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21. Ms. M.'s Science Page Information on taxonomy of sharks. http://www.geocities.com/buhsmsm | |
22. Taxonomy- Biology Resources- Dalhousie University Libraries biology. Subject Specialist. Michelle Paon, BSc, MLIS phone 902-494-5198 Click on taxonomy browser (under Search dropdown list). http://www.library.dal.ca/subjects/bioltax.htm | |
23. AT&T ENRICH Biology Lesson Plans These 85 biology lessons were developed by public and Catholic High School biology teachers in the Chicago area. Lesson plans available in pdf format for biochemistry, cells, DNA and genetics, ecology, evolution, human biology, ethics, taxonomy, and tools. http://www.officeport.com/enrich/lessons/index.htm | |
24. Treatise On Zoology --- Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology Treatise on Zoology Anatomy, taxonomy, biology. http://www.vsppub.com/books/misce/bk-TreZooAnaTaxBio.html | |
25. COA Has Moved A forum for informal discussions of molluscan biology, taxonomy, natural history, evolution, conservation, and collectionrelated subjects. http://erato.acnatsci.org:80/conchnet/conch-l.html | |
26. Treatise On Zoology --- Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology: Contents Treatise on Zoology Anatomy, taxonomy, biology Contents. http://www.vsppub.com/books/misce/cbk-TreZooAnaTaxBio.html | |
27. KU Natural History Museum & Biodiversity Research Center University of Kansas, Lawrence. Holds major research and teaching collections in most areas of biology. Includes a division of Informatics with skills in numerical taxonomy and collections management software. Some public exhibits. http://web.nhm.ku.edu/ |
28. Plant Taxonomy - Biology 308 Plant taxonomy (BIOL308) Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; biology Department, Holiday Botany The taxonomy of Christmas (eg., Mistletoe, poinsettia, http://employees.csbsju.edu/SSAUPE/biol308/syllabus.htm | |
29. Lucidcentral: Home Page Software for creating interactive keys for biology, taxonomy, medicine, and agriculture. http://www.lucidcentral.com/ | |
30. Plant Taxonomy - Biology 308 treelogo.gif (7741 bytes), Plant taxonomy (BIOL308) - Stephen G. Saupe, Ph.D.; biology Department, College of St. Benedict/St. John s University, http://employees.csbsju.edu/SSAUPE/biol308/Course_Materials/Assignments/sample_e |
31. Habitatnews This provides news for upcoming books, events and issues, in biology,ecology, taxonomy, natural history and environmentalism http://habitatnews.nus.edu.sg | |
32. Pleocoma taxonomy, biology and Distribution of the genus Pleocoma LeConte (Coleoptera, Pleocomidae Scarabaeoidea). Studies for this project were begun in 1968, http://www.hovore.com/pleocoma.htm | |
33. Urban Und Fischer international journal on marine research Aims Scope aquatic environment living resources population dynamics biology, physiology and chemistry of fish and shellfish fish, benthos and plankton ecology, parasitology, taxonomy pertinent to fishery, ecotoxicology, fishery oceanography, fishery technology and aquatic pollution http://www.urbanfischer.de/journals/frame_template.htm?/journals/archfish/fisher |
34. Principles And Practices Of Animal Taxonomy,Biology Books Publishers,Microbiolog Science Publisher Inc Principles and Practices of Animal taxonomy, biology Books Publishers, Microbiology Book Publisher, Text Books of biology, http://www.scipub.net/biology/principles-practices-animal-taxonomy.html | |
35. The Zoological Society Of Japan Has approximately 3,000 members to advance research and education in the field of zoological sciences, including taxonomy, systematics, ecology, ethology, cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, developmental biology, and molecular biology. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/zsj/index-e.html | |
36. Palaemonid Prawns,Biodiversity,Taxonomy,Biology And Management,Biodiversity Book Science Publisher Inc Palaemonid Prawns, Biodiversity, taxonomy, biology and Management, Biodiversity Book Publisher, taxonomy Book Publisher, http://www.scipub.net/fisheries/palaemonid-prawns.html | |
37. The Plesiosaur Site - Home Page This site is intended to give serious and detailed information on the Order Plesiosauria, to provide a forum for discussion and for the presentation of ideas no matter how wild and fanciful on the palaeontology, taxonomy, biomechanics, biology and ecological role of members of the order. http://www.plesiosaur.com/ | |
38. Poster Title: Taxonomy, BiologyÂs First Ontology, And The Tree Of Life, Biology taxonomy is the discipline of biology whose aim is to allocate all living organisms taxonomy is biologyÂs original and most well established ontology. http://www.iscb.org/ismb2004/posters/n.anwarATudcf.gla.ac.uk_836.html | |
39. Natal Museum, African Invertebrates Focuses on the taxonomy, systematics, biogeography, biology, ecology, conservation and paleontology of invertebrates. http://www.africaninvertebrates.org.za | |
40. Australia's Argonauts ("paper Nautiluses"): Taxonomy, Biology And A Revision Of Australia s argonauts ( paper nautiluses ) taxonomy, biology and a revision of the family Argonautidae (Mollusca Cephalopoda) http://www.hermonslade.org.au/projects/HSF_04_1/hsf_04_1.htm | |
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