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61. Untitled Document ,Provides case management, home visits and advocacy to youth who have......Program Title, truancy prevention and Intervention Programs. Program http://www.congreso.net/Site/Programs/Youth Programs/Truancy.htm | |
62. Truancy Prevention Website - Behavioral Sciences News - Georgia State University truancy prevention Website. OJJDP s truancy website features information ontruancy, best practices, federal and state initiatives, publications, http://www.library.gsu.edu/news/index.asp?view=details&ID=5456&typeID=61 |
63. DOL WHD: Dallas News Release US Labor Department Sues truancy prevention Specialists Inc.to Recover Court of New Mexico against truancy prevention Specialists Inc. in El Paso, http://www.dol.gov/esa/media/press/whd/whdpressVB2.asp?pressdoc=dallas/20042123. |
64. AEL Inc. truancy prevention Resources (Online Resources Safe and Drug Free Schools).Abolish Chronic Truancy Los Angeles County District Attorney s Office http://www.ael.org/page2.htm?&index=891&pd=1&pv=x |
65. Region IV Comprehesive Center Truancy Prevention Resources OnLine Resources truancy prevention Resources. Abolish Chronic Truancy truancy prevention Service Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County http://www.ael.org/cac/referral/truancy.htm | |
66. Safe Schools And Communities Coalition truancy prevention Website The Office of Juvenile Justice and DelinquencyPrevention (OJJDP)announces the launch of truancy prevention Empowering Students, http://www.preventionworksct.org/sscc_home.html | |
67. Truancy truancy prevention. Not only does truancy significantly dim a child s educationaland Project GO is the District Attorney s truancy prevention and http://www.phila.gov/districtattorney/community/truancy/ | |
68. Untitled Document Explore truancy prevention strategies, with a focus on enhancing students feelingsof Read materials about truancy and truancy prevention. http://www.nasponline.org/SDFS/truancyeventreg.asp |
69. Title V MCH Needs Assessment Fact Sheets - Truancy 3. ii Wells, C. New Approaches to truancy prevention in Urban Schools. Decker Gerrard, M; Burhans, A.; Fair, J. Effective truancy prevention and http://www.health.state.mn.us/cfh/na/factsheets/mcshn/truancy.html | |
70. K12> Town Meeting: Discipline, Safety & Truancy Prevention truancy or disciplinary problems * Establishing truancy prevention programs inschools * Involving law enforcement and social service agencies http://scout.wisc.edu/Projects/PastProjects/NH/96-11/96-11-11/0004.html | |
71. Truancy Prevention Program truancy prevention Program Invites Community To Share Thoughts On Improvement Wakefield will share his experiences and insights on truancy prevention. http://www.dpsk12.org/news/press/2002/05/13.shtml | |
72. Untitled Document The GovernorÂs truancy prevention Program, the Department, the New Mexico For information about truancy prevention, state truancy laws or Hurrikane 9Âs http://www.sde.state.nm.us/press/2004/sep/9.01.04a.htm | |
73. Untitled Document Public Education Department Awards Statewide truancy prevention Program The purpose of the Governor s Statewide truancy prevention Program is threefold http://www.sde.state.nm.us/press/2005/jan/01.31.05.htm | |
74. FWISD - Communications Department: News Alerts - Media Eva Riggs, communication specialist, 817/8712456. February 10, 2003 FWISDtruancy prevention program praised for success http://www.fortworthisd.org/comm/media/02_10_03.html | |
75. Cross Country The new truancy prevention website draws on the expertise and resources of the It offers a range of truancyrelated prevention resources to educators, http://www.ncpc.org/ncpc/ncpc/?pg=5882-3200-2630-16062-16878-16904 |
76. Truancy Prevention Program New Mexico New Mexico s truancy prevention Program sponsored. http://www.everydaycounts.us/success.html | |
77. Truancy Prevention Program New Mexico New Mexico s truancy prevention Program sponsored. http://www.everydaycounts.us/ | |
78. AN ACT ESTABLISHING A TRUANCY PREVENTION PROGRAM. AN ACT ESTABLISHING A truancy prevention PROGRAM. SUMMARY. This bill adds truancyprevention to the list of programs youth service bureaus may provide. http://www.cga.ct.gov/olr/2001/ba2001/5947.htm | |
79. Untitled Document truancy prevention Program. In order to reap the benefits of school, truancy prevention specialists meet with designated staff in each school for http://www.safeschools.stokes.k12.nc.us/SafeTruancy.htm | |
80. The Colorado Foundation For Families And Children on helping others with truancy prevention and school engagement issues.NSCE works with service providers implementing truancy prevention programs using http://www.coloradofoundation.org/template.asp?intPageId=143 |
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