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Us National Economic & Business Statistics: more detail | ||||
21. BU Libraries | Research Tools | Economics | Statistics And Data - United States NBER (national Bureau of economic Research) About Business statistics is a compendium of historical statistics on the us Economy. http://www.bu.edu/library/guides/econweb/statsus.html | |
22. Sbdcnet> SBIC> Demographics Business economic Data 1997 economic Census business establishment data national Center for Educational statistics - from the us Dept. of Education. http://sbdcnet.utsa.edu/SBIC/demographics.htm | |
23. Economic Statistics Internet Guide Comprehensive SUNYOswego guide to the economic and business statistical souces on the Database of transportation research produced by the us national http://www.library.usyd.edu.au/subjects/economics/statsinternet.html | |
24. Statistical Links for us business, economic and trade statistics from the Federal government. us economic Indicators Key census bureau area for national economic http://www.paint.org/ind_info/paintstats.cfm | |
25. Sources For Student Research In Economic & Business Geography key national, international, and regional aspects of the us economy. Socioeconomic Trends incl. statistics of sectoral employment in Europe by http://faculty.washington.edu/~krumme/resources/infocategory.html | |
26. Business-Statistics Covers population, vital statistics, migration, labor, prices, national income and 1992 economic Census. WomenOwned Businesses. Washington, DC us http://www.ccm.edu/library/biblio_business_statistics.htm | |
27. Ryerson Library - BIZLIB - Web Guides - Statistics Includes national and small business statistics for the us statistics of us Businesses covers most of the country s economic activity. http://www.ryerson.ca/library/courses/business/bizlib/stats.html | |
28. Finding U.S. Statistics | Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University | Re economic Indicators Gov. Docs Y4.Ec7 Summary statistics for business and Offers free economic data and analysis (regional and national) on the us http://www.wfu.edu/Library/referenc/guides/statistics.htm | |
29. U.S. Economic Data - Public Documents And Maps economic statistics Briefing Room The White House Internet County business Patterns. national, state and county profiles available for 1993-01. http://docs.lib.duke.edu/federal/guides/us_econdata.html | |
30. Subject Guides Key national, regional and Americaninternational economic statistics. STAT-usA (us Dept. of Commerce). Financial, economic, business, and international http://hoover.mcdaniel.edu/guides/econstats.php | |
31. Working Papers - Econometrics And Business Statistics - Subjects, Monash Univers Working papers for Econometrics, Business statistics, economics, national Bureau of economic Research (NBER, us) is a nonprofit organisation. http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/subjects/econometrics/working-papers.html | |
32. Social/Economic/Demographic Statistics For Marketing School District Demographic statistics (us national Center for Education Business statistics of the United States Patterns of economic Change. http://www.cod.edu/library/libweb/Blewett/gddemostats.htm | |
33. SWOSU: Al Harris Library: Gov Docs: US: Statistics Business, economic, and government information resources for us businesses and Current and historical statistics on national economic trends with the http://www.swosu.edu/library/infoservices/govdocs/us/gov_us_stat.htm | |
34. University Of Alberta Libraries Winspear Business Reference Library. us economic statistics Bureau of economic Analysis. national Accounts Data. Click on Index to the NIPA Tables, http://www.library.ualberta.ca/subject/business/usstatistics/index.cfm | |
35. United States Economic Statistics - Research Guide BusINESS statistics OF THE UNITED STATES. HC 101 A13122 (RD) national INCOME AND PRODUCT ACCOUNTS OF THE us us Bureau of economic Analysis. http://gethelp.library.upenn.edu/guides/business/useconomicstats.html | |
36. U.S. Census Bureau Economic Programs economic statistics by Geography, Sector, and Frequency. Click on year to go to latest data. Programs with national and subnational data. us, States, Metro http://www.census.gov/econ/www/ | |
37. Economic Census statistics from the economic Census, classified by NAICS and SIC, Census profiles the us economy every 5 years, from the national to the local level. http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/econ97.html | |
38. Business Economics Numeric Data Business statistics (us Census Bureau) Convenient compilation of primary source data on firms, economic statistics Briefing Room (us Whitehouse) http://lib.mansfield.edu/ecostats.html |
39. Statistical Resources On The Web/Economics business and economics Data Links (American Statistical Association) The latest national economic statistics in summary form; Subjects include income, http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/stecon.html | |
40. NESE Data Bank Producer the Office of Business Analysis, the Economics and statistics national Center for Health statistics, us Environmental Protection Agency, http://infoserver.ciesin.org/datasets/nesedb/nesedb-home.html | |
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