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Texas Churches: more books (100) |
141. Alpine Texas - Churches - Members ALPINE churches Chamber Member Organizations. First Assembly of God First Baptist Church Sunday Worship 1055am PO Box 179 203 N 4th Alpine, TX 79831 http://www.alpinetexas.com/church.html | |
142. Index Guide to business, churches, and schools, with pictures and historical information. http://www.geocities.com/walltexas/ | |
143. Alpine Texas - Churches - Non-Members Additional Alpine churches NonChamber Members. Calvary Apostolic Church S. Hwy. 118 837-1720. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Sunny Glen Road http://www.alpinetexas.com/churches.html | |
145. Combes, Texas Local churches with addresses and phone numbers. http://www.churchangel.com/WEBTX/combes.htm | |
146. Culberson County, Texas, Churches Presbyterian Church, US 1092, Recorded texas Historic Landmark. First church building erected in Van Horn. This was used by all faiths until other churches http://www.historictexas.net/culberson/churches.htm | |
147. Breckenridge Stephens County Texas, TX, Rural Community, Main Street City, HOWDY Includes business directory, churches, lodging, dining, attractions, calendar of events, hunting information, and economic development. http://www.breckenridgetexas.com/ | |
148. Etxmp.com - Welcome To The Etxmp.com.... Provides information for Mt. Pleasant community including news, weather, schools, churches, city, and businesses. http://www.etxmp.com/ | |
149. Churches - Nacogdoches County, Texas Genealogy And History - TXGenWeb Project Historical and genealogical information for Nacogdoches County, texas. http://www.rootsweb.com/~txnacogd/histsite_churches/churches.htm | |
150. Index Directory of hotels, churches, schools, events, dining, shopping, with history and weather information. http://www.geocities.com/maypearl_tx/ | |
151. Tisd.net - No Such Document (404 Not Found) Information on the two churches. http://www.tisd.net/~bromike/ | |
152. Churches And Civic Groups In Andrews, Texas Andrews Church of Christ 201 NW 2nd 5233101, Templo La Nueve Jerusalem 507 NE 4th 523-5348, Lakeview Christian Church NW 6th Ave. E 523-5419 http://www.andrewstx.com/church.shtml | |
153. San Jacinto County, Texas - Churches San Jacinto County, texas TXGenWeb Genealogy Project. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/2670/SANJAC-63.htm | |
154. Delta County Texas -- Churches Corinth Baptist Church Faith Independent Baptist 1301 SW Eighth Street (903) 3954946 First United Methodist Church 200 SW First Street (903) 395-4263 http://www.deltacounty.org/churches.html | |
155. Wichita Falls Church Listings | Wichita Falls Religious Organization | Wichita F Wichita Falls, texas Church, Temple and Synagogue listings with contact information and websites where possible. http://wichita-falls.com/churches/ | |
156. Texas SDA Churches texas Adventist Church Websites. Arlington SDA Church Arlington, TX; Atascosa First SDA Church - Poteet, TX; Austin Alpha SDA Church - Austin, texas http://www.sdatexas.org/Texas_Churches.htm | |
157. KLRU: The Painted Churches Of Texas The Painted churches of texas. Behind the Scenes. THE PAINTED churches OF texas, ECHOES OF THE Filming Painted churches this summer in Fredericksburg. http://www.klru.org/paintedchurches/documentary.html | |
158. Southeast Texas Presbyterian Church Cluster Listing and links for area churches affiliated with Presbyterian Church (USA), with email for prayer requests. http://presbies.org/ | |
159. United Methodist Center Full details of the Conference also program opportunities, calendar, churches, church and society, resource center and links. http://www.umcswtx.org/ | |
160. Pentecostal Web Includes a calendar, list of churches, and ministry information. http://txdist-upci.org/ | |
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