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Sustainable Agriculture: more books (100) |
141. Sustainable Agriculture And Rural Development Committee on Agriculture Rome, Italy. 13-16 April 2005. sustainable agricultureand Rural Development is an item agenda of the 19th Session of the http://www.fao.org/sard/ |
142. World Bank Group | Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable agricultural systems are an essential foundation for rural development in Many factors influence the sustainability of agricultural systems, http://lnweb18.worldbank.org/ESSD/ardext.nsf/26ParentDoc/SustainableAgriculture? |
143. International Arid Lands Consortium Information on sustainable agriculture for arid and semi arid regions. Includes maps, links, lists of projects. http://ag.arizona.edu/OALS/IALC/Home.html | |
144. Eco-Index: Sustainable Agriculture Program The Rainforest Alliance coordinates the sustainable agriculture Network, The mission of the sustainable agriculture Network is to conserve tropical http://www.eco-index.org/search/results.cfm?ProjectID=86 |
145. Sustainable Agriculture And Farming - Cholderton Estate An exercise in sustainable agriculture and farming in Hampshire, UK. Estate and family history, estate map, wildlife, crops, organic farming, livestock including Hampshire Down sheep, and Cleveland Bay horses. http://www.sustainable-cholderton.co.uk/ | |
146. ConservationEconomy.net Pattern Browser sustainable agriculture eliminates the use of pesticides and hormones and sustainable agriculture is extremely Resource Efficient, and avoids any water http://www.conservationeconomy.net/content.cfm?PatternID=24 |
147. Washington Sustainable Food And Farming Network A grassroots, statewide advocacy organization for sustainable agriculture and family farms in Washington State. Mission, programs, links. http://www.wsffn.org/ | |
148. UF/IFAS Florida Cooperative Extension Service Provides information and conducts educational programs on issues such as sustainable agriculture, competitiveness in world markets, natural resource conservation, energy conservation, food safety, child and family development, consumer credit counselling, and youth development. http://www.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/ces.htm | |
149. Biologically Integrated Farming Systems In Rice: Main Page The objectives of the BIFS in Rice project are to demonstrate alternative rice production methods, promote sustainable agriculture, and monitor pesticide use and make information available. http://www.buttecounty.net/bifsnrice/ | |
150. Food And Agriculture Organization Of The United Nations Site has many information resources and links on agricultural topics, as well as hunger, sustainable development, and related matters. http://www.fao.org |
151. Slide Ranch: Welcome Teaches practical lessons about basic human needs food, clothing and community - in order to promote awareness of agriculture, its processes and products, more sustainable use of natural resources, a personal sense of connection with the natural world, and with the environment. http://www.slideranch.org/ |
152. Urban Agriculture In Havana Cuba Describes the growth of sustainable, urban agriculture to confront the food shortages of the 1990s. http://www.cityfarmer.org/cuba.html#cuba | |
153. Sustainable Africa Offers resources and links on water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity. http://allafrica.com/sustainable/ |
154. CSIRO Sustainable Ecosystems Describes information, research, and biology of Australia's vertebrates, in regard to agriculture, management, and pest control. http://www.cse.csiro.au/index.htm | |
155. 2020 Conference - Sustainable Food Security For All By 2020 International Food Policy Research Institute meeting on agriculture, economic, health (AIDS), and Social Policies. September 2001. http://www.ifpri.org/2020conference |
156. HTTP Error 404 Challenge is the integration of climate policy objectives into other sectoral policy areas such as transport, energy and agriculture. http://www.oecd.org/env/cc/index.htm | |
157. IITA - Research To Nourish Africa Seeks to increase agricultural production in a sustainable way, in order to improve the nutritional status and wellbeing of people in sub-Saharan Africa. Conducts research and training, provides information, collects and exchanges germplasm, and encourages transfer of technology, in partnership with African national agricultural research and development programs. http://www.cgiar.org/iita/ | |
158. Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) Non profit R D organization involved in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy and sustainable development. http://nariphaltan.virtualave.net | |
159. SD-Dimensions A Food and agriculture Organization (FAO) sustainable development program website, focused on the role and potential value of coooperative institutions in rural economies around the world. http://www.fao.org/sd/rodirect/default.htm |
160. Planning For Sustainable Use Of Land Resources Document in 7 chapters prepared by the Food and agriculture Organization of the UN as a background paper for Agenda 21. http://www.fao.org/docrep/V8047E/v8047e00.htm | |
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