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61. Events - Arts And Culture - British Council - Tanzania arts and culture events. We have a policy of introducing new bands to tanzania, which would not otherwise have the opportunity of exposure here. http://www.britishcouncil.org/tanzania-arts-culture-events.htm | |
62. Afrika.no - The Index On Africa - Culture The Sukuma Museum (Mwanza, tanzania) Sukuma traditional arts and culture taking place among traditional doctors, chiefs, artists, and dancers. http://www.afrika.no/index/Countries/Tanzania/Culture/ | |
63. The Embassy Of Finland, Dar Es Salaam In 1992 Finland and tanzania signed an agreement on Cultural, Educational and nizes annually 13 exhibitions to promote Finnish culture in tanzania. http://www.finland.or.tz/finandtz.html | |
64. Tanzania Official web sites of tanzania, the capital of tanzania, art, culture, history, cities, airlines, embassies, tourist boards and newspapers. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/tanzania.htm | |
65. Tanzania And Zanzibar On The Internet Language and Popular culture in Africa The main aim of LPCA is to document and tanzania) Describes the revival of Sukuma traditional arts and culture http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/tanzan.html |
66. Tanzania: A Second-Hand Economy? By Pietra Rivoli - The Globalist > > Global Cul Globalist Bookshelf Global culture tanzania A SecondHand Economy? By Pietra Rivoli Friday, June 24, 2005. Used clothing is by far America s largest http://www.theglobalist.com/dbweb/StoryId.aspx?StoryId=4621 |
67. The Culture History Of The United Republic Of Tanzania The culture history of the United Republic of tanzania. http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/36/index-cf.html | |
68. Global Exchange : Culture, Ecotourism And Sustainable Development tanzania culture, Ecotourism and Sustainable Development. October 22, 2005 November 02, 2005. tanzania, known for its natural wonders from Mt. http://www.globalexchange.org/tours/682.html | |
69. USAID Telling Our Story: Tanzania - Direct Export Of Premium Coffee From Tanzani You are here » Home » Telling Our Story. Naisho WomenÂs Group triples income with USAID help on tourism. Balancing culture and Conservation in tanzania http://www.usaid.gov/stories/tanzania/ss_tanzania_culture.html | |
70. The Power Of Culture - Cultural Policy Of Non-western Countries: Tanzania Not only the language is part of tanzaniaÂs cultural heritage, The most important financer of the arts is Mfuko, the tanzania Cultural Trust Fund. http://www.powerofculture.nl/uk/policy/tanzania.html | |
71. Bits Of Culture - Tanzania BITS OF culture tanzania. Languages. Map. Cultural Values. Main Religion Death Concepts/Rituals. Health Care Values. Diet. Interesting Facts. Languages http://www.massgeneral.org/interpreters/b_taz.asp | |
72. SOMALI BANTU - Their History And Culture themselves by their place of residence, which, for those with strong cultural ties to tanzania, often corresponds to their ceremonial kin grouping. http://www.culturalorientation.net/bantu/sbpeop.html | |
73. Tanzania Safaris, Lodges And Wildlife Tours tanzania s culture is a kaleidoscope of African, Arab, European and Indian origins. 120 tribal groups reside within the country. The largest groups include http://www.ecoafrica.com/african/travel/Tanzania.html | |
74. Tanzania, Art And Artists; Looking For Tanzanian Culture? Bulletin tanzania Looking for tanzanian culture? Classifieds1000 World Message Board Ponder this * tanzanian culture * tanzania art * tanzanian fashion http://board.classifieds1000.com/Tanzania/Art_and_Artists/Looking_for_Tanzanian_ | |
75. STA Travel And ISIC Travelmax - Destinations Zanzibar, Tanzania that gradually gave rise to Swahili language and culture in the area. with Tanganyika (mainland tanzania), forming the United Republic of tanzania. http://travelmax.statravel.co.uk/sisp/?fx=destination&loc_id=135557§ion=cult |
76. Sports In Tanzania - A Yet Unexploited Culture (Including A Short Version In Swa Sports in tanzania a yet unexploited culture (Including a short version in Swahili) by Alfred Shemweta (Book) in Books Sports Adventure Sports http://books.lulu.com/content/87805 | |
77. Tanzania: East Africa Study Abroad Program Program Study Swahili Language and East African culture The program is based in Dar Es Salaam, the capital city of tanzania and a major port on the http://aaas.osu.edu/studyAbroad/EAStudyAbroad.cfm | |
78. Ancestors Of Science: Complex Iron Smelting And Prehistoric Culture In Tanzania of Science Complex Iron Smelting and Prehistoric culture in tanzania Haya of northwestern tanzania show that these people and their forebears 1500 http://nextwave.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/2005/05/26/9 | |
79. Study Abroad Tanzania Page culture tanzanian culture is a delightful mix of influences. visit or live in tanzania discover its panorama of natural wonders and indigenous culture http://info.iiepassport.org/Archive/TanzaniaIIE.html | |
80. Cultural Heritage (Norway - The Official Site In Tanzania) A country s cultural heritage includes all traces of human activity in the The Directorate for Cultural Heritage is responsible for the management of http://www.norway.go.tz/culture/heritage/general/Cultural Heritage.htm | |
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