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81. Troovel.com syria / history and Government Muslim control of syria was vital to the defeat of the Christians and their expulsion from Jerusalem. http://troovel.com/country/syria/1439/HistoryGovernment/en | |
82. BikeAbout: A Brief History Of Syria BikeAbout has compiled this list of Internet sites we believe will be helpful to people who want to learn more about syria and the syrian people. http://www.bikeabout.org/resource/syr-hist.htm | |
83. BBC NEWS | Middle East | France And Syria: A Tangled History Paris correspondent Allan Little visits Damascus to try to uncover what pressure, if any, France is bringing to bear on syria. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3635650.stm | |
84. Arabic News Weekly Edition For Syria, 5/7/2001 Very early in history syria has been outstanding as a land of civilizations and a cradle of religions, where nearly every nation in the world would find http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Weekly/Syria/20010507.html | |
85. Arabic News Weekly Edition For Syria, 4/30/2001 syria is written in history as the cradle of Jesus mission of peace and love, from where it syria, history, 5/3/2001 syria has yet to legalize forums http://www.arabicnews.com/ansub/Weekly/Syria/20010430.html | |
86. FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches From A Small Planet . Lebanon/Syria, April 2005 - L Lebanon s history of Occupation In one form or another, syria has exerted its influence over Lebanon for nearly a century. By Kate Seelye http://www.pbs.org/frontlineworld/dispatches/lebanon.syria/seelye1.html | |
87. The New Yorker: Fact The secret history of AmericaÂs Âextraordinary rendition program. Maher Arar, a Canadian engineer who was born in syria, was surprised to learn of http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/articles/050214fa_fact6 | |
88. WHKMLA : History Of Syria, ToC Global Currency history syria Worldwide Refugee Information syria, from US Committee for Refugees Entry Latakia, from Footnotes to history, http://www.zum.de/whkmla/region/arabworld/xsyria.html | |
89. Inquiry And Analysis Series - No. 225 hopes that the convention would be the greatest leap in syria s history, see the upcoming convention as the most significant in syria s history. http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi?Page=countries&Area=syria&ID=IA22505 |
90. Images From World History: Syria Under The Ummayads And `Abbasids (7-11th C. A.D Images from World history syria under the Ummayads and `Abbasids (711th cAD) http://www.hp.uab.edu/image_archive/syria/efsyria.html | |
91. Images From World History: Feudal Syria (7-19th C. A.D.) Images from World history Feudal syria (719th cAD) http://www.hp.uab.edu/image_archive/syria/ | |
92. Greater Syria: The History Of An Ambition - By Daniel Pipes Greater syria The history of an Ambition by Daniel Pipes. http://www.danielpipes.org/books/greaterchap.php | |
93. Greater Syria: The History Of An Ambition - By Daniel Pipes Greater syria The history of an Ambition by Daniel Pipes. http://www.danielpipes.org/books/greater.php | |
94. Syria Comprehensive information about syria, including the economy, history, geography, history A concise history of syria. News Daily English newspaper. http://www.albany.edu/history/middle-east/syria.htm | |
95. Gorgias Press - Hitti, Philip K. History Of Syria, Including Hitti, Philip K. history of syria, Including Lebanon and Palestine. http://www.gorgiaspress.com/bookshop/pc-296-16-hitti-philip-k-history-of-syria-i | |
96. Syria A Terrorist Nation  Part II syria s history as a Terrorist Nation. syria, like Iraq, was ruled by a Ba athist minority. The Assads were from the Alawite sect, a Muslim minority, http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2003/5/9/122336.shtml | |
97. Juan Cole * Informed Comment * history, Middle East, South Asia, Religious Studies, War on Terror. In the meantime, syria gradually had gained a new client in Lebanon, the Shiites, http://www.juancole.com/2005/03/lebanon-realignment-and-syria-it-is.html | |
98. Leanne Piggott Argues That Without Lebanon, The Syrian Economy May Implode. - On syria A Soviet relic collides with history To this day, the BaÂath Party regime in syria largely operates according to the old Soviet model politically http://www.onlineopinion.com.au/view.asp?article=3273 |
99. Syria (Syrian) Genealogy: Resources For Family History Research syria (syrian) Genealogy history Culture. Miscellaneous Resources. 007 Web Directory Genealogy NedGen.com; Adoption Resources http://www.kindredtrails.com/syria.html | |
100. GlobalEDGE (TM) | Country Insights - History Of Syria globalEDGE Country Insights Profile of syria from an international business perspective. Information on the overview of the country, its history, economy, http://globaledge.msu.edu/ibrd/CountryHistoryPrint.asp?CountryID=173&RegionID=3 |
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