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Us State Studies General Resources: more detail | ||||||
41. Lesson Plans World History, us History, Art History, maps, and general resources. Celebrations A Social studies Resource Guide For Elementary Teachers. http://www.csun.edu/~hcedu013/plans.html | |
43. Yale Near East Collection: Selected Internet Resources Emirates Center for Strategic studies and Research provides general us StateDepartment Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs - provides links for country http://www.library.yale.edu/Internet/neareastern.html | |
44. DiscoverySchool.com general Social studies Maps Flags us Geography World Geography generalHistory American us state Department Countries of the World  Wow! http://school.discovery.com/homeworkhelp/bjpinchbeck/bjhistory.html | |
45. Kathy Schrock's Guide For Educators - General History & Social Studies Sites Social studies School Services Online resources links to good resources us GenWeb Project a list of Internet websites for genealogical research http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/history/histg.html | |
46. General Study Abroad Resources general Study Abroad resources. us Department of state Passport ServicesDivision Information on applying for or renewing a us passport http://appserv.pace.edu/execute/page.cfm?doc_id=13093 |
47. Cyndi's List Of Genealogy Sites On The Internet us Resource, Updated. Leaf general us Sites (276), February 25, 2005 Leaf us state Level Records Repositories state Libraries, Archives, http://www.cyndislist.com/ | |
48. UNBSJ Ward Chipman Library Military And Stategic Studies United States. us Military Law, Cornell University; Office of general Counsel, general resources. Urban Operations, FM306, us Army, June 2003 http://www.unbsj.ca/library/subject/mil1.htm | |
49. National Homeland Security Knowledgebase - Resources - Homeland Security Resourc Worldwide Caution Public Announcement us Department of state Homeland Securitystate Contact List. - general Homeland Security resources http://www.twotigersonline.com/resources.html | |
50. UNLV Libraries: Selected Internet Resources On Gaming in the us by providing access to educational and reference resources developed to NASPL Gambling studies The North American Association of state and http://library.nevada.edu/subjects/gaming_internet.html | |
51. Internet Resources For FL Study FL Internet resources for Foreign Language study general resources Scroll downto link with us state and local Language organizations. http://www.ea1785.org/htm/Units/Upper/modlang/putnam/general/resour.htm | |
52. Duke University Study Abroad: Resources Appendix E Internet resources for Study Abroad us Government resources.us state Department (general travel information) http//www.state.gov/ http://www.aas.duke.edu/study_abroad/dahandbook/appe.html | |
53. Labor Studies Resource Page general Economics and Labor Economics resources; Affirmative Action resources WebEc (World Wide Web resources in Economics, us mirror site), http://www2.gwu.edu/~labor/resources.html | |
54. Stanford University Political Science: Resources bibliograhy and access to us state Department country reports on human rights . This list of academic research centers in international studies is http://www.stanford.edu/group/polisci/resources.html | |
55. ISA: The State Department - Resources - Study Abroad With ISA ISA International studies Abroad is a study abroad organization GeneralInformation. The us state Department is an incredibly valuable source of http://www.studiesabroad.com/resources/document/stateDepartment | |
56. Selected Links(Hispanic Reading Room, Hispanic Division, Area Studies) Hispanic Reading Room (Area studies, Library of Congress) Library of Congresslinks to us state and Local Government resources, provides metaindices to http://www.loc.gov/rr/hispanic/explore.html | |
57. USOE Social Studies - General Resources Social studies Internet resources. general resources us HISTORY GEOGRAPHY President s of the United States resources from the Liberty Themepark http://www.usoe.k12.ut.us/curr/soc.st/general/links.html | |
58. Program Of Studies These credits must incorporate the five social studies disciplines of us history,economics, Fax (502) 5649848. E-mail jwyatt@kde.state.ky.us http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional Resources/Curriculum Documents and | |
59. Alaska History Toolbox Alaska state Government; general Information; Lesson Plans for Alaska studies Alaska A quick overview of the state. GREAT resource. http://www.kpbsd.k12.ak.us/akhistory/aktools.htm | |
60. Legal Research Guide: International Law And Country Studies The law firm Baker McKenzie compiles legal resources pertaining to These include commentary and primary sources of us state law and the laws of http://www.virtualchase.com/resources/international.shtml | |
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