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41. History & Social Studies Resources A collection of links containing history social studies teaching resources. Teachers Curriculum Institute covers us and World History. http://privateschool.about.com/od/history/ | |
42. Department Of TE > Elementary Special Education >Social Studies Integrated Tea social studies Integrated Teaching Major for Elementary Teacher GEO, 330, Geography of us and Canada, 3. GEO, 333, Geography of Michigan, 3 http://ed-web3.educ.msu.edu/cepse/ungrad/socialstudy.htm | |
43. Heinemann Teachers committed to the theme approach to social studies have discovered that the A Passion for the Past Creative Teaching of us History (Paperback) http://www.heinemann.com/shared/products/08884.asp | |
44. SOCIAL STUDIES http//www.nde.state.ne.us/SS/. * Elementary social studies Education Includes lesson plans, mailing lists, teaching current events, standards and http://www.eduref.org/cgi-bin/res.cgi/Subjects/Social_Studies | |
45. Teaching Social Studies With The Internet Teaching social studies with the Internet. Montgomery County, Maryland Schools social studies program http//www.mcps.k12.med.us/curriculum/socialstd http://www.kidsource.com/education/teaching.ss.internet.html | |
46. History WORKS Teaching Fellows history works about us teaching fellows She received her BS in social studies Education from Miami University. She has also received a M.Ed. in http://www.historyworksohio.org/about/masters.cfm | |
47. Teaching About Religion In The Social Studies. ERIC Digest. For most social studies teachers, teaching about religion conjures up thoughts Obviously, world history and us history provide a broad theater within http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-929/religion.htm | |
48. MediaLiteracy.com Teaching Social Studies History We are not aware of any us social studies textbooks that include specific New Mexico Media Literacy Project CDROM teaching resources, study guides and http://www1.medialiteracy.com/teaching_social.jsp |
49. Teaching With Historic Places--Home Page For The Program's Website Graphic Link to Using Historic Places to teach page. of Historic Places to enliven history, social studies, geography, civics, and other subjects. http://www.cr.nps.gov/nr/twhp/ | |
50. Science, Social Studies Teaching Supplies, Resources, Books And Materials For Ki Teaching resources, books and materials for science and social studies for students five senses and how they help us learn; living and nonliving things http://oblockbooks.home.att.net/science.htm | |
51. Professional Development - Planning And Resources - Teaching Tools Most state standards in the social studies require or recommend teaching about religion While the us history standards include religion less frequently, http://www.phschool.com/professional_development/teaching_tools/social_studies/g | |
52. Teaching Social Studies—Duluth Catalog Teaching social studies,Teaching LiteratureÂDuluth Catalog. Hist 3316Âus social History, 18001916 (3) Hist 3317ÂAmerican Expansion, 1800-1900 (3) http://www.catalogs.umn.edu/umd/colleges/46.html | |
53. Program Of Studies We ve designed Teaching Tools to provide teachers, schools and districts with a These credits must incorporate the five social studies disciplines of us http://www.education.ky.gov/KDE/Instructional Resources/Curriculum Documents and | |
54. Teaching And Learning Social Studies: Online Resources For EDUC 306 of course concepts and skills in teaching social studies in grades preK6. Teaching K-12 Economics http//ecedweb.unomaha.edu/K-12/home.htm The us http://oncampus.richmond.edu/~pstohrhu/teaching/socialstudies/social.html | |
55. Innovative Teaching - Social Studies 2003 This issue is an update of past social studies editions. Simulation taking you from the 1950s through the 1970s in the us through the perspective of one http://surfaquarium.com/newsletter/ss.htm | |
56. Global Studies In Education Youth Zone is a great one for history and social studies teachers. As the site tells us, ÂTeaching human security can help students better understand http://gse.ed.uiuc.edu/teacher_resources.htm | |
57. Master Of Arts In Teaching Social Studies CEG 532 us History to Civil War CEG 522 us History since Civil War CEG 516 Early Modern Europe CEE 577 Teaching social studies (corequisite CEF 548) http://ws.cc.stonybrook.edu/spd/graduate/matss.html | |
58. Teaching Social Studies With The Internet (7-12) Teaching social studies with the Internet (712). United States History http//woodrow.mpls.frb.fed.us/economy/calc/cpihome.html. Sports Marketing http://twi.classroom.com/socialstudies/712/ | |
59. Teaching Social Studies With The Internet (K-6) Teaching with the Internet, Teaching social studies with the Internet (K6) http//buckman.pps.k12.or.us/room100/timeline/kingframe.html http://twi.classroom.com/socialstudies/k6/ | |
60. Department Of Teaching And Learning E23.2042 Teaching social studies in the Middle and Secondary School (3) E23.2047 The social studies Curriculum us History E23.2048 The social studies http://education.nyu.edu/education/steinhardt/db/programs/61/Dept_design/15 | |
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