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81. Gemini Observatory: Exploring The Universe From Both Hemispheres Mauna Kea, Hawaii, and Cerro Pacha, Chile. Features news, information about the facilities and telescopes, web cams, and resources. http://www.gemini.edu/ | |
82. MakScopes Maksutov Cassegrain and Maksutov Newtonian telescopes by owners. http://www.lafterhall.com/makscopes.html | |
83. Radio Telescopes telescopes observing at these wavelengths are commonly called radio telescopes.Although they do not look like optical telescopes, radio telescopes are http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/light/radio.html | |
84. ITE - Classifieds Listings of telescopes and accessories for sale or trade. http://www.iteastronomy.com/classifieds/ | |
85. Reflecting Telescopes Reflecting telescopes For technical reasons, the largest optical telescopesare reflecting rather than refracting telescopes it is easier to build and http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/light/reflecting.html | |
86. BirdScope Information about birding with Tele Vue telescopes, with telescope and accessory selection guides, specifications, reviews, usage notes, and dealer list. http://www.televue.com/birdscope/ | |
87. Binoculars.com - Summer Specials On Binoculars, Telescopes, Spotting Scopes Offers a selection of optics including binoculars, telescopes, and nightvision. http://www.binoculars.com/ | |
88. TScopes.com - Affordable Quality Produces Dobsonian telescopes in a variety of sizes. The company s FarStartelescope claims to be the lightest weight 18 Dobsonian telescope available from http://www.tscopes.com/ | |
89. Homepage The resource website for the LX200, LX90, LX50, LXD55, Starfinder, and ETX telescopes, and Pictor CCD cameras and imaging software. http://www.mapug.com/ | |
90. Takahashi America Suppliers of Takahashi telescopes, Swarovski binoculars and CCD cameras.Also suppliers of such names as Meade and Celestron telescopes and Leica and Zeiss http://www.takahashiamerica.com/ | |
91. MAST DSS Comprises a set of allsky photographic surveys in E, V, J, R, and N bands conducted with the Palomar, and UK Schmidt telescopes at the Space Telescope Science Institute. http://stdatu.stsci.edu/dss/ | |
92. Radio Telescopes Details of Radio telescopes around the world. One of the world s leadingradio telescopes. It consists of 27 aerials (antennas) arranged in a huge Y http://www.r-clarke.org.uk/astrolinks_radio.htm | |
93. Slot Cars And HO From North Coast Features slot cars, models, rockets, games, radio control, telescopes, die cast and other hobby items. http://www.ncphobbies.com | |
94. Telescopes This set of notes by Nick Strobel covers the basics of telescopes and effects of This is why the early refracting telescopes were made very long. b) http://www.maa.mhn.de/Scholar/telescopes.html | |
95. The Science Company Sells a selection of weather instruments, microscopes, telescopes, GPS and related accessories. http://www.sciencecompany.com | |
96. Starmaster Portable Telescopes StarMaster Portable telescopes. Starmaster has a New Website! Visitwww.starmastertelescopes.com Win a $10000 Total Eclipse Cruise (April 2005) for Two! http://www.icstars.com/starmaster/ | |
97. The Solar System A project by Grade 4 students explains about planets, comets and asteroids. Illustrated with diagrams, animation and photographs from space telescopes. http://www.germantown.k12.il.us/solarsystem/solsysa.html |
98. Magellan Project to construct two 6.5 Meter optical telescopes in the southern hemisphere.The telescopes are located at Las Campanas Observatory, at an altitude of 8000 http://www.ociw.edu/magellan/ | |
99. Antique Brass Microscope, Scientific Instruments, Microscopes, Mechanical Calcul Retails antique brass microscopes, telescopes, surveying equipment, calculating devices and other apparatus. http://www.scientiques.com/ | |
100. Optical Guidance Systems Telescopes OGS manufactures custom telescopes and research grade telescopes for professionaland amateur astronomers. OGS is a dealer for Takahashi telescopes. http://www.opticalguidancesystems.com/ | |
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