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101. Tumbling And Trampoline, Cheer Tumbling, Classes You may know that trampolining is a new olympic sport, but did you know the next olympics will feature tumbling as the demonstration sport. http://tumblingandtrampoline.com/ | |
102. The Couch Potato Games The Olympics haven t started yet, and already I am sick of them. As for trampoline, I preferred it before they started allowing all the professionals to http://joelavin.com/olympics.html | |
103. MSN Encarta - What Makes A Sport "Olympic"? What Makes a Sport olympic ? The ancient olympic Games featured ride people down with your horse. equestrian events http://encarta.msn.com/column_olympics_tamimhome/What_Makes_a_Sport_'Olympic'.ht | |
104. The Bored - The Olympic WTF Thread Speedwalking is an olympic sport? WTF!? The announcers were sayin stuff like he comes I wouldn t be surprised if trampolining is added in the future. http://www.trickology.com/thebored/archive/index.php/t-7569.html | |
105. NWAnews.com :: Northwest Arkansas' News Source COMMENTARY Cutting sports alone wonÂt shrink Games Without the Olympics, trampolining will go back to where we found it  in the back yard, http://www.nwanews.com/story.php?paper=adg§ion=Sports&storyid=118816 |
106. Metropolis - Tokyo Feature Stories: A Good Sport Sydney Olympics trampoline Making its debut at the Sydney Games, trampoline gymnastics The Sydney Olympics will mark a revolution in the sport with the http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyofeaturestoriesarchive349/339/tokyofeatures | |
107. John Branch: Shrinking The Olympics? That's Bunko Without the Olympics, trampolining will go back to where we found it  in the back Seven sports  tennis, table tennis, badminton, baseball, softball, http://www.fresnobee.com/columnists/branch/story/10642883p-11428829c.html | |
108. Trampoline: Results. Athens Olympics 2004. ABC Sport. trampoline Live Results from the Athens Olympics. ABC Sport. http://abc.net.au/olympics/2004/results/gt/default.htm | |
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