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         Tax Reform:     more books (100)
  1. Tax Reform: Implications for Economic Security and Employee Benefits by D. C.) Employee Benefit Research Institute (Washington, 1997-01
  2. Federal Tax Reform: Myths and Realities
  3. Real Estate After Tax Reform: A Guide for Investors by Martin Shenkman, 1987-03
  4. New chapters in corporate development, tax reform.(From The Newsroom)(Business Tax Advisory Committee): An article from: San Fernando Valley Business Journal by Jason Schaff, 2004-05-10
  5. Tax Reform and the U.S. Economy (Brookings dialogues on public policy)
  6. Key Issues in Tax Reform by Fiscal Publications, 1993-11
  7. Tax Reform and Real Estate by James R. Follain, 1986-06-01
  8. Financial Planning Under the New Rules: An Investor's Guide to the Tax Reform Act of 1986 by Lindsay Wyatt, Elizabeth Styers, 1987-03
  9. World Tax Reform: Case Studies of Developed and Developing Countries by Michael J. Boskin, 1990-08
  10. Financing Higher Education: Strategies After Tax Reform (New Directions for Higher Education, No 58, Summer 1987) by Richard E. Anderson, 1987-08
  11. The 1986 Tax Reform Act: Making It Work for You by Paul N. Strassels, 1986-12
  12. 21st Century Essential Guide to Federal Tax Reform, Report of the Mack-Breaux Bipartisan Presidents Advisory Panel on Tax Reform (CD-ROM) by U.S. Government, 2006-01-08
  13. Lessons of Tax Reform (A World Bank Policy Paper)
  14. Realistic Tax Reform by Cedric Sandford, 1971-03-25

81. Tax Reform: Flat Tax - U.S. Government Info/Resources - Date: 03/13/98
More results from tax reform Books A Bibliography - Library SciencesThe massive IRS system and tax reform have been topics of discussion each election cycle. Here is a brief bibliography of various books addressing income

82. Directions For State Tax Reform
The paper assesses four current areas of state taxation payroll taxes, land taxes, financial taxes, and franchise fees - against four criteria - effiency,
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Directions For State Tax Reform
Staff Research Paper
Directions For State Tax Reform by 0wen Gabbitas and Damien Eldridge was released on 10 June 1998. The paper assesses four current areas of state taxation - payroll taxes, land taxes, financial taxes, and franchise fees - against four criteria - effiency, equity, administration and compliance, and stability. An information release has been issued.
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Printed copies of the report (ISBN 646 33554 5, catalogue number 9803531, RRP $19.95) can be purchased from the Commission's publications agent
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The Commission values any comments you may have in relation to Directions For State Tax Reform and encourages you to complete and return the feedback form . We would also welcome any questions about the Commission, or suggestions for future research. Please email your comments or questions to Media and Publications Section Home News Accessibility ... Review of Government Service Provision Tuesday, 08-Mar-2005 14:59:17 EST

83. The Today Foundation
A Dallasbased public policy organization with interests in education, criminal justice and tax reform.
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The Today Foundation, founded by Richard H. Collins, is a Dallas-based non-profit organization with interests in education, criminal justice and tax reform. Projects of the Today Foundation include the Children's Education Fund, Associated Texans Against Crime and the American Miracle.
The Children's Education Fund (CEF)
was organized in August 1994 by Richard H. Collins to improve opportunities in education for children from low-income families. CEF provides tuition assistance to help these families send their children to the schools of their choice. Thanks to the support from area business and community leaders, CEF is bringing self-determination and hope to families in need across Dallas County. It is CEF's goal to provide such opportunity to thousands of children right here in the community. It is an investment that will yield returns for generations. Click Here to Read More Associated Texans Against Crime is a statewide public policy organization established with the goal of reducing crime in Texas. ATAC is committed to increasing public awareness and involvement in criminal justice issues. Concerned with all aspects of our criminal justice system, ATAC focuses on juvenile justice reform, parole policies, crime prevention, drug and alcohol programs and victims' rights. Click Here to Read More The American Miracle focuses its efforts on educating Americans regarding tax policies in an effort to move toward our economic potential. Specifically, AM has focused its efforts on explaining the punitive nature of taxation toward economic growth.

