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81. USMAI The USM libraries currently share in the use of a Library Information Management System (LIMS) and a gateway architecture utilizing the OCLC Site Search software (MdUSA) which integrates access to a number of both locally hosted and remote electronic information services. http://www.itd.umd.edu/ | |
82. Developing PubMed Search Skills -- Introduction Developing Search Skills. http://www.library.dal.ca/kellogg/guides/pubmed/INTROFRM.HTM | |
83. North Hall Library Mansfield university, Small university Big Opportunities, North Hall Library MLA (Literature), Music index Online, Philosopher s index, PsycInfo http://lib.mansfield.edu/ | |
84. Brandeis Libraries' Research Guides | LTS | Brandeis University A reference collection for conducting research. Site features descriptions of frequently used publications and provides a list of recommended web sites. http://www.library.brandeis.edu/resources/resguides/subject/antguide.html | |
85. Scholarly Communication Center: NCSU Libraries Staff university Library Committee Virtual Tour Visiting the libraries DH Hill Library 2205 Hillsborough St. Raleigh, NC 27695 http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/scc/ | |
86. STH | Library One of the Boston Theological Institute libraries; with access to the BU online catalog and BTI union list, as well as electronic research guides and information about the collections. http://www.bu.edu/sth/library/ | |
87. Library Research Service - Research And Statistics About Libraries A partnership of the Colorado State Library and the Colorado Department of Education with the Library and Information Science Program in the College of Education at the university of Denver to address the information needs of librarians and other interested parties by providing access to research and statistics about libraries in Colorado and beyond. http://www.lrs.org/ | |
88. University Of Alberta Libraries Bulleted list of questions to review while checking out a website. http://www.library.ualberta.ca/guides/criticalevaluation/ | |
89. Gateway To Finnish Research Libraries Links to Finnish research libraries (university, polytechnic, and special libraries). Also reference sources, and professional sites. http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/tilke/indexeng.html | |
90. Other Depository Websites - Page Has Moved Arizona State university Library Government Documents. -. Arizona State university Library Stanford university Jonsson Library of Government Documents http://www.lib.uidaho.edu/govdoc/otherdep.html | |
91. UTK Libraris Government Documents And Microforms The university of Tennessee, Knoxville libraries is a selective Federal Depository Library and provides free public access to U.S. Government information. The Documents and Microforms Department currently selects about 83% of publications, maps, and electronic data distributed by the Government Printing Office. http://www.lib.utk.edu/gpo/govdoc.html | |
92. International Association Of Technological University Libraries Voluntary international nongovernmental organization of a group of libraries, represented by their library directors or university managers who are responsible for information services and resource management. Includes organization chart and links to resources. http://www.iatul.org/ |
93. The University Of Isfahan With nine faculties and libraries and nearly 30 departments. http://www.ui.ac.ir | |
94. Brown University Brown university, Providence, RI. Known for its unique curriculum, Brown university Giving to Brown, libraries, Student Groups, Summer at Brown, Webmail http://www.brown.edu/ | |
95. ART & ARCHITECTURE BUILDING, Yale U. - New Haven, CT Contemporary color photographs of interior and exterior, with architectural information. From the Kidder Smith Images Project. http://libraries.mit.edu/rvc/kidder/photos/CT25.html | |
96. African Studies Internet Resources A directory of Internet sites hosted by Columbia university. Features categories organized by region and topic. http://www.columbia.edu/cu/libraries/indiv/area/Africa | |
97. St. Lawrence University Libraries Located at St. Lawrence university. Includes catalog and article searches, research and reference information, and descriptions of the libraries. http://web.stlawu.edu/library/ | |
98. Loyola University Chicago Libraries Information, databases and online catalog for the Loyola university Chicago libraries. http://libraries.luc.edu/ | |
99. ::: UW Libraries Digital Collections ::: Image collections of the university of Washington libraries Digital Initiatives Program on the topic of the history, natural sciences, and regional cultures http://content.lib.washington.edu/ | |
100. Research Materials For Architecture In Metropolitan Washington This directory by the university of Maryland libraries describes collections of architectural drawings, photographs and papers in various archives, libraries and other repositories. http://www.lib.umd.edu/Guests/DCARCHres/ | |
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