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41. The Topology/geometry Group At NTNU Courses offered in topology/geometry (in Norwegian) topology and geometry is not touched on properly in the first years of study at NTNU, and if you are http://www.math.ntnu.no/mat/top/ | |
42. UMD - Graduate Student Topology/Geometry Seminar The graduate student topology/geometry seminar was started in the spring of 2005 to provide students in geometry and topology a place for presenting their http://www.math.umd.edu/research/seminars/sgeometry/ | |
43. Topology And Geometry A collection of educational, graphical and research software by Jeff Weeks. http://www.geometrygames.org/ | |
44. UMD - Graduate Student Topology/Geometry Seminar Student topology/geometry Seminar. UMD Dept. of Math. geometry-topology Seminar Other Seminars Current Schedule http://www.math.umd.edu/research/seminars/sgeometry/sp05.html | |
45. Free Software: Jun For Smalltalk 3D Graphics Library with topology and geometry, OpenGL graphics layer for Smalltalk, coded in VisualWorks. Open Source, GPL http://www.sra.co.jp/people/aoki/Jun/Main_e.htm |
46. Teichmüller Spaces And Applications To Topology, Geometry, And Dynamics: Four T Teichmuller Spaces and Applications to topology, geometry, and Dynamics book by John Hubbard, to be published by Matrix Editions. http://matrixeditions.com/Teichmuller.html | |
47. The Math Reference Project An electronic archive of articles by Karl Dahlke on topics ranging from high school geometry up to graduate level topology. http://www.mathreference.com/ | |
48. Topology/Geometry II (MAT 531) topology/geometry II (MAT 531) 2nd ed., Publish or Perish, Berkeley 1979;; Glen Bredon,topology and geometry, SpringerVerlag, 1993. http://www.math.sunysb.edu/docs/grad-handbook/main/Topology_Geometry_II_MAT.html | |
49. Texas Geometry And Topology Conference Held twice a year. Includes almost all universities and colleges in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Since 1994, fall meetings have been national events, attracting participants from around the country. http://www.math.tamu.edu/research/workshops/TGTC/ | |
50. Topology/Geometry I (MAT 530) topology/geometry I (MAT 530) William S. Massey, Algebraic topology an introduction, 4th corrected printing, SpringerVerlag, 1977. http://www.math.sunysb.edu/docs/grad-handbook/main/Topology_Geometry_I_MAT.html | |
51. The Arithmetic, Geometry And Topology Of Algebraic Cycles Morelia, Mexico; 15 June 7 July 2003. http://www.matem.unam.mx/cycles/ |
52. Lehigh University Geometry And Topology Conference Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA; 1214 June 2003. http://www.lehigh.edu/~dlj0/geotop.html | |
53. Pitzer College Topology-Geometry Seminar The Claremont topologygeometry Seminar meets on Tuesday s from 4-5 pm in Milliken 211, Pomona College. Milliken is located on the NE corner of College http://pzacad.pitzer.edu/~jhoste/topsem.htm |
54. Professor Gareth Jones's Homepage University of Southampton. Group theory, and its applications to geometry, topology, combinatorics and Galois theory. Recent preprints. http://www.maths.soton.ac.uk/staff/GAJones/ | |
55. Pitzer College Topology-Geometry Seminar techniques known for studying geometry and lowdimensional topology. of the connections between the algebra, geometry, and topology of 3-manifolds. http://pzacad.pitzer.edu/~jhoste/topSeminarSpring2004.htm |
56. The Structure Of Existence A book of natural philosophy and scientific metaphysics on the nature of reality. Contradictory concrete objective and abstract subjective perspectives are resolved with models of geometry and topology. http://www.structureofexistence.com | |
57. Topology-Geometry Seminar-E Hiroshima University topologygeometry Seminar Information. topology-geometry Seminar is held on every Tuesday. The talks are given mainly in Japanese. http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/top/seminar/index-e.html | |
58. Department Of Geometry And Topology Department of geometry and topology. http://topologia.geomet.uv.es/index-engl.html | |
59. Topology-Geometry Seminar-E Hiroshima University topologygeometry Seminar Information. topology-geometry Seminar is held topology-geometry Seminar 2003 started on April 18, 2003. http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/top/seminar/topsemi03-e.html | |
60. Petersburg Department Of Steklov Institute Of Mathematics The mathematics institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, consisting of 11 laboratories mathematical physics, geometry and topology, number theory, algebra, mathematical analysis, mathematical physics, mathematical problems of physics, mathematical problems of statistical physics, statistical methods, representation theory and computing mathematics, mathematical problems of geophysics. http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/ | |
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