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41. Virtual Cycad Encyclopedia Good source for information on Cycads. Includes taxonomy, biology, photos, links. http://www.plantapalm.com/vce/vce_index.htm | |
42. Taxonomy, Biology, And Periodontal Aspects Of Fusobacterium Nucleatum. taxonomy, biology, and periodontal aspects of Fusobacterium nucleatum. AI Bolstad, HB Jensen, and V Bakken. Department of Periodontology, University of http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=172882 |
43. Welcome To The California Academy Of Sciences Library Subject strengths include systematics and taxonomy, evolutionary biology, biodiversity, biogeography, local and regional natural sciences and natural history. http://www.calacademy.org/research/library/ | |
44. Taxonomy, Biology, And Clinical Aspects Of Fusarium Species. taxonomy and biology of Fusarium moniliforme. Mycopathologia 1992 Feb;117(12)29Â36. PubMed; Nelson PE, Plattner RD, Shackelford DD, Desjardins AE. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=358338 |
45. The Euglenoid Project: Euglena, Euglenida, Euglenophyta, Euglenozoa, Algae, Prot A comprehensive database of the taxonomy, structure, evolution, and general biology of the euglenoid flagellates (Euglenophyta or Euglenida). http://bio.rutgers.edu/euglena/ |
46. Taxonomy, Biology And Predation Efficiency Of Lynx Spider On Fruit Fly taxonomy AND MORPHOLOGY OF LYNX SPIDERS. Top of Document Top of Document. The results of the taxonomic and biological studies revealed that the body length http://www.fftc.agnet.org/library/article/rh2002002b.html | |
47. Department Of Botany - Miami University - Home Page Information concerning topics such as plant anatomy, ecology, molecular biology, comparative morphology, plant physiology, plant systematics, taxonomy, and plant morphology. http://www.cas.muohio.edu/botany/ | |
48. Taxonomy, Biology And Predation Efficiency Of Lynx Spider On Fruit Fly taxonomy, biology AND PREDATION EFFICIENCY OF LYNX SPIDER ON FRUIT FLY. News source Department of Agriculture, Thailand http://www.fftc.agnet.org/library/abstract/rh2002002b.html | |
49. FISH, A Quick Course On Ichthyology Basic introduction to fish biology, by Odyssey Expeditions Tropical Marine biology Voyages. Covers taxonomy, anatomy, reproduction, schooling behavior, how fish swim, how fish sense, and thermal strategies. http://www.odysseyexpeditions.org/fish.asp | |
50. The Sciences Explorer - Taxonomy Table One of the most interesting fields of interest in the study of biology is taxonomy. Although there are other fields out there such as ecology and embryology http://library.thinkquest.org/11771/english/hi/biology/taxonomy.shtml | |
51. Gastropoda Overview of biology and taxonomy; species list for Montana. http://www.esg.montana.edu/dlg/aim/mollusca/gastropd.html | |
52. Maryland Sea Grant Book Store - The Eastern Oyster: Crassostrea Virginica Information about the taxonomy and biology of this species from the Maryland Sea Grant. http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/store/Oyster/ | |
53. Scientific Classification - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia and many of his taxonomic groups have remained standard in biology for at In these approaches, the ranking system in Linnaean taxonomy is often not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_classification | |
54. Entomology Department - Natural History Museum Studies insect and arachnid systematics, taxonomy, identification and comparative biology in England. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/entomology/ | |
55. Apiservices - Apiculture - Taxonomy On the taxonomy and biology of the genus, from the Apicultura website. http://www.apicultura.com/goodies/taxonomy.htm | |
56. Biologie Des Orques | Killer Whale Biology, Orcinus Orca Provides an overview of general biology, taxonomy, ecology, evolution, behavior and physiology within the species. The site available in English and French. http://www.orca.online.fr/ | |
57. ICA Directory Of Acarologists 2002 Taxonomic group Agricultural Acarology (biology Ecology Taxonomic group Specialization Prostigmata taxonomy biology. Zhang, Xingwang http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/acarology/ica/directory/Z.html | |
58. Introduction To The Myriapoda UCMP Berkeley's outline of myriapod history, biology and taxonomy. http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/arthropoda/uniramia/myriapoda.html | |
59. ICA Directory Of Acarologists 2002 Specialization taxonomy, biology, Bioecological control. Rau, Urmila R. Specialization Predatory mites on citrus taxonomy, biology ecology http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/acarology/ica/directory/R.html | |
60. Introduction To Coralline Algae Research reports, discussion forum, online bibliography, directory of researchers, and internet links on all aspects of the biology and taxonomy of living and fossil coralline algae. http://www.botany.uwc.ac.za/clines | |
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