84. Political Advocacy Groups: Tax Reform
Americans for tax reform http// EMail 1920 L St. NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006 Phone 202-785-0266
Political Advocacy Groups
Tax Reform Subjects All Groups A-Z About this Site Search ... Legend Americans for Fair Taxation

PO Box 27487
Houston, TX 77227-7487
Phone: 713-963-9023, 800-324-7829 "...Simply put, the FairTax replaces the way we're currently taxed - based on our annual income - with a tax on goods and services. The FairTax is a voluntary “consumption" tax: the more you buy, the more you pay in taxes, the less you buy, the less you pay in taxes."
Americans for Tax Reform

E-Mail: 1920 L St. NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20006 Phone: 202-785-0266 Fax: 202-785-0261 "ATR opposes all tax increases as a matter of principle. We believe in a system in which taxes are simpler, fairer, flatter, more visible and lower than they are today. The government's power to control one's life derives from its power to tax. We believe that power should be minimized." (

85. Pennsylvania Business Tax Reform Commission
Pennsylvania tax reform Commission Releases Final Report 11/30/2004 Final Report Secretary Fajt s presentation on 200506 business tax reform proposal

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Final Report Secretary Fajt's presentation on 2005-06 business tax reform proposal
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86. Ecological Tax Reform: Composting The Gridlock
Natural Logic provides strategy, systems and software that help turn exceptional environmental performance into economic advantage, supporting your

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Ecological Tax Reform: Composting the Gridlock
NBL 4.9
May 2, 1995
Tax reform is all the rage these days, and proposals abound. Even the flat tax (dismissed as silly when proposed by presidential candidate Jerry Brown in 1992, now taken quite seriously when proferred by Dick Armey) is getting serious scrutiny. Not because they're the best ideas, not even because taxes are too high (they're lower in US than any industrialized country) but because the tax system is perceived as out of control, and people want to do "something." Overlooked in the traditional liberal vs. conservative debate is a powerful new idea that could break the ideological gridlock. In a recent article entitled "The Tax Shift," four leading economic thinkers ask a question that could shift the debate: "Why do we tax what we want more oflike incomeinstead of taxing what we want less oflike pollution, and depletion of finite natural resources?" Why indeed? Written by economists Robert Costanza and Herman Daly, businessman and author Paul Hawken, and ecologist John Woodwell, the "ecological tax reform" proposal calls for a revenue neutral tax shift. In other words, it would not add to the total tax burden, and would even be compatible with tax reduction. But it would radically shift the target of taxation. Some excerpts:

87. Ashcroft Takes A Stab At Tax Reform - 01-12-98
Related Sites Sen. John Ashcroft's Web Site
Ashcroft Takes A Stab At Tax Reform
By Bob Franken/CNN WASHINGTON (AllPolitics, Jan. 12) Sen. John Ashcroft, a possible presidential candidate in 2000, joined the parade of tax reformers today with a major reform plan that includes allowing taxpayers to deduct Social Security payroll taxes from their income taxes. "What I hear about taxes over and over is this: It is time to spell reform: R-E-D-U-C-E, reduce," Ashcroft said today. Among the proposal's ten points are changes that are friendly to families, the middle class and the polls. The Missouri Republican's plan would replace the "marriage penalty" and allow couples to divide their two incomes in half and pay lower rates. It also would allow tax deductions for Social Security payroll taxes. The message was consistent with what Ashcroft has been leaking for several days now. He joins a long line of Republicans on the tax bandwagon. Steve Forbes, a 1996 presidential candidate, and Jack Kemp, the 1996 Republican vice-presidential nominee, both advocate a flat tax. Ashcroft seems to be telling them to get real. "I guess I believe this provides an opportunity for immediate tax relief that isn't accorded in the same measure by the flat tax and the consumption tax," he said.

88. CTRG - Charities' Tax Reform Group
The Charities tax reform Group campaigns on behalf of charities to seek changes in tax legislation and administration.
Charities' Tax Reform Group Home About us News Campaign priorities ... Contact us Most people believe that charities do not pay tax... if only that were the case. Charities benefit enormously from the range of tax incentives on giving to charities, particularly Gift Aid. What is not often understood is that charities incur substantial amounts of tax when they spend the money that is generously donated to them. This is because the VAT system, which is based on the EU's Sixth VAT Directive, treats charities as the final consumer - even when they are not. The Charities' Tax Reform Group (CTRG) has over 400 members of all sizes representing all types of charitable activity. CTRG was set up in 1982 to make representations to Government on charity taxation and it has since become the leading voice for the sector on this issue. It has persuaded successive Governments to introduce a range of tax reliefs and has also campaigned successfully to protect existing concessions. Through CTRG, you can:
  • be part of the sector's leading authority on tax and charities improve tax concessions on giving identify new ways of helping the sector help to protect existing reliefs, which remain under threat from Europe

89. Fraser Institute
In all of these jurisdictions, lower taxes combined with tax reform and other The Flat Tax A Model for Reform of Personal and Business Taxes (269KB)

