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41. UWE Library Services: STATISTICAL DATA UK 2003 The Official Yearbook of the united kingdom of Great Britain and united Nations economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) statistics Links. http://www.uwe.ac.uk/library/resources/stats/ | |
42. The Official Statistics Collection 42 (HA155) for UK general and economic statistics, eg Annual abstract of Digest of united kingdom energy statistics , Energy trends , and united kingdom http://www.lse.ac.uk/library/statistics/ug1.htm | |
43. Economic Indicators And Analysis August; World World; Economy.com Survey of business Confidence 8/12/05 London, SW15 2TG united kingdom Email Economy.com, Economy.com Pty. Ltd. http://www.economy.com/dismal/ | |
44. Queen Mary Library, University Of London: Social Sciences:business UK statistics a guide for business users .HA1125 MOR Prodcom is compiled from united kingdom manufacturers on both an annual and quarterly basis and http://www.library.qmul.ac.uk/socsci/busine.htm | |
45. Browse Our Electronic Collection for economic Cooperation and Development is a rich resource of statistics, The complete catalogue of united kingdom official publications from 1980 http://www.ll.georgetown.edu/connect/browse_alpha.cfm | |
46. SPI: About The Industry: Economic Statistics: Global Business Trends business development, economic statistics. GLOBAL business TRENDS, PARTNERS, The $3.3 billion deficit that the united States had in plastics products in http://www.plasticsindustry.org/industry/global.htm | |
47. Handbook Of Official Statistics united Nations united Nations economic Commsission for Europe The Government Statistical Service (GSS) provides the united kingdom with most of its http://www.unece.org/stats/handbook/countries/gbr.htm | |
48. International Market Research - United Kingdom Country Commercial Guide FY 2003 united kingdom Country Commercial Guide FY 2003 economic and Trade statistics (June 2002, economic Update, Office for National statistics) http://strategis.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/inimr-ri.nsf/en/gr107261e.html | |
49. British Statistical Sources In The University Library (University Of York Librar REVIEWS OF united kingdom STATISTICAL SOURCES. ed. by WF Maunder. One hundred years of economic statistics. (1989) Covers UK, USA, Australia, Canada, http://www.york.ac.uk/services/library/guides/britstat.htm | |
50. LSU Libraries -- Business Subject Guides UK Office for National statistics Databank Service Click on united kingdom in Figures for links to the economy, people, state, and land. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/bus/marketin.html | |
51. Economy And Business In Africa Cobeco Provides economic and statistical research reports for international fund managers, united kingdom. West African Organised Crime Section http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/biz.html | |
52. Doe/Moffitt Libraries UK statistics Official national statistics site for the united kingdom. Internet Resources in business Economics Web resources organized by subject. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/doemoff/gov_intlstat.html | |
53. Resources For Economics Historical statistics of the united States Available on Central Library Includes links to data, economic and business information, and an annual review http://www.library.vanderbilt.edu/central/econ.html | |
54. Virtual Bookshelf National statistics UK Snapshot Neighbourhood Economy Census About Us Jobs Size Analysis of united kingdom Businesses PA1003 http://www.statistics.gov.uk/onlineproducts/default.asp | |
55. National Statistics Online ECONOMY. Regional price levels. London 9.7 % higher than UK average OTS2 (formerly MM20a) Overseas Trade statistics united kingdom Trade with the http://www.statistics.gov.uk/CCI/nscl.asp?ID=5871 |
56. DTI - Cut Down Template of energy in the united kingdom and information on energy trade and prices. Statistical groups in IES (Industry Economics and statistics) provide http://www.dti.gov.uk/statistics/ | |
57. Economic Regulation Group | Economic Regulation economic Policy Advice to Government; statistics; Surveys ERG s business plan for the period 2004/052008/09 is now available. http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?categoryid=5 |
58. Bureau Of Economic Analysis The united kingdom is both the largest holder of direct investment in the united States Overview of the US Economy Summary of most popular indicators http://www.bea.gov/ | |
59. Statistics And The City Economy Association LIBA is the principal trade association in the united kingdom for firms which Research on the UK economy is available on the IMF site . http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/Corporation/business_city/research_statistics/sta | |
60. Business Support business/economic Development Information from Hampshire Local Authorities The key statistics that we are most frequently asked to provide for Hampshire http://www.hants.gov.uk/business/ | |
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