Directory and search engine of sites related to uzbekistan and Central Asia.
where? Directory Uzbekistan russian Search companies (in Golden Pages
Uzbekistan information Embassies and consulates in Uzbekistan Exhibition schedule Uzbekistan Airways Tashkent Airport ... People and Community Travel Guide to Uzbekistan Tashkent Samarkand Bukhara ... Khiva
Private Hotels: Lyabi House in Bukhara , Rovshan Hotel in Tashkent
Malika Hotels in Samarkand Tashkent , and Khiva Maps Uzbekistan Tashkent: Bektemir Khamza ... Yunusabad Top 5 New Uzbekistan Embassy in USA The Team UZB Web Page Uzbekistan Consulate in Amsterdam ... contact

148. Electionworld
Results of the last elections and links to parliaments and parties. / Elections around the world
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149. Uzbekistan Information Directory - Èíôîðìàöèîííûé ñïðàâî÷í
uzbekistan's news, government staff, economic and criminal statistics, media, hotel and aircompany list."/forumad.htm","popwindow","toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,directories=no, status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,width=600,height=150") APRIL-ÀÏÐÅËÜ
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Who fits best the role of a national hero for Uzbek people?
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Karta och fakta fr¥n Utrikespolitiska institutet.
Statsskick: republik
Amu-Darja, Syr-Darja
25 miljoner (uppskattning 2001)
Folkgrupper: uzbeker, ryssar, tadzjiker, kazaker m fl
uzbekiska, ryska, tadzjikiska
Religion: sunni-islam, rysk-ortodox, kristendom
682 US dollar (uppskattning 1999)
naturgas, olja, guld, kol, uran mm Viktigaste exportvaror: bomull, guld, energiråvara Valuta: sum (kursnotering saknas) Medlemskap i internationella organisationer: FN, OSSE, OSS, OIC Utgivet om Uzbekistan Utrikesanalyser Skrifter och böcker
  • Jonson, Lena och Lavén, Gösta "Centralasien - tillbaka till framtiden" Världspolitikens DagsfrÃ¥gor nr. 3 1992.
      Av alla de nya självständiga stater, som blev resultatet av Sovjetunionens sammanbrott, är säkert de fem centralasiatiska de minst kända. Kazakstan, Kirgistan, Tadzjikistan, Turkmenistan och Uzbekistan är alla fattiga och underutvecklade, med kraftig befolkningstillväxt och svåra miljöproblem. Här finns dock också rika naturtillgångar, som skulle kunna bidra till en gynnsam utveckling i framtiden. Dessa länder försöker nu finna en ny identitet. Försiktiga ekonomiska och demokratiska reformer inleds, samtidigt som länder som Turkiet och Iran med sina samhällsmodeller tävlar om inflytande i området.

151. Uzbekistan
Extensive collections of photographs of the architecture and cities in uzbekistan.
City or Location: Bukhara
State: na
Subject: Bala Hauz Mosque
Subject: Bukhara
Subject: Bukhara market scene
Subject: Bukhara street scene
Subject: Char Bakir
Subject: Chashma Ayub Mausoleum
Subject: Kalian minaret and Kalian Friday Mosque
Subject: Kalian minaret and Mir-I Arab Medrese
Subject: Magok-i Attari Mosque
Subject: Mir-I Arab Medrese
Subject: Mir-i Arab Medrese and library
Subject: Samanid Mausoleum
City or Location: Khiva
State: na
Subject: Ak-mechet' (""White Mosque)
Subject: farm houses
Subject: Ichan Kala
Subject: Ichan Kala fortress wall
Subject: Islam Khoja
Subject: Kalta Minar

