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81. TSA Home Promotes the recognition of taiwan and introduces the culture to students. http://www.tsaberkeley.org/ | |
82. Historic Leap For Foreign Military Trainees Cultural taiwan Independence absurd and unrealizable He alleged publicly taiwanculture is not a branch of China culture and forced the broadcasters http://english.chinamil.com.cn/site2/special-reports/2004-09/04/content_2497.htm |
83. ETaiwanNews.com/Culture Festival Set To Start Next Month News article about the annual Austronesian festival in taiwan. http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/07/10/1089425985.htm | |
84. Content Fulltext version of the book by Deszo Benedek of the culture of the Yami, a people of Malayo-Polynesian stock living in taiwan. http://www.uga.edu/~asian-lp/jpn_html/yami/content.html | |
85. The Story Of Taiwan-Culture Modernization And Chinese Culture After taiwan s return to Chinese rule in 1945, its cultural and educational policy In the years after 1966, taiwan worked to create a Chinese cultural http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/taiwan-story/culture/edown/3-2.htm | |
86. The Story Of Taiwan-Culture Conclusion The ROC government heavily promotes taiwan s grassroots culture and private artactivities, In crossstrait exchanges, taiwan s culture is an equal and http://www.gio.gov.tw/info/taiwan-story/culture/edown/4.htm | |
87. Index The goals of taiwanese Student Association are to provide service to taiwanese students; promote international recognition of taiwan; introduce taiwanese culture and tradition and the enhance relations with American students as well as international students. http://www.asu.edu/studentprgms/orgs/taiwan/ |
88. The Taiwan Article List: A SeaDolby Category Page Articles written on taiwanese culture by Scottish author Ieuan Dolby on marriage and living in taiwan for many years. http://www.seadolby.com/linkage/taiwan.html | |
89. The Unknown Taiwan - Culture When the KMT took over taiwan in 1945, it imposed a cultural policy that can besummarized with the statement. We are all Chinese. Displays of nonChinese http://www.cwcmf.org/Taiwan/html/chap11_culture.html | |
90. ETaiwanNews.com/Ketagalan People Promote Revival Of Culture, Traditions News article on revival of Ketagalan People's culture and language. http://www.etaiwannews.com/Taiwan/2004/08/09/1092016823.htm | |
91. The Unknown Taiwan - Culture Splash culturesplash.jpg (175286 bytes). Click the pic to enter. http://www.cwcmf.org/Taiwan/html/chap11_culturesplash.html | |
92. The Takao Club A series of fullyillustrated research into the history and culture of taiwan. http://takaoclub.com/ | |
93. ATAYAL - The Worldwide Voice Of The Indigenous Tribes Of Taiwan Committed to preserving the indigenous culture of taiwan through international education and overseas programs that highlight the people's contributions to society. http://www.atayal.org/ | |
94. Forum On Taiwan's Culture Forum on taiwan s culture. Last Updated 2002/11/25 Chang WeiBang, President,European Union Study Association - taiwan http://www.tpic.org.tw/EBulletin/showact.asp?EActID=1225 |
95. Forum On Taiwan's Culture Forum on taiwan s culture. Last Updated 2002/11/25 Lin ChengHong, Professor,Department of Philosophy of National taiwan University http://www.tpic.org.tw/EBulletin/layout.asp?EActID=1225 |
96. Taiwan's Culture Industry Faces Increasing Challenges taiwan s culture Industry Faces Increasing Challenges. taiwan s culture industryis facing increasing challenges with the opening of the local market in the http://www.china.org.cn/english/MATERIAL/29235.htm | |
97. Taiwan S Culture Industry Faces Increasing Challenges PDO taiwan s culture industry is facing increasing challenges with the openingof the local market in the wake of the island s entry into the World Trade http://english.people.com.cn/200203/21/eng20020321_92506.shtml |
98. Culture - Taiwan - Asia culture, taiwan, asia. taiwan, culture. Many ancient Chinese customs andholidays are still observed in taiwan, including the Dragon Boat Festival, http://www.countriesquest.com/asia/taiwan/culture.htm | |
99. New Girl Project For Mainland, Taiwan - Culture News - Culture GD Puppet Troupe meet taiwan, overseas audiences Cultural bond across the Straits.This site contains material from other media for content enrichment http://www.newsgd.com/culture/culturenews/200504120013.htm |
100. Taipei Times - Archives Wu taiwan s culture is cut into two. For the past few decades, the prejudice A vestige of ancient and medieval Han culture is also rooted in taiwan. http://www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2005/04/10/2003249864 | |
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