90. Mexican Official Warns Of 'spending Adjustments' Without Tax Reform

91. | Republican National Committee :: Issues - Tax Reform
Read posts and share your thoughts about tax reform on the blog. Taxes should be applied fairly, and reform should recognize the importance of
TAX REFORM ISSUES HOME Help grow our party by joining the GOP Team! As a member of the GOP Team, we'll work together to bring new faces and voices to the Republican Party and maintain our majority for years to come. Read posts and share your thoughts about tax reform on the blog. Help educate the public about the President's and our Party's agenda to reform the tax code and make tax cuts permanent. To ensure America's tax policies help the nation's economy remain the most prosperous in the world, the President has proposed:
  • Reforming the tax code, as the President believes that America's taxpayers deserve, and our future economic prosperity demands, a simpler, fairer, more pro-growth system. Taxes should be applied fairly, and reform should recognize the importance of homeownership and charity in our American society. As a first step in reforming the code, the President has created a bipartisan panel to advise the Secretary of the Treasury on options to reform the tax code.
  • Restraining spending by the Federal Government.
  • Making his tax cuts permanent, both for individuals and for small businesses; all the tax relief enacted over the past four years, including the tax relief benefiting America's small businesses, is scheduled to expire over the next several years. Raising taxes on small businesses will hurt economic growth and job creation.

92. CNN - Australia's Government Faces Tax Reform Showdown - February 7, 1999

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Australia's government faces tax reform showdown
High unemployment rate also targeted
February 7, 1999
Web posted at: 3:16 a.m. EST (0816 GMT) SYDNEY, Australia (CNN) Australia's parliament resumes for 1999 on Monday with Prime Minister John Howard 's re-elected government facing a showdown with the Senate over key legislation on tax reform and privatization. Howard's conservative government has a five-month window in which to pass legislation before newly-elected senators take their places in the upper house, leaving it dominated by left-leaning parties that will almost certainly block key elements of his second-term reform agenda. Howard has made it clear he intends to overhaul Australia's tax system. The centerpiece of the prime minister's reform plan is a 10 percent value-added goods and services tax. Howard's argument is that tax reform is critical to Australia's economic well-being particularly at a time when much of Asia is embroiled in financial turmoil.

93. Lexington Institute :: Home
The institute informs the public debate in such areas as national security, education reform, tax reform, immigration and federal policy concerning science and technology. Includes issue briefs and position papers.

Lexington Institute

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Implementing Logistics Transformation: A New Model for the Military Supply Chain Education Hurricane Relief Should Help Schoolchildren, Not Secure a Government Monopoly Rejecting No Child Left Behind Would Hurt New Jersey Schoolchildren As State Changes, We Need Better Bilingual Education Cuba New Moves Could End Investment Slump Postal Reform The Postal Service Has Bigger Problems Than E-Mail Crippling labour premium is US post's most pressing problem Who Cares How the Postal Service Spends $12 Billion?

94. News In | Tax Reform
tax reform has risen to the top of public pronouncements by the governor and tax reform is a collection of resources compiled by the Maine State Law and

Network Affiliate
Tax reform coalition seeks new pact

Progressive groups are pushing for a special legislative session on tax reform, hoping to compel the Legislature to vote on a controversial package of tax changes. [August 17, 2005] Reform fails to lower taxes for many
Only half the municipalities in a survey are cutting rates on property taxes. Reader Comments: Have your property tax rates fallen? [August 8, 2005] What do readers think?
  • Reader Comments What should the state do about the business equipment tax?
    More news coverage

    Gov. John Baldacci (proposed November 2004):
  • Maine State Chamber of Commerce (proposed September 2004):
  • Limit property taxes to 6 percent of household income for most Mainers. Cap spending at all levels of government. Require that future increases in state school aid be used to cut property taxes. Eliminate the homestead exemption. Expand the state's circuit-breaker program, which helps poor and middle-income Mainers pay their property taxes.
  • More information Taxpayer's Bill of Rights (proposed 2004):
  • Limit government spending at all levels to the rate of inflation, with an allowance for population growth.
  • 95. Canada West Foundation ::
    Aims at bringing western perspectives to national policy debates, including such projects as health care, tax reform, and societal development. Information on products, board members, articles, and calendar of events.
    Newsletters From the Desk of Roger Gibbins Playing Santa Claus is poor stewardship We are talking about the responsible stewardship of public funds coming from non-renewable natural resources, and ... the prosperity dividend makes no sense. The Investing Wisely Project Prosperity Bonus a waste of opportunities Oh great, here comes a Grinch from a think tank to tell us that handing out cheques to Albertans is a bad idea! The Investing Wisely Project There are three serious problems with the "Prosperity Bonus" ... it is not funny witnessing a golden opportunity being squandered. The Investing Wisely Project In January of 2005, the Canada West Foundation launched the Investing Wisely Project to encourage and inform debate about the best options for using Albertan's oil and gas revenues. For more information on the Project, click here Click the image to download the report CANADA WEST in the news Incentives more efficient in changing environmental behaviour BC economy poised to become Canada's growth engine Labour demand in western Canada remained strong in June Report of gambling in Canada released today ... Western labour demand holds steady in May RECENT PUBLICATIONS
    Dialogues Summer 2005 - Economic Powerhouse: Canada's economy shifting West.

