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141. Le Site Du Titanic Le paquebot et son naufrage, la d©couverte de l'©pave et les objets retrouv©s, filmographie. http://perso.wanadoo.fr/titanic/ |
142. Two Titanic Grave Sites Fail To Provide DNA Material CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/05/19/canada.titanic.ap/index.html |
143. R.M.S Titanic - A Journey To The Past Massor med fakta om titanic fr¥n Magnus Ramsb¤ck. http://hem.passagen.se/ramsback/titanic/swe_ind.htm | |
144. Banquets / Party Room A nonprofit theater group based in Minneapolis whose mission is to build and encourage an active interest in Irish and IrishAmerican culture through a community-based theater company. http://www.kierans.com/theater.htm | |
145. All-Reviews.com Movie/Video Review: Titanic Reviews of the movie. http://www.all-reviews.com/videos/titanic.htm | |
146. Click2Disasters - The Titanic - Chapter 1 - Preface Stepby-step information about the ill-fated liner, presented in chapters. http://www.click2disasters.com/titanic/the_titanic_ch1.htm | |
147. Filmfacts ... Filmkritik: Titanic Filmkritik von Andreas Edler. http://www.filmfacts.de/film/kritiken/titanic.htm | |
148. The Starship Titanic SGT Class Forum (Read-only) Installation and startup help for the Douglas Adams PC/Mac game, with patches and technical support. http://www.network54.com/Hide/Forum/226799 | |
149. Der Untergang Der Titanik Die Geschichte, der Bau, die Technik und die Katastrophe des Luxusliners. http://people.freenet.de/jungfernfahrt/ | |
150. Titanic L'histoire vraie du naufrage et le film de James Cameron. http://membres.lycos.fr/bonyan/ |
151. March 23 Events In History March 23 in history. March 23, 1994 Last day of Test cricket for Kapil DevMarch 23, 1994 Russian Airbus A310 crashes in Siberia (74-75 killed) http://www.brainyhistory.com/days/march_23.html | |
152. TITANIC Titanic 1997 Regia Recensione del film di James Cameron con Leonardo Di Caprio e Kate Winslet, a cura di Claudia Scopino. http://www.centraldocinema.it/Recensioni/Nov04/titanic_titanic.htm | |
153. Raumschiff Titanic Nach Douglas Adams Lösung Walkthrough Komplettl¶sung zu Raumschiff titanic nach Douglas Adams. http://gamesurf.tiscali.de/spielewiese/loesungen/raumschiff-titanic.shtml | |
154. Cité Des Sciences - Exposition - Trésors Du Titanic Int©rieurs du paquebot, objets retrouv©s au fond de l'oc©an, images sousmarines et actualit© scientifique. http://www.cite-sciences.fr/francais/ala_cite/expo/tempo/titanic/ | |
155. Fox Studios Opens Movie Park At Former 'Titanic' Studio CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/americas/05/19/titanic.park.ap/index.html |
156. The Chambermaid On The Titanic: Cinephiles Movie Review Synopsis and review. http://www.cinephiles.net/The_Chambermaid/Film-Synopsis.html | |
157. Brunching Shuttlecocks Titanic Brief review by the SelfMade Critic. http://www.brunching.com/selfmade/selfmade-titanic.html | |
158. Sinking Of The Titanic And Great Sea Disasters Complete, illustrated text of Logan Marshall's work, published 1912. http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/toc/modeng/public/MarSink.html | |
159. Allesfilm.com - All About Film Eine Kritik von Balazs Barnucz. http://www.videofreak.net/php_filme/show_movie.php?film_id=1557 |
160. Starship Titanic Chat A chat forum for help, hints, technical support and freebie downloads from a team of skilled helpers. http://www.starshiptitanic.com/game/chatindex.html | |
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