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121. New York City Transportation Flower shops Furniture Jewlery Stores Sports stores. Sports. Fitness Centers Teams Theater Tours. transportation. Limousines Travel Agencies http://www.go-newyorkcity.com/transportation/ |
122. Default.htm Manchester based consultancy providing network and development planning, scheme appraisal, and regeneration studies. http://home.btconnect.com/tpp-consult/ | |
123. Illinois Road And Transportation Builders Association - IRTBA Serving the interests of members in the heavy road, highway and bridge construction industry. Features news, information, education programs, member benefits, links and contacts. http://www.irtba.org/ | |
124. Tourism Vancouver Island Transportation Port Hardy in the north is 502 kilometres (301 miles). Several modes of transportation are available on Vancouver Island Victoria, the Gulf Islands http://www.islands.bc.ca/transportation/ | |
125. Guidelines For Aircraft Boarding Chairs Guidelines for aircraft boarding chairs. http://www.eskimo.com/~jlubin/disabled/gov/t10.htm |
126. Pennsylvania Department Of Transportation Lists driver and vehicle services, traveller and construction information, and details on public safety. http://www.dot.state.pa.us/ |
127. California Department Of Transportation Caltrans is the state agency responsible for highway, bridge, and rail transportation planning, construction, and maintenance. http://www.dot.ca.gov/ | |
128. Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering Distribution site for free airfield, road, railroad, and general transportation, design and evaluation software written by US Army Corps of Engineers. http://www.pcase.com/ |
129. Transportation Research Board -- Homepage The Service Life of Ancillary transportation Infrastructure Assets Use of Bridge Management Systems for transportation Agency Decision Making http://www.trb.org/ | |
130. Swift Transportation Provides regional truckload carrier services for retail department store merchandise, paper products, nonperishable foods, building materials and beverages. (Nasdaq SWFT). http://www.swifttrans.com/ | |
131. Council Of Canadians With Disabilities: Issues: Transportation CCD, through the work of its transportation Committee, has been active on issues related to Canadian transportation Agency Accessible transportation http://www.ccdonline.ca/issues/transportation/ | |
132. Travel With Bicycles (Home) Provides travel tips for bringing a bicycle on an airplane, by railcar and other public transportation methods. Provided by readers of rec.bicycles.rides and other related newsgroups and mailing lists. http://www.BikeAccess.net/ | |
133. P.A.M. Transportation Services Inc. - Our Service Makes The Difference Holding company with subsidiaries which provide irregular route, common and contract general commodities transport services. (Nasdaq PTSI). http://www.pamt.com/ | |
134. Page Title Specializes in the relocation of household goods throughout the world. http://www.shipett.com | |
135. State Of New Jersey Department Of Transportation Home Page Official page. Includes construction and proposed project information and news releases. http://www.state.nj.us/transportation/ | |
136. Florida Department Of Transportation Traveler information, roadway reports, and information on public safety. http://www.dot.state.fl.us/ | |
137. VDOT - Virginia Department Of Transportation Includes realtime traffic and road conditions, construction schedules, business opportunities, agency news and services and career information. http://virginiadot.org/ |
138. Maryland Department Of Transportation Homepage Traveler information and reports. http://www.mdot.state.md.us/ | |
139. Institute Of Transportation Engineers Student Chapter At Michigan Technological Features objectives, membership directory, and chapter manual. http://www.cee.mtu.edu/organizations/ite |
140. Event Transportation Associates, Inc.- Specialists In Ground Transportation Serv Providing transportation consulting services for international sporting events, national sport leagues, and major national conventions. http://eventtransportation.com | |
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