152. Uzbekistan
Animated flag image, free for personal use.

153. - Terror No Stranger To Afghanistan's Neighbor Uzbekistan - October 3, 2

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Terror no stranger to Afghanistan's neighbor Uzbekistan
Alessio Vinci TASHKENT, Uzbekistan (CNN) – Hoping to bolster an international coalition against terrorism, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld this week will visit a number of nations in the Middle East and Central Asia. The predominantly Islamic states include a strategic neighbor to the north of Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, from where CNN correspondent Alessio Vinci filed the following report on Wednesday. VINCI: Uzbekistan, Central Asia's most populous nation …has been fighting its own war against what it calls terrorism for a decade. A turning point in that struggle came in February 1999 when a series of car bombs rocked the capital, Tashkent, killing 16 people, injuring many more. The president, Islam Karimov, said the attacks were an assassination attempt against him and blamed Islamic fundamentalists. President Karimov says he is ready to help the U.S. fight against terrorism, but, he says, he will not take the battle to the Taliban in Afghanistan for fear of reprisals. His own war against terrorism began years ago and it is still ongoing.

154. Central Asian Travel - Uzbekistan
Specializes in adventure and ecotours in uzbekistan. Visit historical places and observe national carpet and silk factories.
Contact us in Uzbekistan at: Salom Travel can show you Central Asia like no one else. Involved with tourism since 1974, and one of the pioneers of independent travel to Uzbekistan, and its neighboring Republics, we offer every service the traveler could desire. Enjoy the spectacular architecture of Central Asia with its Persian and Mogul traditions, rich in exotic and ornate tiles, and built to a scale of imposing grandeur. These artistic accomplishments of Tamerlane, and the later structures of the Khans of Czarist days, are some of the greatest architectural achievements the world has ever known. Enjoy expertly led excursions to ancient historical sites going back to the time of the Zoroastrians. Visit ancient buildings, bazaars, tea gardens, and fascinating museums, while enjoying the legendary cities of the great Silk Road; Bukhara, Samarkand, Khiva, Shakrisabz, Kunya Urgench, Nissa, and Merv. Shop for old textiles, silk ikat, enamel boxes, superb porcelain, hand made wooden furniture, ceramics, jewelry, embroidery and carpets. Meet the craftsman who produce these fabulous treasures. Thrill at the magnificent mountain landscape of nearby Kyrgyzstan. Using Uzbekistan as a base, enjoy the excitement of Turkmenistan to the West, and Kazakstan to the East. Salom Travel can serve your need for visa support, accommodations, from hotels meeting high international standards, to very clean comfortable, and affordable bed and breakfast facilities. These special living arrangements can offer you a unique opportunity to experience first hand the intimacy, flavor and traditions of hospitality that are hallmarks of the Central Asian culture.

155. EDT-Lonely Planet Uzbekistan
Microguida geografica e naturalistica della nazione, luoghi da visitare, consigli ai viaggiatori.
Indice delle Microguide Guide EDT/Lonely Planet Catalogo e acquisti on-line Introduzione Informazioni generali Documenti e notizie utili Quando andare Valuta e prezzi ... Guide EDT/Lonely Planet stampa destinazione
clicca per vedere altre immagini
La situazione del paese, anche alla luce degli scontri del maggio 2005, rimane fortemente incerta. L'Ambasciata italiana ha riaperto il servizio al pubblico dopo una temporanea interruzione, ma la Farnesina suggerisce di rinviare, per il momento, viaggi non necessari nel Paese ed in particolare nella regione di Fergana e nelle aree di confine con il Kirghizistan.
Prima di partire, raccogliete informazioni presso un'agenzia di viaggi di fiducia, o contattate l'Ambasciata d'Italia: Uliza Yusuf Khos Khojib, 40; Tashkent, 700017; tel. 00998-71-1521119/1521120/1521121/1521123; fax 00998-71-1206606; e-mail: EDT

