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21. Lehigh Geometry/Topology Conference Held each summer at Lehigh University. 1416 June 2001. http://www.lehigh.edu/dlj0/public/www-data/geotop.html | |
22. Oporto Meetings On Geometry, Topology And Physics Formerly Meetings on Knot Theory and Physics held annually in Oporto, Portugal to bring together mathematicians and physicists interested in the interrelation between geometry, topology and physics. http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jmourao/om/ | |
23. Projects In Topology, Geometry And Combinatorics, Department Of Mathematics, Uni This page describes the researchprojects of the topology, geometry and Combinatorics Group in the Mathematics Department, University of Manchester, UK. http://www.maths.man.ac.uk/DeptWeb/Groups/Pure/TopologyProjects.html | |
24. Gokova Geometry / Topology Conferences G¶kova, Turkey; 28 May 2 June 2001. http://arf.math.metu.edu.tr/~gokova/ | |
25. XIVth OPORTO MEETING On GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY & PHYSICS (July 2005) http://www.fc.up.pt/cfp/omgtp2005/ |
26. Danny Calegari's Home Page Specializes in topology and classical geometry. Department of mathematics. California Institute of Technology. http://www.its.caltech.edu/~dannyc/ | |
27. Events: Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, UK; 2429 June 2002. http://www.maths.ox.ac.uk/notices/events/special/tgqfts/ | |
28. Popular Texts The core of the book is the material included usually into the topology part of the two year geometry course in the Mathematical Department of St. Petersburg University. This lecture course was composed by Vladimir Abramovich Rokhlin in the sixties and has almost not changed since then. http://www.math.uu.se/~oleg/educ-texts.html | |
29. Geometry And Topology Editors Interests Symplectic geometry and topology, several complex variables, singularities of smooth Gauge theory, the geometry and topology of fourmanifolds, http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/gtedints.html | |
30. Home Page Of Misha Kapovich University of Utah. Lowdimensional geometry and topology. http://www.math.utah.edu/~kapovich/ | |
31. XIIth OPORTO MEETING On GEOMETRY, TOPOLOGY & PHYSICS (July 2003) http://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~jmourao/om/omxii/ |
32. Your Site Title Here topology/geometry Seminar. Left Navigation Area. Left Navigation Area. Home Fall 2005 Spring 2005 Welcome to the topology/geometry Seminar web site! http://math.aa.psu.edu/~gtseminar/ |
33. Electronic Geometry Models This archive is open for any geometer to publish new geometric models, or to browse this site for material to be used in education and research. These geometry models cover a broad range of mathematical topics from geometry, topology, and to some extent from numerics. http://www.eg-models.de/ | |
34. Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory - Cambridge University Press topology, geometry and Quantum Field Theory and Ktheory, elliptic cohomology, quantum cohomology and string topology on the other. geometry and quantum http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521540496 |
35. Research In Geometry & Algebraic Topology geometry and Algebraic topology. http://www.maths.gla.ac.uk/research/groups/geoalgtop/geoalgtop.html | |
36. Topology, Geometry And Quantum Field Theory - Cambridge University Press Cambridge. This page is available online at http//www.cambridge.org/uk/0521540496. Back to the book page. topology, geometry and Quantum Field Theory http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/print.asp?isbn=0521540496&print=y |
37. Rutgers Topology/Geometry Seminar Rutgers topology/geometry Seminar. Tuesdays (usually) 3pm 4pm in Room 423. Transparent Red-Blue Eversion by David Ben-Zvi and Nathaniel Thurston http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~ctw/seminar/ | |
38. Geometry And The Imagination Has a small section on knot theory at an introductory level. Also has sections on orbifolds, polyhedra and topology. http://math.dartmouth.edu/~doyle/docs/gi/gi/gi.html | |
39. Topology/Geometry Seminar Title Right veering diffeomorphisms of surfaces and contact topology This is a key result in equivariant symplectic geometry, and we hope that it will http://www.math.rutgers.edu/~seminars/TopologyGeometry.html | |
40. Geometry/Topology Address Book Edition 08.98.R1 (August 14, 1998). http://www.math.ufl.edu/math/abook.html | |
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