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Us State Studies General Resources: more detail | ||||||
61. UNM General Library - Communication Studies - Guide To Resources This service is funded by the New Mexico state Library. Communication studiesresources University of Iowa Department of Communication studies http://www.unm.edu/~emmons/communications.html | |
62. Paul Smith's College - General Resources general resources The Internet offers a wealth of information that can be helpful us state Department Get information on traveling and living abroad. http://www.paulsmiths.edu/go.pl?page=research/tech_services/general.html |
63. Council On Foreign Relations Latin America Studies Program us Library of Congress Country Study LANIC general resources Bolivia Go to us Government section for resources on United States support for Plan http://www.cfr.org/latinamerica/countries.html |
64. VUW - Asian Continent Info Resources Asian studies Asian Continent Information resources (National Library ofAustralia,Australia); us state Department Travel Advisories (Drexel U,usA) http://www.vuw.ac.nz/~caplabtb/asiavl/WWWVL-AsianCont.html | |
65. Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program Study Abroad resources. resources from the us Department of state resources forStudents with Disabilities. general resources http://www.iie.org/programs/gilman/resources.html | |
66. Social Science Resources A set of resources created for Mr. Christopher s us History unit on wars since Ancient History general resources Mayan studies, The Ancient World of http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/socsci.html | |
67. Foreign Language Resources general resources These are informational sites cover more than one country. See alsoUS state Department Bureau of Consular Affairs http://dewey.chs.chico.k12.ca.us/flan.html | |
68. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle general resources. Â, Women s studies Feminist Theory. Â, Queer studies Feminist Pedagogy resources and Tools (Women s studies 702, Ohio state U.) http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2711 |
69. Texas State Library And Archives Commission (TSLAC) Home Page The Texas state Library has purchased a subscription to the popular genealogy librarians can find resources, read case studies submitted by peers, http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/ | |
70. Leadership, Ethics, And Command Central Future Studies, Future Conflict Studies Online resources for integrating the tools of futures studies with conflict and defense studies for officer training extensive links focussed on the future of war, confllict, and military technology, as well as general futures methods. http://www.au.af.mil/au/awc/awcgate/awc-futr.htm |
71. Sparsabhumi - Buddhist And Indological Studies Selected resources for the Study of Buddhism, Indian Philosophy and Culture and the Encounter between India and the Western World (Buddhist Texts in Pali, Sanskrit, Tibetan, Central Asian Languages, Chinese and in Modern European Languages, Sanskrit Literature in general, Other Indian Languages Texts, Buddhist and Indian Art and Western Classical Texts of Interest to the Indologist and the Buddhist Scholar) http://www.anu.edu.au/asianstudies/ahcen/coseru/index.html | |
72. Claus Emmeche Home Page Home page of a theoretical biologist with general interests in Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, and Science studies, and research interests in artificial life and theoretical biology. Links to online papers, other resources, and to the Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science studies. http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/ | |
73. Consulate General Of The U.S. Sydney Information on the us Consulate general Sydney Australia. Consulate Seal,us Department of state Consulate of the us Sydney, flag graphic http://usembassy-australia.state.gov/sydney/ | |
74. CORDIS: Innovation: Incubators: Homepage Provides the contact details and general information on business incubators in the 15 EU Member States. Includes news, success stories, financial resources, and benchmarking studies. http://www.cordis.lu/incubators/ | |
75. Index Maintained by the Women's studies Department at Northern Arizona University. Annotated resources for women's history, classified by subcategories African, Asian, AustralianNew Zealand, Comparative/Cross Cultural,European, general, Historiography/Historical Theory/Women's History, Latin American-Caribbean, Middle Eastern, North American http://www.nau.edu/~wst/access/hotlist/historyhot.html | |
76. International Relations And Pacific Studies Library Links to area resources include the Pacific Rim Digital Library, East Asian and Latin American collections, and general electronic materials for social studies. http://irpslibrary.ucsd.edu/ | |
77. UniSA Library - Internet Resources For Library And Information Studies Created by the University of South Australia Library, this site is a general resource guide for library and information studies. The major focus is on professional resources (as opposed to reference sources) in the following categories useful starters (that is, similar resource guides), electronic journals, databases, professional organizations, library and information studies, libraries, and discussion lists. In each category, the site offers suggested Australian and international resources. The site serves primarily as a pointer to external resources. http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/resources/subject/libpath.asp | |
78. American Indian Studies The American Indian studies Program at California state University, Long Beachcelebrated its 25th American Indian studies general Reading List http://www.csulb.edu/projects/ais/ | |
79. Environmental Justice - FHWA general information, case studies, and training resources on applicable requirements and on addressing environmental justice in the planning process for highways and other transportation systems. http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/ej2.htm | |
80. CanLinks: Directory Of Web Resources Relevant To Canadian Studies A directory of web resources relevant to Canadian studies covering literature, arts, history, Quebec, museums and general information. http://lucking.net/canlinks/canlinks.htm |
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