156. Belgacom Skynet
Travelogues from Iceland, Tanzania, Morocco, uzbekistan and Kyrgystan. In English and Dutch.

157. Michael & Micaela's Trip To Uzbekistan
Read personal travelogue of the trip to ancient cities of uzbekistan.
Our trip started off with flights on America West from Seattle to Phoenix, then Phoenix to Connecticut. After spending the evening at the Schnitzler Household, we board Uzbekistan flight HY101 out of JFK, bound for Tashkent Uzbekistan, with a stop over in Kiev. Flight times were 3, 5, 9, and 5 hours. Finally, after a really really long day of flying, we ended up at the Hotel Zorbi in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. The hotel served as our base station while in Uzbekistan. It also helped that our tour company, MIR, had an office here. This started our two week adventure throughout Uzbekistan. We would eventually tour the cities of Tashkent, the Fergana Valley, Osh in Kyrgyzstan, Samarkand, Bukhara, and Khiva. Back Next

158. Biointensive Agriculture In Russia And Uzbekistan
Winrock International press release on program for volunteers, one of whom coordinated translation, typesetting, and publication of John Jeavons 'How to Grow More Vegetables ' into Russian.
Biointensive Agriculture Volunteers Promote Environmentally Friendly Methods
in Russia and Uzbekistan
Carol Vesecky
operates her own translation business, Language Specialists, in Palo Alto, California. For more than 20 years she has grown food for her family using Biointensive mini-farming methods. In 1993, after coordinating translation, typesetting, and publication in Moscow of the Russian translation of How to Grow More Vegetables by John Jeavons, she formed the organization Biointensive for Russia to share the Biointensive method with the people of the Soviet Union. Americans can present a copy of the Russian book to their friends by contacting Vesecky and sending her a check and the Russian address. Albie Miles is a self-employed horticulture instructor and curriculum development specialist from Santa Cruz, California. Darina Drapkin is a bilingual Russian immigrant from the San Francisco Penninsula who previously co-managed a Biointensive seed production business. She now teaches English at a Waldorf school in St. Petersburg, Russia. Biointensive agricultural methods include double-dug, wide beds, composting, companion planting, and properly applied organic fertilizers. Yield potential is extremely high and small plots of land can produce more food than when traditional methods are used.

159. Cuisine Of Uzbekistan :: Uzbek Cuisine. Food Uzbekistan
of traditional dishes such as non, plov, and sumalak.......
Great Silk Road
Central Asia


About Uzbekistan
... Uzbekistan embassy Hotels in Uzbekistan
Hotels in Tashkent

Hotels in Samarkand

Hotels in Bukhara

Hotels in Khiva
Apartments in Tashkent
Tours to Uzbekistan
Historical Tours
Fixed Dates Tours Budget Tours Excursions Special tours Adventure Tours Combined Tours Archeological Tours Sleep in Yurts ... Denta Tour Sport / Extreme tours Skiing / Snowboarding Backcountry Business Travel Incentive Travel Exhibitions in Uzbekistan Conference Halls Personal Assistants Special offers Visit Workshops Wine Tasting Beer Tasting Hammam CBT Visit Local Homes Rural Tourism Additional Services Visa Support Transport Tourist Guides Private Drivers ... Your Insurance Restaurants Tashkent Samarkand Fergana Bukhara About Uzbekistan Aral Sea Archeology Bazaars Cuisine ... Villages in Uzbekistan Our Partners Our Advisers NGOs Charity
Cuisine of Uzbekistan. Uzbek cuisine. Food Uzbekistan
One particularly distinctive and well-developed aspect of Uzbek culture is its cuisine. Unlike their nomadic neighbors, the Uzbeks have had a settled civilization for centuries. Between the deserts and mountains, in the oasis and fertile valleys, they cultivated grain and domesticated livestock. The resulting abundance of products allowed the Uzbeks to express their strong tradition of hospitality, which in turn enriched their cuisine. The seasons, specifically winter and summer, greatly influence the composition of the basic menu. In the summer, fruits, vegetables and nuts are ubiquitous. Fruits grow in abundance in Uzbekistan - grapes, melons, watermelons, apricots, pears, apples, cherries, pomegranates, lemons, persimmons, quinces and figs. Vegetables are no less plentiful, including some lesser known species such as green radishes, yellow carrots, dozen of pumpkin and squash varieties, in addition to the usual eggplants, peppers, turnips, cucumbers and luscious tomatoes.

160. Uzbekistan
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