    96. Ohio Department Of Taxation
    CAT Major Tax Law Changes. Sweeping Ohio tax reform Enacted. Gov. Bob Taft signed HB 66, bullet line item, Ohio tax reform Informational Seminars
    CAT and Other Major Tax Law Changes Sweeping Ohio Tax Reform Enacted These changes affect most Ohio business and Ohio income taxpayers. Below are links to information that details each of these changes. This page will be updated frequently as more information becomes available. GENERAL INFORMATION News Release: Ohio Reforms Tax System - Every Major State Tax is Changing July 1 Ohio Budget Bill (Fiscal Years 2006-07): Major Ohio Tax Law Changes (PDF) Ohio Tax Reform: Informational Seminars Text of H.B 66 Chart: Tax Law Rate Changes Under H.B. 66 (PDF) COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY TAX CAT General Information Letter Informational Brochure: Ohio's Commercial Activity Tax and Major Tax Law Changes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - Commercial Activity Tax (PDF) Registering for the CAT
    • Most businesses with taxable gross receipts of $150,000 or more per year must register for the Commercial Activity Tax. The deadline is November 15. On-line registration is encouraged. There is a $15.00 to $20.00 (maximum of $200.00) fee. Register and obtain your license/registration immediately through the Ohio Business Gateway.

    97. Ohio Department Of Taxation
    The governor has declared tax reform a top priority and one critical to making Ohio This page provides links to resources that outline the tax reform
    Governor Taft's Plan for Ohio Tax Reform Governor Bob Taft has incorporated a significant reform of the tax code in Ohio as part of the Fiscal Years 2006-2007 state budget he introduced on February 10. The governor has declared tax reform a top priority and one critical to making Ohio economically competitive with surrounding states and improving the conditions for business growth and employment. Perspectives: Taft Tax Reform
    • Testimony of Lt. Gov. Bruce Johnson (PDF) on the impact of the current tax system on Ohio's economy and an overview of the Governor's five-year tax reform plan (House Finance and Appropriations Committee, February 14, 2005).
    Tax Specifics: Taft Tax Reform

    98. Policy Infocus: Tax Reform
    President George W. Bush addresses folks at a General Mills plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Monday, April 15. Taking to the podium on tax day, the President
    Issues Hurricane Relief Homeland Security Judicial Nominations ...
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    President George W. Bush addresses folks at a General Mills plant in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Monday, April 15. Taking to the podium on tax day, the President discussed last year's tax cut that and stated that such cuts for the American people should be permanent.
  • Treasury Releases First in Series of Tax Simplification Proposals President Unveils Small Business Plan at Women's Entrepreneurship Summit President Emphasizes Job Creation in Economic Recovery President Signs Stimulus Bill During Live Radio Address

  • Today marks the one-year anniversary of the tax relief that President Bush promised the American people and delivered in full the largest tax reduction in a generation. One year after President Bush signed the tax cut into law, the economy is growing, consumer spending is up and America is on the path to economic recovery. The tax cut provided a much needed boost to our economy at just the right time by giving Americans more of their own money to spend, boosting investment and creating jobs. The economy is much stronger one year after the tax cut but there is still more work to be done to ensure long-term growth, a job for every American worker and a return to budget surpluses. And, to keep us on the path to long term recovery, Congress should make the tax cuts permanent; give the President Trade Promotion Authority, a comprehensive energy bill and a terrorism bill; and hold spending down.

    99. Tax Reform - Industry - The Joe Hill Dispatch - Journal Of
    tax reform. The New York Times has a detailed look at the various political The Worst President Ever faces in attempting any sort of serious tax reform.

    100. Hearing Archives :Committee On Ways & Means :: U.S. House Of Representatives :
    Hearing on tax reform Wednesday, June 08, 2005 Leonard E. Burman, CoDirector of Tax Policy Center and Senior Fellow, Urban Institute

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